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Everything posted by Jim Warman
Now that you mention it, I have been feeling a little out of sorts for a while.... I think I first noticed it about 1991 or 1992. Life's a bitch and then you die... We can deal with it - or it will deal with us... Each and every set-back that life offers up to us can be treated like a problem - or like an opportunity. I used to work with an older man - one day I had a loaded propane truck laying on it's side, a loaded fuel truck stuck on a private road it shouldn't have been on, a busy fuel cardlock that wasn't dispensing fuel and a half dozen other little minor tragedies blossoming. John patted me on the shoulder and calmly said "Cheer up Jimmy... things are never so bad that they can't get worse".... If you young'uns plan on getting old... deal with it... this is life - it ain't fair... it ain't just... and it will only ever be as good as we make it... This has been a public service announcement.
I have admire Ted and some of his tenets... but concealed weapons? Sitting in a restauraunt praying like hell your cologne doesn't offend someone packing - but a he's couple of cards shy of a full deck... or snatching the last loaf of bread off the supermarket shelf and finding out somebady would like it more than you... You will never, ever be free if you feel the need (or have the need) to carry a concealed weapon... Your neighbour doesn't like your dog barking,,, but you can't get the dog in the house before he accidentally shoots your kid... Yes... bad men have guns... how many of them were stolen from "law abiding" citizens that didn't look after them properly? Freedom can only be granted by the society you live in... when a gun is used to "take" freedom, it is only ever taken FROM someone - point your gun at me and you will find that you may have taken my freedom.... but you haven't gained any.
Welllllll... someones loving bride came home with a Canon SD1200 - they come in designer colours, doncha know... I'm waiting for the battery pack to charge as I write this... yes.... I said battery pack. Even my old dinosaur accepted AA cellsI have my doubts about this one already - and I haven't even pointed the camera at anything yet. On a plus note, the camera is smaller than two that I had on my short list. 90 day return policy is in affect/
Thanx, Bruce... I do recall the.... errrrr comments you made about my productions... they do almost resemble daguerrotypes, yes? Lookimg at cameras today, MP seems to be the big hiccup they are all bragging... I don't plan on doing any billboards so I realize anything over about 5 MP is wasted... but I'd like something with good low light performance and also with a fast shutter for action stuff... I had considered an SLR but I just can't justify one - add that there are times this has to go in a saddle bag. Thanks for the advice....
I would think that home heating oil would be dyed? This is the norm in Alberta... Point to ponder.. relative compression is just that - relative. I can't remember... does the 6.0 have MP_LRN PID? Is the PID set to <YES>? When all else fails - substitute fuel. "Bad fuel" is very hard to quantify and has been the causal in many cases where nothing else can be found... A jerry can of known good fuel and a hose going to the HFCM should give you enough info... this is too easy to not do it. Have you tried normalizing the engine/trans/exhaust? Check in the NVH section of the manual for details, if needed. Do you have a cirometer or EVA that can help with the frequency of the vibration? Don't forget that sometimes we can get lucky with a SOTP guess. When all else fails, I take a giant step backwards - give the old noggin a hard shake and then approach the truck as if I had never seen it before - ever.... The is in the details.
So... some kind soul was seeking gainful empoloyment one evening and discovered an employment opportunity. Some hapless idjit left the door to his pick up unlocked and became poorer by one digital camera... No great loss as it was a little long in the tooth, boasting a whopping 1.something MP and delivering the worlds worst low light pics - getting ready for replacement, anyway (one might say). Kodak Z1485IS is near the top of my short list... Anyone else have suggestions/recommendations/experience... Just so you guys can get a real giggle, I am doing a course for our local fire service this fall... and all my stuff was on the camera card....
My first "Ford" (actually L/M) dealer was about 1973.... Without the benefit of computers, all we had was our memories.... and the pitiful libraries any of us could amass.... Don't belittle these efforts.... they are all we fucking had.... But I see a lot of people failing to use the advanced system we have now... The paper trail has grown to pandemic proportions.... The system is losing sight of it's purpose.... we have enterred information overload. In retrospect... nothing surprising. The information highway we have now is immensely better than what we dealt with back when most of you weren't even a gleam in your old mans eye or a stain on the back seat... but it still don't work as good as it should. Consider this thread hijacked.
We are entering a brave new world.... (apologies to Aldous Huxley) You guys keep opining situations... Ford makes them come true.... you bitch about the consequences.... The 6.7 will have SRC and pisspot injection.... it will surely have EGR and VGT and many other features we have come to fear and loathe.... Technology is in a state of flux. Warranty administration is in a state of flux... Vehicle sales strategies are in a state of flux..... Your bank account is in a state of flux.... Your retirement savings plan is in a state of flux.... We are fucked... big business is in good shape and the politicians know who has big chequebooks and who don't.... They are building a megastructure in Dubai and the kid at the end of your street has shit for shoes....
1998 explorer trans advice
Jim Warman replied to kevin phillips's topic in Driveline: Transmissions, Clutches and Axles
OK... we are talking a 12 year old trans, right? One with how many miles on it? What would we recommend to a paying customer? Sarcasm aside.... the WSM has a drive cycle test... do it. This test is designed to help you determine which apply members are having trouble. In all honesty, Fords trans diag work ups are good... Add http://www.toolcrib.ca/download/power_flow.pdf and you can't go wrong. Bear in mind that many of Fords transmissions have "gotchas"... things you need to be aware of when you "go in". FWIW, I refuse to open a trans if I don't already have a pretty damned good idea of what I am expecting to find once I get in there. The 5R55 is a complex trans and I recall about 3 or so things that don't happen like you'd expect... but I'm getting away from what I mean to say.... There is a known concern with the servo piston bores... there is an aftermarket work around... I have to leave it at that since I don't have much 5R55 experienece - but my kids Ranger tosses a code now and again... And here in lies the "cure".... a 12 year old trans... Keerist knows how many miles on it... after all, that's not important (I hope you can handle SNIDE).... You will try and sell your customer a rebuilt, yes? Because a rebuilt is going to address any and all concerns within the trans - right? And this is going to be the end to the troubles without starting to dig a money pit, right? I'm the only trans guy we got... and I ain't much... I can put a C6 sprague in backwards with the best of them (an old inside joke). If it's warranty - cost cap it if you can... if it's retail recommend an off the shelf.... if it's your buddy... run away - run away very fast. -
combustion gas in fuel rail
Jim Warman replied to Brad Clayton's topic in 6.0L Power Stroke® Diesel Engines
The power balance will pick it up and lead you to the obviously worse side... Let's not forget that this is a "relative" test - not an "absolute" test. Granted, if both sides have a problem, there is every chance in the world that the truck plain wont run... but I haven't lived long enough to have seen quite everything, yet... Also... a PB ahowing a concern on one bank can only 'suggest' a combustion gas in fuel rail concern... only now we have a "better" next diagnostic step - one that will prove or disprove the assumption. Brad.... Cadillac called it the 4 - 6 - 8 modulated displacement engine. It didn't take long for the dealers to install a switch in the cubbyhole to turn the "feature" off.... Turned out the system worked more like a 3 - 5 - 7.... G'day... I'm Jim - I'll be your devils advocate for this evening..... -
Well..... we got our Transit Connect in on the transporter today.... Even though my loving bride thinks it "is cute", I firmly believe that Ford had to start selling it in North America... they needed something to make the Flex look 'normal'. One of the striking things we notice about this, ermmmmmmm - IED platform is the novel hood release (I believe this is being adopted on some of the new cars as well - and isn't likely to survive it's first Alberta winter - but WTF do I know?) that requires the unique ignition key to open the hood... Looking at the drivers door post, we see that the country code is (IIRC) NMO.. To save you the trouble, that is Turkey... One can only wonder if there are any transient workers from other, less friendly nations... Anyway... looking at the interior, we see there is seating for two adults or 17 radical Muslims with AK-47s. With a GVW of over 5000 pounds and a huge cargo area, this puppy can carry enough rudimentary explosives to pack a real wallop... Sitting in the drivers seat, we notice that this well thought out rig makes the interior rear view mirror easy to reach and adjust... even though the only thing you can really see in the rear view mirror is the centre post for the rear cargo doors... If you ever have the honor of being entrusted with the repairs to one of these, I heartily suggest perusing the WSM.... Wheel nut torque is a gut wrenching 66 lb/ft - but it may be difficult for some to resist the assumption that 100 lb/ft will be 'OK'. Maybe as a light delivery vehicle in an urban setting, this thing may have a chance.... Thank God Ford doesn't put all their eggs in one basket...
Don't get me started.... remember - now we have TSBs telling us not to use TSBs...
STC fitting simplified
Jim Warman replied to Brad Clayton's topic in 6.0L Power Stroke® Diesel Engines
The simplicity of the idea is nothing short of amazing... on ones next STC, a few moments with an inexpensive, purpose dedicated wrench and a grinder - perhaps a trial fit of three... and voila (rather than the Americanized walla) - another problem solver... Thank the good Lord for <bending wrenches> (not to be confused with wrenches that bend). -
Oil cooler delete kit... I'm sure there's a typo in there... EGR delete kits? ermmm, I had assumed that we were both law abiding and professional... that we held the public trust.... These things are fitted to these engines as a matter of federal law and a requirement for lower exhaust emissions... Any !?@#%! in a back alley shop can say "fuck yer grandkids, I'm loadin' my pockets".... Are we to foresake our responsibilities as mature adults? FWIW, I am not against modifying a seldom driven toy.... however, what use is having part of the motoring population pay the price for clean air while we assist others in screwing that air up?
Scorpion or Power Stroke?
Jim Warman replied to Keith Browning's topic in 6.7L Power Stroke® Diesel Engines
Chris.... you should see some of the help requests that come through from iATN.... -
Well... he says the basement is built to withstand 420 HP... not that it will make 420 HP... so, there is some truth to the claim - or is there? Cast pistons... even if I was building a street only motor, there is every chance that I would opt for forged... He says little about his crankshaft... most likely a cast piece itself and he brags a two bolt main block... Now... I ain't big on GM knowledge - especially when it comes to selecting "good" parts... but this sounds more like a grenade than a shorter than short block. Notice that the piston rings are "hand cut/measured and staggered for ultimate compression". I can only imagine that the translation goes "we actually measured ring end gap like we're supposed to and stuck them on the piston just like the picture we found on the internet since we wont actually buy a book....". And he'll even throw in new wrist pins for them pistons... Whoa!!!! I think I'm gonna pop a chubby...
Scorpion or Power Stroke?
Jim Warman replied to Keith Browning's topic in 6.7L Power Stroke® Diesel Engines
Greg, you and I seem to think along similar lines... I can see it now... "Meat thing... step forward and bow before the terminal...". One often has to wonder if "The Rise of the Machines and "1984" are works of science fiction or prophecies (no, I haven't gone over the edge, yet - but I do mentally compare some of todays 'reality' shows with their less PC science fiction counterparts. We become jaded to some events or actions and they are made more spectacular to regain our interest). John... we are seeing some customers switch to the V10 - mind you, that would have been a wiser choice for them from the git-go... Kieth... this trade already has too many talented monkeys and far too few trained professionals... -
Scorpion or Power Stroke?
Jim Warman replied to Keith Browning's topic in 6.7L Power Stroke® Diesel Engines
Looking at Stars2, I see our Canadian classroom schedule displayed up until December.... DECEMBER!!!! and squat about 6.7 classroom time. Does it matter if they call this a PSD or Scorpion or fudgepacker2? WHEN will we see it.... WHEN will we be prepared for it... WHEN will we be treated like trained professionals rather than talented monkeys???? -
FWIW.... we have a gasoline fuel pressure test kit that is pretty comprehensive.... A large selection of banjo bolts and (naturally) a Schrader valve connection. I mention this since some shops may be a little shy on tool budgets or a tech may want to have his own stuff.... Rather than purchase a dedicated tool.... visit the tools you already have.
I am almost sorry to re-open Larrys thread - but something I wanted to mention.... something I NEED to mention... something we all can learn from.... I lost both of my parents in less than a year... Dad went first - a major surprise since Mum was always the sick on.... Mum had already been battling cancer for several years when the old guy left us and it didn't take long for her to decide it was her turn. Learn from this part.... if you are to learn anything from my life... here it comes... The last time I spoke with my Mum.... we argued.... it doesn't matter over what... by this time most anything is going to be trivial... But we argued.... Today... this very minute.... if you have something you have been meaning to say to a loved one... reach out and say it... If you have an "I'm sorry..." or two stuck in your throat... Get it done.... It's been over 15 years since I last talked to Mum... and there's not a day goes by that I don't remember our last conversation.... wishing I could undo it....
Souffle, quiche, fritatta - is there really a difference? All of these invoke a mental picture of..... well... perhaps we'll leave that faltering by the wayside. "Real Men Don't Eat Quiche"..... 'Nuff said.... Now... English bacon (and I do feel somewhat qualified to expound on the subject), is cut from the back of the pig.... But let's get aquainted with some of the differences. Canadian back bacon (cut, strangely enough, from the back of the pig) is cut so that it looks rather like medallions of meat. English bacon is cut so that it appears to be a rasher of meat - that is to say, elongated like "traditional" North American bacon but without the great big slash of pork fat running through it. All bacon cut from the back of the pig is "gently" fatted (for want of a better term) with small streaks of fat and much more meat. The bacon that most are acquainted with is cut low on the pig - from the side or even close into the belly - contains those big, artery clogging bursts of fat that Emeril loves so much. Another part of the bacon 'mystique' is the manner in which it was cured.... salted, brined, smoked (smoked in what kind of smoke, too) or a combination of curing methods. All of these can add or detract from the meat.... Not being totally familiar with "American" bacon (other than American bacon must come from American pigs - not sure if they have to take the oath of allegience before they are slaughtered or not), I <ASSUME> it to partly resemble American beer. It will be side or low bacon and feature that gaping gash of piggy fat (the stuff that piggy puffs should be fried in) and shrivel up to about nothing when fully cooked.... Back to Canadian bacon.... it can be side bacon - it might be belly bacon or it could be back bacon (usually cut in the aforementioned medallions). But it's only claim to Canadianna resides in the citizenship of the animal.... English bacon... "Ya fuckin' colonists... us workin' class blokes would be sittin' down for a plate o' bangers an' mash... Why, for tuppence ah'd stick that bacon up thah fuckin' jumpah.... ya fuckin' poofy bastuhds". Some history for this particular rant. A couple of weeks ago, my loving bride and I were sent to Edmonton. I "rediscovered" a pub called "Sherlock Holmes" on Bourbon Street in West Ed Mall... These bloody colonists had decided that Canadian palates couldn't handle the wonders of a truly English dish... Yes, these animals had taken the kidney out of steak and kidney pie - THE HORROR!!!! What next? Mushy peas that aren't????? Next trip, I might have to settle for Toad in th' 'Ole..... Ayup.
Souffle? Qu'est ce que c'est souffle? (lap that one up Dwayne ). I thought souffle was something they feed to interior decorators????? Bacon is meant to be wrapped around chunks of dead moose or pieces of dead cow when we throw them on the grille..... At one time, I assumed that bacon was my friend.... I would fry copious amounts of my friend as accompaniment to large gatherings of cackleberries (I'll take the brown, free range eggs, thank yew - yes the ones with the yolks that are damned near orange and chock full of BAD cholesterol) and loaves upon loaves of farmers toast (white bread fried in bacon fat - if you need a recipe, "google" HEART ATTACK) - that was until I discovered that hardened arteries was the only thing allowing me (and what's left of my liver) to stand erect..... I miss my friend
Yes indeed... GOLD label, to be sure.... If I'm not expecting good company, the Spanish would say "tiempo para whiskey barato!!!!" (Time for cheap whiskey).
Beercon V.... Beercon LV if you're on a diet....
Now here's a question.... Let's say that old Abe in Vegreville has a smoked bacon recipe that would curl your toes... and he sends his recipe to his cousin Yakov in Oregon..... Would that be American bacon? Canadian bacon? Or Canadian 'style' bacon made in America? On a different note... if anyone saw Dalton McGuinty going ga-ga over Chevrolet and the Volt on the news, bacon soon takes on the shape of a squggley little piece of meat....