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Jim Warman

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Everything posted by Jim Warman

  1. On the 4th - you dip into a fifth - hmmm. Have a safe and happy holiday....
  2. Would you believe that she appears to have lost a LOT of weight - at one point in time there was a cruel joke going around about her being the worlds largest land mammal (looks like Kirsti Ally is taking that one over).
  3. Much will depend on how we carry ourselves during "the act". I find no shame in the 6.0... nor in the 6.4. Each and everyone of you should be proud to be able to understand these motors - motors that, quite frankly, can stop so many techs dead in their tracks.... including some of the techs that have taken the training. The 6.9 certainly wasn't any screaming success in it's early years and the 7.3 (in any of it's flavours) didn't enjoy success right out of the box. But the 7.3 DIT was a destination.... Between the 7.3 PSD and the VT444, we are talking a long and (ultimately) successful production run. The 6.0 and the 6.4 were only ever meant to be stop gap engines - the 6.4 may have been intended for the addition of urea injection/SR catalyst but I guess we will never know that now. FWIW, while we can all admit that the emissions controls on the 6.0 have proven to be less than robust for some operators, there isn't much sense in issuing blanket statements like "these things are shit" without offering alternatives that will allow these engines to meet tailkpipe emission requirements. Face it.... most all of the 6.0s concerns are operator induced.... including most of the pooched head gaskets. (Yes, I realize that this is a pretty broad and bold statement). In ideal operating conditions, the VGT wouldn't have the opportunity to stick and if the VGT didn't stick, would the engine start down that slippery slope to bad head gaskets? Hold your head high, young fella... there ain't no shame in either what you do - nor the engines you do it to....
  4. And what part of "our <trained technicians> can install it cheap..." didn't you understand? If a Big Mac is a buck 99, how come I am willing to spend 10 bucks for a HAMBURGER? I'd like to digress for a moment here as we mourn the loss of Gusto Burger. Located in St. Albert, Alberta for many years, Gusto-Man was only open for a few hours a day.... the noon crowd and supper time. No longer a spring chicken himself, his wife also suffered from the ravages of time. Never-the-less, GustoMan would take prime Alberta beef and form it into patties - by his hand, these would become a thing of beauty and a joy to the palate. If you have ever been fortunate enough to experience the GustoBurger you will understand - A full dressed Gusto Burger could cost you as much as $12.... Now... why would I bring up a subject like this? A Big Mac is a sandwich made with scotchlox. A GustoBurger was a sandwich with soldered and heat shrinked connections....
  5. Y'know, Aaron.... somehow I do not find that surprising..... But, Im pretty sure you met Kenny, too....
  6. Hot flashes and all, big boy Change in the name of experimentation is OK... change for improvement is good... Change for the sake of change.... I have re-incarnated the great Canadian flag debate in another thread..... In the auto industry, we see time and again that the old guys (at the design and technological development levels) are put out to pasture before the young lions learn everything that they could or should.... We don't learn from our history.... and that means we are doomed to repeat it.
  7. Speaking of that cocktail napkin.... does anyone remember when this happened? Yes, that is a US Military honour guard. They are presenting the colours during the singing of the national anthems before game 2 of the 1992 world series. The Toronto Blue Jays bested the Atlanta Braves 5-4.
  8. Young sir... that be Canadas flag... not the cocktail napkin that flies above your local post office, but the very real flag that Canada had up until the Liberals, in about 1965, cowed to a special interest group.... Google "Red Ensign". Apologies to Dwayne... the crest represents the FOUR original provinces.
  9. A happy and SAFE Canada Day to all
  10. This may offer some insight into the concern.... The truly sad part is that this is a very old concept but youngsters feel us old guys are unworthy... Now.... if you can't figure some of this out on your own, I am really sorry.... planishing is a technique born thousands of years ago.... If you do not understand this..... What can I say? Stiction? There are umpteen dozen parlour tricks that deal with this concept....and you guys are flumoxxed..... Planishing is a fact of life..... and you young uns are ever so smarter than us old hens. Interesting.... earlier today Dwayne and I were talking about "change". We may change HOW we take a motor out of a truck..... but can we change WHY we take a motor out of a truck?
  11. After 4 or 5 of these, Dwaynes knees would go wobbly... he is forever thankful that MJ never heard of Alberta..... (the moustache probably helped, Dwayne). In Alberta. 4 or 5 Ceasars means it it time for 4 or 5 more Ceasars.... I Saskatchewan, 4 or 5 Ceasars means it is time to put running boards on a sports car.... And then watch your dog run away from home...... For two days.... The essence of Saskahoovia? http://tinyurl.com/myhbde
  12. Bruce... this post struck a chord... something we have referred to in respect to other readings (ICP _PRESS being one of the obvious ones - disconnect the sensor and see 750 PSI). On this train of thought.... let us explore the slightly less than obvious. An O2 sensor..... The PCM doesn't expect to see anything greater than about 1.45 volts..... Given that, the engineers program this particular device to "top out" at 1.45 volts..... You can apply V_REF to this sensor - and it will offer 1.45 volts in the data stream..... You can short the O2 heater to this sensor output (12 volts) - amazingly, your data stream will indicate 1.45 volts - simply because the programming cannot resolve anything above 1.45 volts. Thinking outside the box..... if you had a O2 concern with a ~5 volt data stream, you would think one direction. An O2 concern with a B+ reading would send you in another direction..... enabling the O2 to resolve too broad of a range of volt readings costs "computer time". On a daily basis, we have to be wary of what we look at and accept as data.... If sensor data is out of whack, we will be treated to some sort of default reading.... If we aren't prepared for this, we might be sent on a wild goose chase..... Look hard at the numbers you are seeing..... THINK.....
  13. I make no apologies for this .... though it may offer a social commentary on the modern world at large....
  14. While Billy was an irritating bastuhd (I gotta mention the ChamWow idiot, too), the lack of negative press indicates that he could, at least, keep his pants on when little kids are around. I can't say that I will mourn his passing, but that carnival hype advertising style is a brutal social commentary on todays modern world... are we so gullible? If we are, I'll double your order but we can't do this all day.... Late night TV without Billys unpleasant voice reminding me it is time to go to the bathroom???
  15. I feel for ya, Greg.... You could hold my family reunion in a phone booth.
  16. Consider that the 6.0, as far as F series is concerned is close to off warranty (aside from those owners UNlucky enough to have purchased the extended frustration plan). The E series concerns that our shop sees are, generally, different from those seen in the Fs... Partly, I am convinced, because of the smaller CAC and lower boost. Where I live, the guy with some warranty left is more likely to buy a nerw truck than the guy with a truck way off warranty.... And it is the guy that is likely to buy a new truck that is going to be in the cat-bird seat. For everyone else there is RTV.... I can remember when GM first started using this on the "corporate" engine (they used to sell Pontiac and later Oldsmobile with orange engines in Canada) valve covers.... Didn't work much better than cork, if I remember right.
  17. OK... now my train of thought has been disturbed by another telemarketer... whatever happened to "real" jobs????? Anyway.... while some of the concepts may appear to be over and above what a "technician" needs to consider - it is still vitally important that we have some sort of understanding of some of the "why"s we deal with every day... The 6.0.... static compression ratio is 18.0:1..... God knows what this might equate to in cylinder pressures in a motor that is operating properly... but to contain these pressures, we rely on 4 bolts per cylinder - two sharing and a multi-layer steel shim head gasket with some blue shit brushed on it. We would sometimes have concerns with 427 head gaskets, back in the day, and we were dealing with NO boost, CRs about 11.0:1 and FIVE freaking head bolts per cylinder (two sharing). You aren't going to build torque without building cylinder pressures... and if you can't seal those pressures, you ain't going anywhere fast.... While technology has taken us to the point where we have seen some very real advances.... economy is undoing so many of the things we used to take for granted. I would propose SIX head bolts per cylinder (two sharing) even though the added weight and real estate will be a concern... Consider - with the 6.0 and the 6.4, we are dealing with cast iron heads AND block.... If we are to believe current hype, the 6.7 is going to feed us aluminum heads - let the games begin.....
  18. Being the resident dinosaur, I can always equate what I see now to what I vaguely recall from years gone by - in this instance, the vague recollections are quite clear.... I look at the block deck and cylinder head surfaces on the 6.0 and I have to scratch my very own head... Engineering tells us that these are precision surfaces and we have to exercise great care when we prep them.... 'Scuse me? Those surfaces look like a fucking minefield!!! Pull the heads off a 389 or a 352 and you'd never see that kind of shit going on... you'd be treated to the usual swirl marks associated with Blanchard grinding but you'd never see the voids or erosion we see on these "precision" impliments. And yes... way back when Christ WAS a cowboy, some shops would use a belt sander to prep heads. Seems like every time Detroit does an "out with the old, in with the new" sweep of it's engineering staff, the learning curve starts all over again.... And so does the bullshit.... I can see it now.... "young fella.... you are gonna clean this surface with the end o' yore dick.... usually takes 1.5 but we figure your going to have fun doing it so we'll pay .3".
  19. Proof that a cute black kid can turn into an old white woman... Many great artists are borderline psychos, anyway..... nobody really knows what makes one man a fudge-packer and another man a homophobe, but shit going on between consenting adults can be ignored or overlooked as long as they don't wave it in your face like a matador waving a red cape.... When it involves little kids, I really don't give a rats ass about how revolutionary your music is. Now... before I get that "innocent until proven guilty, shit" - would you have let your tykes go to his house for a sleep-over?
  20. Let me guess..... the only protective gear you wear is a purple helmet????
  21. How many guys don't involve a die grinder?
  22. Tony... I always come across sounding like a dink because I am, indeed, a dink. (Grade A,number 1, extra large - ooooh, yeah - ). However, when we consider what is at stake, even some of the little, inconsequential stuff can get severely in the way. What we desparately need to remember is that while things mechanical are second nature to most of us, the vast majority of society are NOT machine people - in fact, they are people that can turn a simple hand tool into a dangerous weapon. These are the people that rely on us to keep them safe.... even when they ask "can you do it cheaper?" (Sure I can... what parts do you want me to leave out?). My bedside manner is atrocious... but once you get past that,everyone will see I only have their best interests (and those of my chosen vocation) at heart. Like Pavlovs dogs, too many of us are "programmed".... The moment a customer starts to waffle on price, many of us start to search for ways to fuck ourselves over... But...I digress. We can behave as professionals or we can be turds...
  23. Ones that we see in short buses????
  24. Shit for the scooter... tools.... liquor.... cowboy boots - these are the things shopping trips are made of.... Don't ever buy a present for your wife.... it will be the wrong colour/size/thing and she will surely think you are trying to cover up some indescretion.... I prefer to think that I visit the "hardware boutique".
  25. The 30mm wrench is a "my treat".... when momma get's to feelin' down, at least one new purse area pair of shoes get's added to the pile (she appears to be in some kind of contest with Imelda Marcos... there is google for you young 'uns). I'm not at work today, even though I should be... I have developed some kind of respiratory thing. Since I just spent two days hanging around in a building full of sick people,I cannot be sure if this is something I was goingtoget anyway - or if it is something I decided to bring home so I could "enjoy" it at liesure... All the same,if I am going to play hooky,it would be nice if I felt good enough to at least do some yard work....
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