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Everything posted by Jim Warman
Jim Warman replied to Keith Browning's topic in Tools, Computers and the Internet
I'm still trying to figure out what a "fuel restoration module" is.... This guy is saying what people want to hear... and that means they are going to believe everything he says... and they are going to emulate what he does... including dropping an auto locking hub onto the driveway - internal side down, including not using jack stands and including a one finger torque wrench for wheel nuts. Anything you try to do to this cretin is going to be like wrestling a pig (you will both get dirty and the pig likes it). Anything you might consider saying about this exspurt in public is going to make you look like a wiener.... If your customer asks you where the "fuel restoration module" is on his 7.3, simply state that you are unaware of it's existance, let alone it's location.... Billy Buttsniff is going to have to pony up and show us the part and fill us in on it's operation. Our best defence is a good offence.... be the best tech you can be.... learn your craft, study your patient... consider all possibilities.... It isn't going to take much to be better than this dismal excuse for a homo garden TV show. -
Chris... this is part of why I get kicked off InFord (yes, dammit - again!!!!). We do not need to feel lost and alone... Go to the appropriate WSM and access section 303-06B. Bear in mind that the first thing the manual has us do is BASICS!!!!. I'm sorry, I can't stress this enough Did we do a quick test? Did we have communication... did we check fuses... no, not just the fuses that are there.... did we check the wiring diagrams for the fuses that may be missing? If we have codes - are they pertinent? Is the truck in FMEM? If we clear codes, what do we see? As Keith mentioned (one of my daily battle cries) "Did we check OASIS?". I'm not a great tech.... I'm probably not even a good tech.... My only claim to fame is that I do a pretty good job of navigating the manuals... and (even though I succumb to the odd bout of "flat rate reading") I can usually find my way from there.
Jeff... you need to remember that we are paying more than you are for, quite probably, something that was ours to begin with... The oil sands... yes, claiming this prize from the soil is quite a process... rest assured that business wouldn't be doing it if there weren't a profit to be had. The higher the price that conventional oil draws, the more profit there is to be made from heavy oil. Consider this... not all crude oils are created equal. An oil used as a benchmark when pricing oil would be "west Texas sweet". This is a light oil.. it is considered "sweet" because it can be recovered without the danger of "sour (well) gas" - Hydrogen sulphide (H2S and all I can really suggest is that you check Wikipedia for the full skinny...) is bad kharma... many "old" wells can eventually turn sour... some are sour from the git-go. Some wells deliver their bounty quite easily... flowing several barrels a day with little in the way of outside action. Other wells require pumpjacks or downhole jet pumps - some require steam or water injection... some wells get shut in when the price of oil gets too low because they fail to be profitable. Oil and gas production are a vast and complex industry... whether a hole needs to be "fracc'd" or "perforated" or some other downhole operation needs to be performed... Shall we consider an open pit coal mine - just another source of carboniferous energy? From the air it looks like we've raped the landscape (much like clear cut logging, oil sands exploration, diamond mines (ask Aaron what Diavik looks like from the air) and two of the most insidious abuses of land known to man.... the shopping mall and the housing development). Does an underground coal mine sound more pallatable? Check out Centralia, Pennsylvania... That one's been on fire for nearly 50 years... There is no tasteful way to develop energy reserves... We do what we can and attempt to control our "emissions" while we are doing it.... We use what we have while we research replacements and improvements. And here's where the really blatant surge is going to come. The Otto-cycle engine is a thing of the past... or should be. But it isn't and we are researching alternatives and improvements in the meantime.... So, for now, we must depend on oil reserves... and, for now, we depend on emission control technology to reduce the side effects of this petrochemical dependance.... Whoops!?!?!? Did I say we depend on emissions controls? My bad.... we depend on responsible, professional automotive technicians to ensure that these emissions control devices are active and working as intended... unfortunately, most have the mistaken idea that "good fuel mileage" is what we need for clean air. Good fuel mileage comes from high combustion chamber temps... the same place that big emissions come from. (whoa... that is a baaaad generalization... but I hope it worked). Anyway... yes... the oil sands are a dirty deal.... but, at this stage of the game, they are a necessary evil.... just like EGR valves and DPFs and all manner of other stuff we disagree with.... It's about time to turn off the little head and let the big one have a turn....
The Canadian election saw us elect a conservative government... The Tories won 143 seats in the House of Commons out of 308 seats. The nearest opposition was the Liberal party - winning only 77 seats. The NDP won 37 and the Bloc Quebecois won 49. Two seats were won by indepedents - one has to wonder about that. Even though only 59 percent of voters got off their asses on election day, I think that Canadians spoke pretty loudly with the election results. Unfortunately, the three opposing parties (with 77 seats, the Liberals are the "official" opposition) feel that they know what we want better than we do and are entering in to a coalition. This coalition doesn't want a new election... this coalition wants to sashay into power without any of that pesky burden of proof shit. "Hand us the keys to the country and send those little conservative toadies out to play - thenk yew". The Bloc Quebecois has only one interest and that is Quebec. They do not care what happens in the rest of Canada as long as those transfer payments keep coming from the have provinces into a province largely populated by under-achievers. They would rather see a "free" Quebec.... one that still gets transfer payments but isn't part of Canada. And the Liberals and the NDP are more than happy to enter into a contract with these people to "serve Canada better????". Kindergarten has more mature interaction than these whack jobs are showing...
Jim Warman replied to Keith Browning's topic in Tools, Computers and the Internet
I made it 2 minutes into this one.... We will be judged by this person (notice I didn't say "man") Every time I've had a 6.0 lock, it has been because coolant has been leaking out of a right side exhaust manifild.... and nothing to do with a head gasket. Sadly, if we use this boys ideas, we might be "right" often enough to look good... -
Jay... I say this without malice.... The world has come to expect smear campaigns as something like a "right of passage" when it comes to American politics. Canadian politics are, traditionally, a bit "stodgy". Or have been in the past. A bunch of old farts tossing around ideas at a fairly liesurely pace... decisions right or wrong not-with-standing. However... the !@#!?$! have recently come out of the closet (Keith, I am truly sorry if my real stripe is showing too hard) and we are having childish things thrust in our face... for all the world to see... Simply put... I cannot believe this shit is going down..... My folks trained me better.. Stephan and Jack? I imagine that they lived at home until they were well into their twenties... Stephan breast fed until his wisdom teeth hurt too much... Jack belongs to a political party that got caught trying to rig a bingo game in British Columbia.... poorly. Gilles isn't a Canadian.... He likely has a poster of Charlse DeGaulle saying "Vive le Quebec libre" above his bed. There is a lot of "history" in what is going on in Canada right now... but most of the young'uns don't realize how deep some of that water flows... Many of us haven't learned from our history... and now we are reliving it.. worse than it ever was... How can you tell when a politician is lying? His lips are moving.....
If all the pins on the back of the radio have wires.... what can I say? I was going to come up with a real insult involving three guys in Ottawa and the desire to add wires to spots that don't exist... but I'm not sure how well it might fly.... I will say that if the solution looks "easy", I'm not sure you understand the problem - I have lived by this and other "saws" for many years. At the same time.... leaving a speaker in a door for no reason pales in comparison to leaving a window track, regulator, motor and wiring in a door for no reason.... Please let us know the outcome of this adventure.
Everyone on stage was a friggin' drama queen. They are all praying that nobody in the audience has the balls to stand up and say enough is enough... If these assholes pull it off, I'm looking for a green card - in spite of everything I've said about "right to work" states. The really sad part is that this is the way the whole world is going.... We have become educated to the point that reality no longer has any significance.... Our schoolroom "model" says that if I kick someone in the nuts, he will forgive my profound indignity.... indeed, he will suggest that something in his demeanour led to my uncalled for action.... He better... he's a bad man for letting me kick him in the nuts....
Alex was sitting around one day and thought "HMMM, what's this? PA.... PANDO....... PANDORA..... Oh!! PANDORAS Box!!! I think I'll rip the lid off'n this puppy and see if Steven King slides out - or a least a poor impersonation of him". Don't worry, I'm sure Dwayne will chime in, too. Once upon a time, in the magical kingdom of Kanata (IIRC, this is Mohawk for "settlement"), the voters finally came to their senses and elected a Tory government. Along about that time, the economy of the west arm of the spiral galaxy slid into the toilet.... taking the economy of the entire planet (third rock from the sun) know as Earth, with it. What were the whinging (if ya had to google that, you are a bloody colonist...) Liberal wankers to do? What were those beastly NDPers to do? What any patriot of a true north strong and free would do - climb into bed with some separatist batard. Now... Stephan Dion can't help it... the man has no vision, no savvy and he wants so bad to be the king of the sandbox... Jack Layton would just about gargle to win acceptance.... Gilles Duceppe of the Bloc Quebecois doesn't give a rats ass... not about you - not about me- not about the Liberals and not about the NDP. Gilles would have your vision of Canada permanently changed.... Quebec would have all of the good shit it gets from Canada (especially the transfer payments we in the west send to their lazy little asses)... money, health care, more money, good roads, more money. Anyway, Jack and Stephan are going to crawl into bed with Gilles... because they aren't happy with the way the voters have spoken.... WTF is that? Democracy worked that time because it went my way... but this time? I'll stomp my feet and hold my breath until we vote my way... Jack and Stephan are praying that the GG is going to say OK guys.... we'll make the Tories sit in the corner and you guys can take over the sandbox... It is about this time that a democracy becomes a dictatorship.... Because what the voters stated at the polls isn't going to be accepted by some... and those morons will keep the focus of our country on anything as long as it has nothing to do with running the country. What do I think? I think there are three weiners in Ottawa that need to grow up. So the election didn't go their way... The whole idea is that we have this large multifaceted business enterprise... Canada is the name of the country. We elected our current board of directors... but some of the lesser directors are jealous. They want us to think the higher directors are inept, inadequate and self-serving. So they are going to do everything they can to discredit the higher directors. And, in wasting all of this time and effort, they feel they are making our company function better.... Quite a stretch of the imagination... I wasn't born in Canada - but I am a fuck of a lot more in tune with Canada than these "super patriots" who feel that when the going gets tough - the tough "squabble amongst themselves". I wasn't born in Canada but I want to have a feeling of pride swelling in my chest when the world looks at us... but the world only sees schoolyard temper tantrums. I wasn't born in Canada.... I can't get a Canadian passport, my Dad was a WW2 vet - my Mum was a war bride - I've been married to a gazillionth generation Canuck for 35 years - I've paid taxes since 1966. And I am more of a Canadian than Stephan Dion... more of a Canadian than Jack Layton.... And Saddam Hussein would have been a better Canadian than that 'cunnard' Duceppe who would love to see Canada split into parts (or at least have the rest of us - English, Muslim, Indian - both aboriginal and eastern, whatever - kiss froggy ass even though it was the Brits that won on the Plains of Abraham). How do I feel? I am incensed. I am totally surprised that we aren't flying flags at half mast (that is an observation - not a threat). Stephan Dion has made innuendos regarding the oil patch... I can only suggest that Monsieur Dion recall the Western Canada Separatist party (something from Mr. Trudeaus days) and that he also considers the fact that Canada is one of very few countries that has never had a civil war. He might also consider that the long gun registry hasn't been a resounding success.... These three blow jobs gone bad would have us address them as "Right Honourable"... yet they overtly act in a duplicitous manner... I can't fucking believe this... If you have a little more time, maybe I can tell you how I really feel. Until today.... I had an even deeper dread.... Michaelle Jean. This woman... unelected.... placed in power despite anything I might voice... held (and, in no small way, still holds) the future of my country in her hands... It was she that allowed Harpers prorogue... it will be her decision that either has us with a coalition fudgepack or an unnecessary federal election. One person.. and you, me, nobody you know gave her that kind of power... yet she has it. Ain't that fuckin' scarey... This is horsehit... and if them pansies in Ottawa could ever bring themselves to say "Let's git 'er dunnn!!", we might have something. Fuck me.... The US had John Kennedy, Adelai Stevenson and Bob Hope... We got Stephan, Jack, Gilles and no Hope!!!
I would guess that the cars weren't ordered with any kind of upgrade radio package and that this would not constitute a "misbuilt" car. Interesting note.... (not sure about 09s) - SuperCabs could be had both with and without roll down windows in the supercab door. If you take a truck without this option and remove the trim panel, you will see a window regulator, motor and wiring. Building every door one way appears to cost less than keeping track of several different versions.
Jim Warman replied to Keith Browning's topic in Tools, Computers and the Internet
Brad - you are a "ralph".... /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif I make one attempt at something close to diplomacy... and you wasted it.... Then again.... maybe you did teach this wonderboy all he knows..... HMMMMMMM -
Jim Warman replied to Keith Browning's topic in Tools, Computers and the Internet
Brad.... the fountain of knowledge can be an odd place.... A student may visit - but there is no assurance that he might carry away all that was offered. An instructor can only offer knowledge.. the rest is up to the pupil. Though I have only seen one of this gentlemans productions, I have already begun to form an opinion about the rest of them. It ain't real flattering. I would suggest that you look beyond the messenger... look at the message and base your judgement on that.... -
For the modified trouble light, you will be better off with an incandescent bulb... the higher the wattage, the better.... Remeber that the bulb will be in series with the block heater. We will be testing the circuit at 1/2 it's intended voltage. If the light illuminates with any degree of brightness, you are probably good to go... To properly test the circuit - heavy on the PROPERLY - We will check our source voltage... depending on power authority and time of day, we will see anywhere between (my experience) 108 VAC and 132 VAC.. I am only speaking for physical measurements I have personally made and recall. Without a base volt check, we cannot properly measure voltage drops... (Dang.... there's that word again...). Knowing our base volts, we can perform a voltage drop test on the block heater.... the clincher.... If the volt drop is base volts and the heater doesn't heat... Wow.... If the volt drop is base or close to base volt and the heater does heat... we have made an error in judgement. Our biggest problem is that we seem hell bent on "over-teching" things... Load testing a circuit isn't good enough... We need to use a voltmeter and double check with an ohm-meter and back that up with some other imagined test.... Go to your nonfunctioning load.... If you get a base volt reading - the load is pooched. If you get something other than a base volt reading.... two more steps will tell you if you have a ground side or power side concern... Whoops... getting away from it.... Would you believe that electrical is THE SIMPLEST testing you can ever do.... If the concern can be recreated - it can be fixed easily. This shit isn't any harder than we are going to make it... Oh... yes... incandescent bulbs..... this shit is so easy a cave man can do it... But there are times you need to think like a cave man.
Very Useful Downloads
Jim Warman replied to Keith Browning's topic in Tools, Computers and the Internet
I'm trying this website and it is being a PITA.... One of the very few things that did come up was to make sure your headlights are turned off when trying to start your 7.3???? FWIW... turning ones headlights on for a few minutes before trying to start "MAY" warm a reluctant battery enough to fool it into giving more cranking amps.... From what I can see, anything else you need can be reproduced on the corporate website.... There is this overwhelming propensity to overlook what we are given and go looking for shit we didn't need... When I look on InFord (and when you look on FMCDealer), it is easy to identify those looking for someone else to do their work for them.... WSMs... PowerStrokeCentral... OASIS.. why should I bother? Somebody out there is going to be proud of his job and he will save my ass. I don't need to read... Maybe I'm low balling this website.... If I am... I apologize.... I find it slow, cumbersome and full of copyright material that lacks permissions.... -
Massive EGR Carbon
Jim Warman replied to Keith Browning's topic in 6.0L Power Stroke® Diesel Engines
I still have a very obviously siezed EGR valve on my bench. This valve will NOT budge but was returned becuase I didn't ettempt to clean it. Less than a week later, we were told to stop trying to clean them. A few weeks ago, I had a bad oil cooler.... No simple green for me... I worked with what I was allowed - took more time that it paid and now they tell me I could have waited and used three gallons of simple green.... Electronic media... there is now the opportunity to "rewrite history"... we can make TSBs and SSMs and Broadcast messages vanish in the blink of an eye... "Show us the document" we are told... Hmmmmphhhh. Ford does make up it's mind... much like our wives make their minds up.... (You know, honey... you were right... the piano did look better downstairs...) Brad.... "hydro-logo-ing" - the art of spelling ones name in the side of a snowbank. -
Not to change the subject too badly, a 6.0 with decent compression, winter fuel (our version of winter fuel) and good batteries will start at colder than -35C (-31F) without the benefit of a recirculating heater... or several of them have in my experience... No, they don't usually sound real pretty for the first few minutes... Some diesel owners seem to agonize over the use of block heaters (a quick visit to the monkey house will show that)... For others, the sight of an extension cord looped around a fence post in the driveway is business as usual. <WARNING!!! ARMCHAIR PHILOSOPHY HAPPENING!!!!> FWIW... this winter is being warmer than any I can recall - perhaps Mother Nature is taking it easy on my Mexicans... At this time, it is 0C and there is pretty much no snow on the ground at all... a little ice in the driveway... One year ago, it was -16 and the snow load in my driveway was threatening to "get away from me"... The only way you could tell I have a car is by the single. black mirror poking out of the snow drift... "So what's your friggin' point, yah dummy old codger???"... Simple.... Mother nature will be the ultimate winner... (Have your truck break down in February, miles away from cell phone service - it can be a long time before anyone comes looking and not everyone is rich in survival technique). With that in mind, we plan for the worst we can expect... Living in the (nearly) north can teach us that... If we don't plan to succeed then we are planning to fail. Back in the 80s, I recall a horrendous cold snap... I had " some" work booked in but it was cold, the ground was frozen - this is the time to be out in the field not in the garage... I had time to "go for a tour". One shop asked why I wasn't as busy as they were... towing trucks in and thawing them out and getting them started..... "All of my customers trucks started....". If there is any chance that an owner may need to use his block heater in your area - what does it take to test his block heater? You do have a multipoint check sheet that is given to the customer, right? One that the service advisor spends a few minutes going over? The one that has a line for "checked block heater operation"? The one that has a nearby line "checked coolant strength"? My gosh... but doesn't it seem like nearly everything in this business is related to everything else in this business?
I have a full plaque (Daryl doesn't have to deal with me - lucky man....) so my next course will be a new diesel course - wheneer that may happen. For your needs, all I can suggest is to start pestering on InFord for guys in your boat to request the course... Maybe e-mail Daryl to see how many requests he has...
Ernest... I think you would be the first to tell us that the mines isn't a place for everyone? I'm pretty sure I wouldn't fit in there...
Hey, Bruce... I think I came across as sounding a little annoyed in my reply... I apologize to all because, in fact I was annoyed - very annoyed - but not by the thread or anything said... Some other shit spilled over and you guys caught it.... Shit happens and the sun comes up tomorrow... I can't do any more than say I apologize. You are quite right about the demographic thing.... It is all about what we, as individuals, consider as "normal". Every year, along about October, the 15W40 is put to bed and the 0W30 comes out to play... Testing the block heater becomes as important as adding oil or draining the water separator (please, guys... tell us you do this as part of PM). The insidious part... I don't think it get's particularly cold here.... It get's "normal".... Where you live - that ain't normal. Now, for my crude, long term block heater tests... these would be how a cheap assed customer can check his block heater.... While they aren't as quick as the modified trouble light, they are more conclusive than an ohm-meter could ever be on this kind of circuit - word to the wise - the usual place for problems is where the cord enters the molded plug at the bumper. Imagine my initial reaction when Bruce Amacker suggested using an ohm-meter for this test /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/whattodo.gif AAAWWWWWGGGGGGGG!!!!!! More than ever before.... the only way to test a circuit is to test it with a load.... A new tool is in the planning stage...
Aaron finally darkened my doorstep along about midnight on Friday. We rustled him up a quick sandwich and stuck a drink in his hand. The sandwich... a friend had given us some elk minute steaks... these things were so fresh they still had shit on their hooves (well, nearly). Cooked just right, they were tender and juicy - We slam dunked the last two into a bun - Aarons attention wandered for a split second and his dog became the proud owner of his sandwich... Luckily we had some store bought cold cuts at the ready. He got back on the road this afternnon (Saturday) after showing him a few of the sights around town... looked like all he really wanted to do was split for Ontariario.. He's got some horrors stories about life in the mines and I'm sure he'll regale us with some of them in the future... He didn't get to meet Dwayne (went home for the weekend) but he knows where I keep my jug and the glasses and he'll always be welcome in my house... Surprisingly, his puppy got along well with all our critters - and that made the visit even better. Have a safe trip, Aaron... hope to see you again, soon.
Much is going to depend on the design of the bolt.... either way, adjustability will be limited. Looking at the WSM, the bolt appears to be similar to many other eccentric bolts.... Bolts that offer (usually) 1/2 degree adjustment either side of a preordained "center".
Larry is pretty close with the ratio... Ice? Why? It only dilutes the booze... Now, I realize that some of you guys are just "funnin'" with some of this thread... Consider this.... Every year, it seems that winter takes a LOT of folks by surprise.... "<DUH>.... it's Nuvemmmber an' all a sudden it gots cold.... How cummmmm?". Bruce.... there comes a point in time when we make a conscious decision.... Winter is coming and we are going to make the switch from summer oil to winter oil..... When we begin that switch, we also begin to perform other services as part of the package... remembering that every year for almost 60 years, winter happens.... we perform tests... One of those tests includes the use of a modified test light.... Or did we forget "I have used the modified trouble light for about 20 years. I refuse to use anything else.... ". However, other tests are rewarding - if not slower.... None include the use of an ohm-meter... an over -rated tool. If your customer shows up and buys a "service package"... all is good. You will have realized that winter fucking happens and wont be surprised by it. If your customer shows up and only wants his block heater checked - give you head a shake.... If this guys is really your customer, you will have already checked his block heater because you are smart enough to know that winter happens. If he shows up and all he wants is for you to check his block heater.... There is every chance that he will say "Thanks but no thanks" when you tell him that diag isn't free... This guy is not your customer... all he wants is whatever you are willing to offer for free... Think of this... we can work hard or we can work smart.... If there is a suspect block heater concern, the modified trouble light is still the winner... the "sizzle" and the "warm" are viable tests and do not require the use of a lawn chair... Bottom line.... Winter happens... it happens quite regular. If it surprises you.... Whoa!!!! The block heater.... here is a circuit that just doesn't get any simpler.... If you made a cup of instant coffee this AM, you should be real familiar with the block heater.... Giggle on ladies.... I am extremely surprised something like this has gotten this much mileage.
Aaron, that be the home line... My cell is 780-849-0850.... Anything I can do to ease the pain.... You have to know that if you don't stop by this time, you will be hunted down for the scurvy dog you are....
Sheeit.... and you didn't even wait for "black fly" season.... Did I forget to mention that this is Alberta... where men are men and sheep are nervous? No need for a PM.... I have no secrets.... 1-780-849-4288 is the landline. Depending on your ETA, you may have to meet Dwayne Gorniak. Oh yes, boys and girls.... that knock on his head screwed him up so bad he moved to Slave Lake.... FWIW... I don't work this weekend.... figure your liver is up to it? Aaron... you do know that Shlep is going to cause nothing ut grief?????
I have used the modified trouble light for about 20 years. I refuse to use anything else.... At the very least, you are subjecting the circuit to at least 1/2 of it's design conditions... and doing it as safely as you could ever hope for... However... if you are looking for something more conclusive (though not as convenient), try these suggestions... First. With the engine cold, plug the heater in.... after a couple of hours, listen closely for the "sizzle". You should be able to hear the element heating the coolant. If you are like some nameless old farts and have the benefit of a condition known as "tinitis" - you can get a bit more crude... With the engine cold, plug the heater in and wait a while... a couple of hours, again, is plenty. Slide under the truck and <GASP> feel the block heater.... For this item (well, for most items) the ohm meter is a fools errand... Turn your DMM to ohms.... place one thumb on each lead. Remember the reading... Lick your thumbs and repeat the test.... Now... what is it we were measuring?