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Jim Warman

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Everything posted by Jim Warman

  1. My best recommendation is to follow the transmission drive cycle instructions in the WSM... This will help determine what might be affected inside the trans... especially regarding friction elements... Might be a nice idea to let us know what we are working on, how many miles, service history.... I sense that you are young and have yet to see that the devil is, indeed, in the details. It is important to perform the drive cycle test religiously.... It is designed to test all of the friction elements in the transmission.... something that can be valuable when we start to open the transmission up... You should also have checked the pressures (look under "special testing")... at this point in time (and with this trans), I wouldn't get too enthralled with the overtemp code.... this has a much better chance of being a symptom than anything else. You will more than likely find that the shift error code wont get you much mileage, either. The PPT will have you jump through some hoops.... But you can "down and dirty" test the solenoids by unplugging the PCM and, with the key on, ground the appropriate pins at the PCM connector... Listen for a sharp click from the trans indicating that a solenoid has moved.... Voila - you have load tested the circuit and verified that the pintle in the solenoid responds. At this point you can likely forget any more electrical testing and be directed to refer to the symptom charts (making the drive cycle test more important). If you need a copy of the friction application chart, let me know.... There is one place that has an online set of powerflow charts (toolcrib.ca) but the 4R100/E4OD isn't on their list. I usually like to grab a snapshot or two on the IDS.... be sure to include GEAR, GEAR_RAT, TRAN_RAT and any speed sensor PIDS along with any other data you desire. These MAY be valuable in your diag but will be tough to get once you have started opening the trans up.... GEAR is the gear commanded by the PCM, GEAR_RAT is the computed total transmission ratio the PCM expects to see and TRAN_RAT is the total trans ratio that the PCM computes - this will help indicate any slipping friction members. With all of your info in hand, it is now time to get a bit more intrusive.... Drop the pan - pray for shrapnel - makes it easier to sell an off the shelf rebuilt.... If you go into a trans with any kind of miles on it with the idea that you are going to be a hero and save the customer some serious coin - you have a very real chance of marrying this transmission.... If you get to the point where you need to do some air testing.... you will find that some WSMs don't show where you need to blow.... and the 4R100 doesn't use test plates like some others..... No fear.... look at a WSM that covers the E4OD... these usually show the places to stick your blow gun. Automatics are actually fun to diagnose.... kinda like playing one of those detective computer games... think "applied logic".
  2. Larry... I love you.... you gave me an opening....ermmmm.... no... oh shit... read on.... OK, let's try this again.... If UPS says that a package should be able to survive a 6 foot drop, I would ask that UPS shows us that their package container can survive a 6 foot drop.... Let's take the big, brown van and skid it off the side of a hoist..... Hell, we only need to offer coverage up to a C-note....
  3. Keith, here in Canada, this trade has more than it's fair share of prostitutes - the "anything for a buck" crowd. I can't see human nature being that much different south of the 49th.... To make matters worse, there are a lot of regulations that have no "specified penalty". And even that can be convoluted.... Picture this..... Alberta has no regulation that specifically prohibits tampering with emission controls systems. However, regulations specify that emissions controls be hooked up and working..... However, other than a few provincially mandated inspection programs (Out of Province inspections... kind of a pre-registration inspection.... Commercial Vehicle Inspections .... trucks and trailers..... Bus Inspections .... people movers not including limos and cabs.... and the "self administering" ambulance inspections) we have no "watch dog". Theoretically, I can do what-ever my heart desires to an emissions control.... I will be in shit.... but it wont, at this time, amount to a whole bunch (this is a brave statement since I am currently waiting for my new CVIP regulation). I am told I can't do "that" - when I ask what will happen to me if I do, I am told that I can't do "that". In this sense, all that is missing is a "test case" and all the government needs to consider is public sentiment - I expect that they will strike when the time is right... and I do not want to be the guinea pig. You can bet your sweet NJ ass that such a case would come when public esteem of this industry would be at an all time low and the deck would be strongly stacked in favour of someones political agenda. Talk to people in the streets.... here we see an offshoot of the NIMBY principal. Everyone (or nearly so) will agree that we need to clean up our act... our air, our water, our streets and our industries.... reduce emissions, reduce waste, reduce greenhouse gasses.... reduce re-use recycle.... But few of the people you talk to are willing to "sign the cheque".... "What, my old truck is part of the problem? BS, how can only one old truck be a problem?" What is lacking is the understanding that there are thousands upon thousands that have the exact same idea.... Unfortunately, both people and society are not simple equations.... Being politically correct is a pendulum... one day, being PC is looking someone in the eye and telling them to pull up their friggin' socks - "straighten the fuck up and fly right"... another day, some liberal bag-licker will tell me I must pull up that idiots socks for him and carry him to his next fuck-up... Yeah - it's been a bad month.... October saw my efficiency at 47%. More sickening is that there was one worse than I.... HUH?!?!? There should be no chance of that. Today, I have one tech that I can "set and forget"... tomorrow, I will have two of them.... and you might be surprised.... friggin' typos
  4. And I thought a "throw down" was only in cop shows....
  5. You da man!!!! There is no way to say it better than that. Somebody has to fucking care... somebody has to do something right... we are that somebody... It's also about doing something legal... In the US, there isn't much I can see happening, but in Canada, the provincial government can revoke my licence... once that is gone, the apprenticeship and trades qualifications branch will ensure that I don't make it past "loob teck". (I can assure you that this isn't as raw a deal as it sounds).
  6. Must be nice.... I currently have a 4R100.... the FQR self destructed after about a month.... the replacement FQR has yet to make it out of the store.... Replacing the accumulator body changed the symptoms (damaged spool) but didn't cure them. Air test sounded good, solenoid body click tests OK, valve body is all free.... And warranty tells us that we might not get paid for diag time???? Now..... THERE is a WTF
  7. That could well be, Larry... it does look like a pretty small hole and some of us more manly types would be afraid of becoming "snared". The need to "stand back" becomes overwhelming.
  8. As a modification, head studs are a little... how can we say it... almost a non-issue... The motor was built with "fragile" cylinder head sealing (partly because the engine has already been hot-rodded - and partly because of some horrendous metallurgical cocktail involving clamping how many different metals together - and partly because this relatively new variable geometry turbocharger technology lends itself to overboost when delivered in to the hands of those that cannot hope to use a diesel engine for anything more than a penis extension... But - let's cut to the "MODS".... most of which come about simply because some twinky dick needs something to puff his feathers about... After all, this guy finally made the lat payment on his AMC Pacer and could now trade it off on it's logical replacement... A diesel powered super duty - because you just never know when your night job will have you delivering a full load of pizzas. "Ah got's th' zoodad mod".... This is holes in your air filter housing... We see (what I assume to be) the ZooDad+ mod in Christophers pic on the portal page... This is zoodad on steroids. Catchy name - must be good. But zoodad (and some other mods) are of dubious benefit in this world... zoodad addresses an air filter restriction that doesn't really exist. The 10K mod.... Want more power? step down on the pedal harder.... Need more power? Did we buy the right truck? If we want to show the PCM that ICP is lower than what we want, we can always step down harder on the pedal... The PCM will raise ICP without us having to add a resistor... I once was embroiled in a discussion regarding the use of nitous in gasoline engines.... My protagonist was hell bent on adding nitrous at part throttle.... The smart money is on adding throttle until there is none left.... then adding nitrous.... but - suddenly, we are no longer talking "street engines". There are a host of other mods that either look good in a sig-line, look good under the hood (maybe...) or just have a "sexy" sound to them.... But most of them would be undiscovered if it weren't for hot-rodding... Now..... hot rodding is a noble endeavour....always has been, always will be…. But your hot rod can’t be your daily driver (this, at a time when the marvels of the computer age make that hot rod more dependable than ever 8^( ). But most of the other mods that actually do stuff wouldn’t be necessary without the modifications that gave birth to them. The high pressure oil crossover – wouldn’t need it if we weren’t yutzing around with the need “big oil” (think about why chipped 7.3s always seem to have a P1211 in memory). The engineers gave us high pressure oil rails that are isolated from each other – why? Base fuel pressure mods…. Do the engineers have this stuff wrong too? Are the thousands and thousands of owners that don’t have a laundry list of mods to their trucks unaware of all the wonders that await them if they only attack their truck with implements of destruction? Or are all of these mods the diesel equivalent of turning your air cleaner lid upside down (sorry, young’uns… this may be just an old guy memory at this point)? I would always marvel at those that insisted that they could “feel” the difference. “Hell, man – hear that?”. So… we are going to mod our shit…. In spite of my “sensible” thread, let’s do a wee bit of exploring. Oxides of nitrogen…. The first rule of squeezing all the available power out of a gallon of hydrocarbon fuel is combustion chamber temps…. The higher we can get this – the more power we will make…. Up until the chamber goes into melt-down. Trouble is that, at about 1200 or so degrees F, oxides of nitrogen begin to form in the combustion process… NOx reacts with sunlight and turns brown… but, since “most” of us have emissions controls that work, NOx isn’t as big a problem as it once was…. And we don’t get to see that brown haze – but that doesn’t mean that there isn’t any NOx handySo… now we allow (or even help) some guys to better fuel mileage (come on, guys – you don’t actually think these guys are thinking conservation when they ask for lower fuel consumption, do you?) at the expense of exhaust emissions. FWIW…. NOx contributes to acid rain, ground level ozone and is known to be a protagonist in respiratory concerns. Those that are looking for better fuel numbers are not concerned with intangible things like NOx and CO – they are only interested in “how can I skirt the system and save enough money for another box of beer? Screw them guys.,…”. People that defeat emissions controls (on anything other than a recreationally used vehicle) are, basically, pissing on your front stoop…. How many people pissing on your front stoop would it take to get you mad? A thousand? A hundred? One? I am sure that many of the mods Keith refers to do actually address a need… but the need wouldn’t have been there had the system remained stock as intended. In the not so distant future, I am relatively sure that Mrs. GrampyJim and I will be blessed with grandchildren (no – there are no announcements to be made at this time… ). The only way to be sure that future generations will be assured of a place that is livable, is for current generations to do something about it… Mods? I can only wonder how bad these guys will screw up urea injection…..
  9. OH MY GAWD "Looks pretty cool"? This is going to be the modification aftermarket using, abusing and misinterpreting common knowledge. The end goal will be to prove that we are wrong and Gale Banks et al are right.... An amusing opportunity.... the announcer mentions that diesels are not the black smoke spewing things we imagine.... Gale Banks is a "guest speaker". I'm searching for a comparison.... and all I can come up with is that diesel radio is a lot like having a hooker standing by your front gate....
  10. I was actually pretty cool and calm on InFord.... all I said was "deja vu".
  11. I don't know, Tony.... even after my doing sensibly thread, I'm still caught on the morality of emissions modifications.... We get caught up in that "anything for a buck" mentality that makes us look no better than a sleazy hooker.... FWIW, I've been tossing around the idea of going back out on my own (seems to happen after a particularly grueling day in the salt mines) and performance mods would most likely be on the menu... there's a lot of money to be had in the oil patch and few are scared to spend it.... And how's that for a moral conumdrum?
  12. In no small measure, we are "keepers of the public trust". That is to say that the vast majority of the public are depending upon us to keep everyones vehicles running in accordance with any and all laws that govern their mechanical operation... From how safe the brakes and steering are to how clean the crap coming out the tailpipe is.... this is part of what has been entrusted to us, part of the burden that we, as professionals, must carry.
  13. I will help someone build a fence for free.... I will help them paint their house for free..... I will cut their grass for free when they are gone on holidays.... I fix cars for a living.... I'm sorry man, it sounds like your friendship has been a one way street (I hope I'm mistaken).... and it sounds odd that people would complain about the price of parts when the labour is so cheap.... Life is too short for some of that crap.... Look at it this way.... you are in crap, right? You could be in just as much crap if you hadn't done a damned thing - and it would be less work and less time consuming....
  14. Aaron... did you fall off the face of the earth? Get lost in Edmonchuk?
  15. This can be a touchy subject for some... pride is a harsh master at times... A tip may come in may forms... your "prepayment" is the easiest to deal with since we can just tuck it in his vehicle somewhere... Other times, it isn't so easy to avoid them nor is it always wise to refuse them (some customers insist on showing thanks in some form or another). A tip can range from a simple tray of donuts, to elaborate home made snack trays and on to refreshments or even cash (and I'm talking substantial amounts of cash... After this many years, if I can avoid a tip, I will... if not, all one can do is accept it gracefully and use it as it was intended.... Share the wealth... pass all or a portion of the tip on to deserving front counterstaff.... They are part of the team that helps us please customers... This might be that simple snack or be a good chunk of change - Donate some or all of the tip to a favoured charity... If you had to work late on a job and that generated a tip, take your wife out to dinner... take your kids on an outing.... The last thing you need to do is agonize over a tradition that you cannot change... A tip is the easy way out when a customer needs to express his gratitude... you can let him have that without wounding your pride.... At the same time, a tip isn't a payment to "look the other way". Some things you can do in your everyday life.... be a tipper yourself... If you feel someone has gone above and beyond... let them know it.... One I really like - our local grocers have bins for food bank donations.... Every time I am in the store, I always make sure I have something to put in the bin (hint... it doesn't have to be grub.... toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap, shampoo, toilet paper...). There just desn't seem to be all that much good will in the world these days.... take that tip and pass it on.....
  16. Leave it to Larry to get it wrong..... I take a shot or two of coffee in my rye.... /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif Work is the curse of the drinking class....
  17. Just as balck as black can be, Aaron... Need the red carpet or will a brass band do /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
  18. I see Ralph isn't the only wiener out there.... /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smirk.gif
  19. All I can suggest is to take one giant step backwards and start from scratch.... When a solution defies our every effort, it is usually because we haven't given each test step it's due respect.... Have you followed PPT KE? You mention that fuel trims are "OK".... knowing what the numbers are would make me feel better (I AM a doubting Thomas). I'm sorry if I sound like a dick.... but I'm a dick and that makes me sound like one.
  20. Stressful???? You have the wrong attitude, Aaron.... You are setting upon an adventure few have endeavoured.... YOU, sir, should be feeling lucky..... and NOT stressed... FWIW, as an army brat, by the time I was seven, I had travelled from England to Vancouver and lived in several places between.... That was back in the 50s and the world was much "bigger" back then
  21. Good luck, Aaron.... make sure you have a good cell phone plan.... Heaven is long distance from the diamond mines.... for me it's a local call /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif If you stay in High Level, you'll only be 570 kms north of me.
  22. I haven't got the foggyest idea what "good" fuel mileae is for a 6.0..... and, seriously, for the sake of this mans experiment, we don't need to know what constitutes "good" fuel mileage.... We know what he is getting now.... eventually he will make his changes and then we will see what he is getting after.... The word he is looking for isn't some finite, tangible, written in stone "good".... The words he is looking for are "better than it was".... What does concern me as an individual are those things that we cannot see.... tailpipe emissions.... even then, with only mild tuning, are the changes going to be minimal or "significant"?
  23. No room for the beer cooler in the cab.... You need the back seat for the 30-30 (that's for if your walking in dense bush), the .308 or the 30-06 if your hunting on a cutline, the .223 and the .22 long... maybe a 410 and a 12 gauge for bird hunters, too... And then there's the required 15 boxes of cartridges for each gun (some days the beer to bullet ratio ain't too good).
  24. Good write up, Larry, though it does miss the visctronic drive fan a bit.... What I see... most of the radiators I look at are wearing a fine fur coat of dust, leaves, bugs, plant dander, mud dirt.... you name it.... No - stop looking at the AC condenser - it's clean.... Give up.... the CAC is clean too.... Yes - that's it look at the front of the rad.... see how over 3/4ers of it is blanketed off... YECHHHHH!! From what I can see, this is a forgotten diagnostic step - one that has cost countless hours and even the occasional engine... Sorry for the hijack, Larry.
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