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Jim Warman

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Everything posted by Jim Warman

  1. No... the oxymoron would be having a 6.0 and looking for "good" fuel economy.... Even if any of us had a SmartCar (giving "good" fuel economy), we might still set about looking for "better" fuel economy.... The two terms can be mutually exclusive.... Keith, as for removing the box, etc... it would look plain ugly, the vortex behind the cab would more than offset any gains and he'd have to carry the beer cooler in the cab.... Don't get him wrong... this isn't an exercise in stupidity - the guy is a diesel tech... a good one at that.... It is an experiment in viability... Can it be done well? Can any gains be worth the effort? We've become so jaded by the power hungry wieners that we can't tell the difference curiosity and lunacy.
  2. Well this is it, Larry... he isn't after more power but he is interested in trying to grab a couple more kms per litre....
  3. Nope... we've discussed this for a long time.... he's a diesel cert Master as well.... Let's call this more of an experiment than anything else....
  4. OK... TGITNB (the guy in the next bay) got a smokin' deal on an 03 short box crew cab with a six litre still barely covered under the 5/160 (that's kms, ladies)... He checked it real close before he signed the check is has plans on doing the "trifecta" before the clock strikes midnight... Of course, he is going to add head studs (no rings, though) when he does the deed.... I found him a free Edge tuner off a trade in (all he has to do is remove it neatly). He realizes the dangers of cranking it up to "stupid" and plans on running anything that looks and feels like an economy or tow/haul mode.... I have no doubts that the 6.0 is capable of handling a very small amount of additional tweaking but I'm not real happy about the spectre of fooling with tailpipe emissions.... We shall see how things develop.
  5. I'm a red meat man from the git-go..... knock off the horns, wipe it's ass and throw it on the platter.... we are ready to DINE!!!! I used to be an avid hunter but it has been years since I peered through the scopes on any of my rifles.... venison - mix two parts ground deer and one part ground pork - makes an awesome hamburger.... Moose - every time I see a picture of a moose, I drool... I am what you might describe as an adventurous diner - always ready for that strange item on anyones menu... even some of the stronger flavours.... both lamb and saddle wearing critters are welcome on my platter. Despite news reports, I still feel that red meat is about our safest choice.... In a short while, we head for my sons house.... there will be a turkey... we are taking a ham and his "almost in-laws" have pie and salad covered.... Yum.....
  6. I'm not much of a fast food kinda guy.... but I will admit to having developed a jones for the Papa Burger. But what is real neat - if you take out that piece of meat looking stuff (c'mon, you don't think that stuff is really dead cow, do you?), it tastes the same... meaning that I seem to go gaga over a condiment sandwich.... And, speaking od dead cow... here in the great white north, we have a ready supply of commercially available elk and bufalo meat (elk is a bit stringy for my taste but makes great pepperoni... but bison? now THERE is a burger to be reckoned with). Damned typos
  7. Not politically correct to celebrate momentous occasions in history because it's by white guys.... now they are taking it a bit far, yes? Of course, you can always do it the way we do in Canada..... When I went to school, we were taught that Louis Riel (a Metis Activist in the mid 1800s) the was a traitor.... When my son went to school, he was portrayed as a hero.... (Who said you can't rewrite history?). Me? I think I am one of the least visible minorities... the white, anglo saxon, middle aged, employed, tax paying, married, heterosexual male.... And it is those heinous scourges such as myself that are the sole cause of all the worlds grief... But have a safe and happy weekend all the same...
  8. Happy whatever day to all, this weekend.... As for Thanksgiving... I don't know how you Yanks can eat a Thanksgiving turkey and a Xmas turkey that close together....
  9. This is really hard for an old fart to grasp.... for a long time I have felt that the future of the ottocycle engine was the diesel.... One has to wonder if clean air requirements are the reason or ?????
  10. Wow... I feel like I've dropped out of the loop.... So - we ain't gonna see a 2009.5 diesel F150? Where does that leave the 2010 "big" diesel for the Sooper Doodies
  11. Yes.... But too often, a tech or a shop can misrepresent the repair in order to present an inflated estimate.... While we shouldn't short stick ourselves, we need to be careful that we aren't boning our customer, either... If we get into some of these creative steps and make up a menu price, that menu price should be a fair and honest representation of the time actually spent doing the repair to a high level of quality... FWIW, if all of these shortcuts and speedy repairs are so good, why do we regularly see absolute horsehit hack jobs come from other "quality" shops and "professional" techs....
  12. Greg... I am truly honoured to be of your acquaintance... In a day and age where it would be so easy to grab the cash and run you have displayed true honour and integrity. Lew... we work on a "loose" buddy system.... what goes around, comes around.... I do a favour for him #1.... him #1 did a favour for him #2.... him #2 did a favour for him#3... and him#7 did me a favour.... I got a favour in return for one.... it just didn't come from the guy I did a favour for.... Life is too fucking short to be keeping score like that.
  13. "Rattle" noise.... I'm always shy on noises because one guys screech is another guys moan.... But if we are sure that we have a noise from the bell housing and it is foiling all of our repair efforts.... remove the oil filler cap and repeat the testing.... Rear crank seals can make any manner of sound when we place the crankcase in vacuum.... I have seen transmission pumps, converters, cats.... even clutches - replaced because the rear crank seal was "reeding". And yes, the noise would continue for a few seconds after the engine was shut off...
  14. Build dates can be crucial here..... the early TBCs would limit brake current under something like 15 km/h and this was a bone of contention for quite some time. Word of advice for all.... we should, everyone of us, realize how important it is to give appropriate information.... Anyway, used to be that this difference was easily found in the WSM.... but now it took a while to find this reference in the 05 online manual "The braking energy that is provided to the trailer is varied with a pulse width modulated (PWM) signal that switches between 0 volt and battery voltage, the higher the duty cycle the more braking power available. On vehicles built before March 23rd, 2005, with the vehicle stationary and with the manual slider switch fully to the left with a gain of 10, there should be greater than 1-2 volts supplied to pin 3 of the 7-pin trailer tow connector, along circuit 43 (DB). On vehicles built March 23rd, 2005 and later, with the vehicle stationary and with the manual slider switch fully to the left with a gain of 10, there should be greater than 10-12 volts supplied to pin 3 of the 7-pin trailer tow connector, along circuit 43 (DB)." I also heartily recommend taking WBT (web based training course) 30G12W0 to help with learning about this system.... FWIW... Ford recognized that the early controllers weren't up to snuff.... unfortunately, they took the stance that the controllers were working as intended and that it was a case of "too bad, so sad". If one of the early controllers was replaced under warranty, the service part replacement would be a late controller.... However, the poorly thought out strategy is not a reason for replacement... Of course, all of this is dependant on the fact that we are discussing an early build '05. If we aren't discussing an early build '05... I apologize for wasting ones time (yes... that IS dripping with sarcasm... don't worry, my bark is worse than my bite).
  15. James... my first inclination was to consider RFI from a bad COP since I've seen this several times on Super Duties... But 05 was the first year for the new active wheel speed sensor that was supposed to alleviate many of these concerns.... But you are right... we shouldn't discount any possibilities without proof.... There remains the possibility that even an alternator can bestow odd concerns on us.... I am always concerned when I get the exact same symptoms back after a parts replacement.... While 'new' only means 'never before used' these days.... it is still ever so easy to overlook something in the course of diagnosis....
  16. I, too, thought things might become obvious.... Years ago, we would see the odd Darwin Award hopeful peering down the throat(s) of a carburettor with the motor running.... This Einstein would then stroke the throttle with great gusto... And all I could figure is that he had some subconcious wish to see what he looks like without eyebrows... We are "technician"... we should have at least some understanding of these things we work on.... "DUH" isn't a word we need to become familiar with.... thjough to avoid that familiarity, we do need to use the word THIMK.... err, THINQUE.... errrrrmmmm, TINK..... ahhh, piss on it.... I don't need to think.... I have a tool box and a pair of coveralls with my name on one tit.... I must already know everything there is to know.... Like I still tell my grown up son.... Just before you do something.... ask yourself "Why am I doing this?". Hopefully, there will be some reason in the reply....
  17. I don't have access to Chilton..... we use Motors as our all make labour guide.... However, one has to ask how the labour op is written up.... At the risk of sounding repetitive... it is one thing to make a fair and honest living... It is quite another to be busy pounding nails into this industries coffin... Believe me, if we keep on charging 10 hours or more for 5 hours of work, the government or some consumer agency is sure to take up the battle... we, as the bad guys, will be hung drawn and quartered... we will be delivered so much paperwork and so many hoops to jump through that the cost of the paper trail will keep us from ever making a decent living again. We can try to justify this stuff any which way we can.... but it comes back to the same thing.... we are charging for a service based on "X" hours but it never takes that long... it always takes about 1/2 "X".... At some point in time, we are going to have to consider what this looks like to people that are "outside looking in".... This is the kind of shit that is damaging the credibility I work so hard to establish... There is some damned unflattering terminology we can use when we discuss some of these issues.... Being able to fold up the cash and stuff it in our jeans sometimes deadens the sensibilities.... but misrepresentation is still misrepresentation. And speaking of sensibilities.... if we don't come to ours, we may regret it....
  18. Alex, you are quite right about there being little chance of a re-engineered SLT for a 7.3 oil pan.... however - there is much to be considered. First and foremost is bettering ANY time by over 50%... "Hey, Buddy - you bring your own vaseline and step right on over here.... and don't be expecting no fuckin' kiss, either...." Something is seriously wrong with a picture that pays 12.2 hours but takes only 5 and it sends only one resounding message to the public. If the plumber quotes you 10 hours to fix your crapper but starts packing his tools after 5.... how much are you going to pay him?
  19. What about engine oil level? Where is it sitting? As far as replacing #6, I don't think there was really any other choice given the lack of any injector electrical codes and no indications of any cylinder sealing concerns. What might have told a story would be to try the "enhanced diagnostics" for injectors, after a fashion... Just give the thing a few minutes run time in enhanced mode to see if anything might "come back"... Let's not forget we are working with a whole new operating strategy. A cylinder washed down with fuel and a sombrero full of fuel could certainly give some anxious moments after an injector replacement.... and could clear itself up after the repair (perhaps we may need to try clearing KAM after any fuel related events?). What is interesting isn't so much that 2 and 7 (and to a lesser extent #1) are "so good".. but that everything else is so bad that it makes these few cylinders look "over-productive". Again, removing any chance of fuel trim manipulation might paint a different picture.
  20. You're a wiener.... <Thanks for the invites guys, but apparently the fresh air allows me to sleep. REAL well. I fell asleep, and I ship out in a couple hours. I should have posted earlier in the week. I look forward to coming out here again, and we'll hang around then. Again, thanks for the invites! > You come all this way and you don't look up Grampy..... You're a wiener.... and part of what really makes you a wiener is I couldn't call you a wiener on inFord.... And to make matters even worse, you wiener, is that I was in Edmonchuk (the city of Champignons) Thursday and Friday. Did I mention that you are a wiener? /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
  21. This might be the ideal time to check out the new ICM test tool in IDS....
  22. Me three.... I think that anyone that would actually consider an alternative tool isn't using the IDS to anywhere near it's capabilities.... and that's coming from someone that overlooks SGM far too often... Output state control is far too valuable a feature to lose and the manual has us overlook what OSC can tell us about a circuit too often.... (suspect SSPC-A? Enter datalogger and manipulate SSPC-A.... hear the click? Hmmmmmmm... If we heard the click, we just proved out half of the PCM, all of the wiring as well as the solenoid itself... and it took how long?). I think the only change that I'd make to the IDS is to set up the PVT for use without the VMM....
  23. Take this as one of lifes lessons..... For a concern to be taken from one tech and given to another, the first tech has usually missed something, somehow.... I've been caught too many times - and it pisses me off when I let it happen.... These things are gaurranteed in life.... If you don't look at the oil filter pad, there will be an O-ring stuck to it.... If you don't lay the old brake cable beside the new brake cable, one of them will be six inches longer than the other.... And if someone says "But I DID check <that>...." have him show you how he did it....
  24. Micro$ofts involvement in this kind of stuff bothers me to no end.... I can see the traffic snarls as millions of commuters pull over to the side of the road to reboot their cars.... "To shut your car off - click <START>".
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