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Jim Warman

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Everything posted by Jim Warman

  1. Nothing beats proper torquing... stover lock nuts are OK.... Smokey (Yunick) used to say "if you need a lock washer, it's too late....".
  2. I am surprised that you didn't already know that this WILL happen. Don't know when - but as sure as the sun rises, it is coming.... The idea is to provide the opportunity for customers to spend money. They will learn and they will, eventually, come... Used to be that stores were never open on Sunday.... and rarely open late.... and never open on a holiday... "Welcomb to de swahhhhhmp....".
  3. I sincerely wish I could help you, Greg... but the last C4 I "fixed" was by performing the "toploader mod".
  4. One thing that comes to mind.... Cornbinder gives us a VT365 putting out anywhere up to 230 HP.... Ford gives us a 6.0PSD putting out 325 of them little fellers... Thinking back to my youth, I see several instances where power "upgrades" have had the net result of making an engine fit real loose in a five gallon bucket... What might be good in a motor pumping 200 HP may not be so good in the same motor pounding out half again the 'designed' power. If someone says "That might not be a good idea", we can either heed them or ignore them... often, we don't have the opportunity to change our mind... If Navistar says jet fuel is OK, I am sure that they mean it is OK in a VT365... but I don't work on those.
  5. I'm with Larry on this one.... The Japs seem to like having really complex things.... Could it be as simple as a misrouted vent hose of some sort... FWIW.... when it comes to things mechanical, I am usually first in line at the service manual counter.... My some wasn't exactly overjoyed when one of his Xmas presents turned out to be the WSM for his quad - but the pages are dog-eared and dirty.. Every scooter I've had... my gen-set.... you name it.... the number of times that a manual is going to have that one little line that saves your sorry ass.... How many times, at work, do we utter "how can I work on that without a manual?"?
  6. While I do have notes scattered across several computers and CDs squirrelled away here and there, I find that age has it's benefits.... I have yet to come across error messages like "Cannot open duotang" or "Cannot access looseleaf binder".
  7. Can't tell yet... we have a forged steel crank and the H beam rods.... and not enough time to do everything we want.
  8. I'm on my way home.... on the scooter and stopped at "the store". A cube van streaks by with a trailer on the back - spitting sparks from one trailer wheel.... He pulls into one of several self serves and commences to fill up. Me - you might want to check your tires.... He - why? DUH...... Me - You might want to check your trailer tires. He - they were OK yesterday/ Me - that was yesterday, this is today. <He looks at the tires on the left side of the trailer and then looks at me like I have a third eye> Me - That's it for the tires on this side... do you have tires on the other side? He walks around to the right side of the trailer.... there is one rim with round tire and one rim with the shredded remnants of somethinbg black... He kicks the "good" tire several times before it dawns on him that there may be a problem.... Why is this story so important? Think about it.... these are the people we deal with every day.... these are the people you hope will give you honest insight into their concerns.... The scary part... these people are allowed to vote....
  9. All I can say is that I wish I had the money, the time and the where-with-all to venture into something like that.... Here is a guy that, quite obviously, isn't a warranty sucking, modification hiding scumbag.... The only concern (as far as the customer goes) is "can he afford his habit"? I can only pray that we can come up smiling if we hurt our 440 stroker.... if we ever get this damned thing built... Modding this stuff will teach you about its inner workings and it's "personality".... While I sound like I'm unfriendly to mods... it is the act of hiding them and expecting me to lie about them that I abhor.... I wonder if Eagle makes a crank and rod kit for one of these? Hmmmmm - I wonder if Eagle makes a stroker kit for one of these?
  10. Hi Mikey.... Let's try point by point... The crud in the EGR valve.... the van overheats without much coaxing... I'm thinking baked soot - really well baked.... Brown shit... casting sand? bars leaks? What could this crap do for the oil cooler? P1284.... something is nagging me about this and I can't remember what.... I 'think' a PCM might have been replaced and the problem turned out to be something in the wiring... the one I'm thinking of was a small bus and had shit added.... but P1284 is nagging me.... I wont sleep tonight and it will be your fault /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif Relative compression.... it's almost like if you have certain windows or combinations of windows open in IDS, you will get "sudden rpm change" (i.e. a start when it shouldn't). I'm still trying to prove this to myself. I'd check the rad for air restriction.... simply because most guys don't seem to think of it.... Cleaning any debris isn't going to change what you have - but there may be some clues to be found.... From what I can tell.... it is easy to get an egr cooler to puke in the bay.... shit, how many have I nearly hydrolocked? Head gaskets gotta be real bad to puke anywhere but under a real good load.... Without giving as much thought to the repair strategy as I'd like, I would consider an EGR cooler and oil cooler first.... There ain't no coolant loss concerns you will fix with turbo repairs now.... Point to ponder.... we can avert coolant loss concerns if we can prevent overboost.... Once we get into overboost conditions bad enough to hurt shit - fixing the overboost is only part of the concern. You might wind up yanking the heads.... but I'd address the less intrusive stuff first. Look at it this way.... you can lose your shirts one at a time, or you can lose them all at once.... I'm still pondering a rewarding career in the food and hospitality industry (<DING!> Fries are done - this pays nearly $15 / hr for full time in our town.... ).
  11. Well... we are the benefactors of a head gasket job covered under the extended diesel engine warranty.... the term cluster f@ck comes to mind... The truck is up for a "full meal deal"... there are sure signs of both head gasket failure as well as EGR cooler failure.... oil cooler will be tested in the next couple of days... The best part - we have to wait for the warranty adjuster to come look.... It just keeps gettin' better....
  12. I've had some early builds with what I would call a "random misfire" - well, almost - in the 1800~2000 range that turned out to be HPOP check valves.... Bring your rpm up to start your symptoms and then vary the IPR to see if anything changes.... Worth a try.
  13. Here's a real good idea... if an engineer working for Ford signs off an THAT repair... I'll be all over it. I might not like it.... but I have a scapegoat. However... if I do something I shouldn't and I break a nipple off a rad.... Now - it's your turn to answer carefully.... If you take anything - and I mean anything (I don't care what) you own that cost you over $40G to a shop for repairs.... and the guy fixing it breaks something... are YOU going to be happy with some bitch fix? Or are you going to insist on it being returned to as close to original condition as possible.... WTF is this? "Jeez, sorry guy - next time you come in I'll try not to fuck your truck up"? Anybody did that to me and I would have people staying away in herds... Fuck... we need a "give your fucking head a shake" smiley. I'm sorry Keith... this is something I feel too strongly about. Punt me if you need... but keep this reply.
  14. No... from what is written we must assume that (during the KOEO On Demand test) EGR minimum stop position is read, the valve is cycled and minimum stop position verified when the valve returns to the at rest or closed position. Clearing KAM simply removes any adaptive or learned strategy from memory without actually performing any test functions. FWIW, if we were to clear KAM, we would then need to perform a KOEO (not to mention a VGT learn for the EBP delete engines). Personally, I would like to see Ford release at least an overview of module strategy rather than have us find out some of the finer points the hard way or bury this stuff in sections of the manual where few techs venture... Bottom line, we are at that point where there is just too much shit to remember.... one must keep personal notes and memory joggers and constantly refer to manuals in order to ensure the proper procedure and technique.... IIRC, you ain't no spring chicken yourself and looking in the manual can "feel odd" - I mean we all knew v8s were 32 degrees dwell, plugs were 35 thou and "lean best idle" worked like a champ.
  15. Jeff... not to be cantankerous or what-have-you but, I'm sorry - that kind of shit just ain't going to fly in our shop. Brass threaded into plastic just isn't something a customer deserves... an innocent customer that wound up with a pooched radiator because of an error on our part.... We don't bitch fix this stuff - we simply replace it. Good customers are too hard to find. If we repair this right, we will always have the opportunity to make the losses back. We do not charge the tech for the broken part.... we would prefer to fix the thing properly and not have him trying to hide shit from either us or the customer.... If the tech hides the breakage and it returns to haunt, we will still pay for the part but now he will put it in for free.... This is the kind of stuff that makes us look bad in the eyes of the public....
  16. Just checking up on "product knowledge".... What must be done after an EGR valve is seviced, cleaned or replaced and why?
  17. Hi, Eric.... Like Shlep, I have to wonder about 14% IPR cranking.... This is the KOEO value - cranking I would expect to see something closer in the 40% to 65% range. Like Bruce mentioned, I'd start with checking ICP sensor bias.... early builds have a KOEO range of 0.18 to 0.24 volts... late builds have an expanded range.... 0.15 to 0.35 volts KOEO. At the same time, it wont cost any extra to check sensor coherency - take a peek at MAP, BARO and EBP_A in PSI (more on PSI in a bit).... these should all read within about 12/2 PSI of each other... Section 4 in the applicable PC/ED will have a list of what I call the "no start" PIDs... these are listed in section 10 of the hard start/no start diagnostic worksheet... I like to add SYNC, FICM_MPWR and V_REF. It isn't really necessary to watch IPR% as long as ICP builds normally.... some of my personal variations include higher cranking speed desired and higher voltages - some modules appear to "shut down" when voltage falls below 9 VDC. All day I deal with techs that assure me that they have performed a test procedure accurately and that the test result was "good".... Often, I take some of these jobs over - I start from square one and find that something gets fudged or overlooked (that looks too hard to do - it can't be that important). I highly recommend reposting and substituting actual test measurements for "it was good" - I am honestly not trying to be a dink.... a little more info about the truck would help, too. Now.... Bruce mentioned the importance of voltage readings when watching sensor data... Volt (and/or hertz) readings are "live" data - this is the information that the sensor is reporting to the PCM in it's raw form.... PSI (and vacuum readings) is a computed value. If the module decides that the information it is receiving from the sensor cannot be trusted (a little oversimplified), the module will substitute a default value - this value WILL be displayed on the scan tool.... Ergo - your ICP sensor could report near 0 volts but the scan tool could display 750 PSI of ICP - EVEN THOUGH ICP IS NEAR 0 PSI. Just for shits and giggles, check out test question #2
  18. Just a word of advice on doing the cup in frame.... we had a claim kicked back because we couldn't supply the old head bolts and gasket...
  19. Over in the monkey house, there's a few baboons that know a guy that has a sister-in-law that is the second cousin pf a guy that plows snow out of the driveway of the lady that trims the dogs toenails of a woman that once rode on a bus with a guy that claimed he once had a vision in which he met someone that put JP sumpin' into his truck.... and it din't 'splode... I don't believe that there are many road taxes involved in jet fuel.... If I gotta suffer, everyone else should be able to suffer right along with me. Without any lab quality testing, I have to think that the little "Diesel fuel only" sign might sway a wiser mans decision. f I had a truck that I didn't have to depend on, I might consider tinkering... but to experiment with something that can affect ones livelihood..... ummmmmm, there is no delicate way to say that this guy is nuckin' futs.
  20. Blake... once things like transmissions get into the retail world, smart money is on FQRs (even though they are what we might call "suspect"). If I install an FQR (Ford quality repaint), my only "in" is that all the bolts are tight... The FQR warranty is (IIRC) longer than service part warranty so this is getting a bit more attractive... They have $10/hour boat people building these things - let them suck up the bad stuff... FWIW, I have a 4R75 apart.... it was an FQR last Novemeber. I have found too many separate concerns all wrapped into one assembly and I worry that I might miss something else.... Is it taking too long? Yep.... But I can pass the blame along (call me an asshole... I are one).... From what I have seen, there are few shops that have adequate trans rebuilding facilities.... my own bench is in a bad location - suffers from airborne contaminants - has me spending more time "housekeeping" than it should - invites other techs to shuffle stuff around so they can "steal" a corner or the vice for even just a few minutes.... But I have no where else to put it... I don't have a dedicated solvent tank.... which means I stand as much chance of washing bad shit INTO the trans as I do OUT OF the trans.... The added bonus.... FQR warranty is "dealer inclusive".... the trans I installed here... will have warranty in any Ford store in Canada. I can appreciate where you are coming from... but, in reality, all of the concerns I have found inside of this 4R75 could have been caused by anyone of us having an inattentive moment... Shit happens... it is what we do after the event that separates the men from the boys....
  21. Ford doesn't spare any oportunity to tell us that we MUST repair not only the symptoms.... but we must also repair the cause of the symptoms. We have been treated to a series of notifications from Ma Ford about how a whole array of parts returned under warranty are actually still good (ever tried getting the GR1-120 to fail a bettery you KNOW is bad?) for several years.... I think the aboriginals had it right - "Ford man speak with forked tongue...". As the middleman, the blame will land squarely on our shoulders... no matter what we do or believe. FWIW.... if the HPOP had been selected with a higher capacity (volume) in mind, the high pressure oil system could have leaked like a seive and the engine would still run well - albeit with a higher than normal IPR%.... I could see a reduced power strategy along with a MIL indicating "IPR duty cycle higher than expected".
  22. Ford doesn't spare any oportunity to tell us that we MUST repair not only the symptoms.... but we must also repair the cause of the symptoms. We have been treated to a series of notifications from Ma Ford about how a whole array of parts returned under warranty are actually still good (ever tried getting the GR1-120 to fail a bettery you KNOW is bad?) for several years.... I think the aboriginals had it right - "Ford man speak with forked tongue...". As the middleman, the blame will land squarely on our shoulders. FWIW.... if the HPOP had been selected with a higher capacity (volume) in mind, the high pressure oil system could have leaked like a seive and the engine would still run well - albeit with a higher than normal IPR%.... I could see a reduced power strategy along with a MIL indicating "IPR duty cycle higher than expected".
  23. Letting Ford keep all of your documentation on their server is a lot like giving the keys to the henhouse to the fox.... On Canadian message board we see post, entire threads and even posters vanish from the face of the earth because they don't fit in either Fords grand scheme or one of their little "cookie cutter" cubbyholes... With the amount of things we are having to get prior approval for... the amount of warranty claims that have a growing list of questions and the increased scrutiny we appear to be the benefactors of, I think Ford is looking for any way to look better to the share holders... even if it means they will do it on the backs of those who, to some degree or another, may 'feel' trapped in the system. The manufacturing segment of the auto industry has been in a state of flux for many years.... of late, it is gaining momentum as the major players swap bed partners, form and break alliances, scramble for market share without knowing what direction to go. At the risk of sounding paranoid, let's not forget "OASIS quick start" and the new guided diagnostics... (just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean Im not being followed).
  24. Manuel.... true that hotline has no warranty override ability, on one hand though, I am the end of the diag chain in our shop. I will often call hotline to get a "second opinion" about being on the right track or to simply clear the cobwebs... Other times, I will feel that I might have a stinker in the works and I'll start to build a paper trail. Having that hotline recommendation in your hot little hands can go a long way towards swaying a warranty claim decision. Tony.... all of these repair procedures receive the "endorsement" of an engineer.... Some of this stuff is shear overkill because no engineer is going to sign off on a simpler technique - not with the chance that something might cost the mothercorp several millions and make one somewhat "unhireable".... Notice how repair procedures are being constantly updated... As for your diesel guy - two possible ways to look at it.... Zen and the art of diesel repair - become one with the wrench and align your plain with that of the fastener... repeat your mantra softly as you align the engines karma with the cosmos. Not so far fetched.... the more years you apply yourself to this career, the better the "feel" you should have when judging fastener torque - even to the one finger = 10 ft/lb pull, two fingers = 20 ft/lb and so on (this is really rough stuff and I do not condone forgetting about the torque wrench - but after doing this for several years - it should be like a guitarist knowing how hard to pluck a string for a desired effect). OTOH, it could be a matter of the dice are still rolling... I have a 4R75 FQR apart.... it took nearly 40,000 kms for the pump bolts to back out far enough to cause driveability concerns.... The dice were rolling for an extremely long time.
  25. The queen has balls.... and he has his own show on homo garden tv..
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