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Everything posted by BillWiebe

  1. That really sucks!!! Yeah I can only imagine what they are going through right now.
  2. Hey Dwayne. Heard the Ford dealer burnt down. Have you heard from any of the guys that worked there?
  3. If you undo the transmission mount nuts and lift the trans up until it hits the floor of the cab you can install the LH lower rear head stud after the head is in place. Have done several this way. Also helps wiith socket clearance when torqueing the nuts.
  4. Fellow diesel tech at work Googled the TSB # and it came right up. I beleive it was in PDF format as well.
  5. 18 years all at Ford dealerships for me. Started in parts and completed Journeyman training. Could not raise a family on a partsman salary, so i accepted a position as service advisor/warranty clerk. Only lasted 1 and 1/2 years. Started my Automotive Service Technician traning in 1994 and have had a blast ever since. Do mostly diesel, but enjoy all aspects of the trade. Crewcheif on a blown alcohol funny car on weekends during the summer.
  6. Have you watched episode 30 of 'TECH TIME' from the Powerstroke Central website? I have not watched this episode yet, but the contents menu lists 7-8 minutes of overview on 06E17 diagnostics. HTH Bill
  7. Have had 2 FICM failures in the last month. Both crank no start and blown fuses.
  8. Progress report: Removed RH cyl. head and found severely melted piston and damaged cylinder wall. Piston had a hole right through the center of the bowl. All other cylinders are perfectly ok. Received reman longblock this morning and am in the process of reassembling the top end. Have some pics but no time to download right now. Keith, I too had to heat up all the body mount nuts to remove the bolts. Seems that they used some type of Loctite on all the body bolts.
  9. Dwayne and I worked at the same dealer when he lifted the mod-bodied ambulance. IIRC this unit was being delivered to it's new owners and was towed in to our dealer. I recall the actual lifting of the cube body was relatively easy. The only real concern I beleive was the wiring harness that fed power to the rear unit. Correct me if I'm wrong Dwayne.
  10. Success!!!! We have lift off. Only one front body mount bolt gave me grief and got the gas axe remedy. Not as bad a job as I first thought it would be. Have done quite a few Superduty cab lifts without too many problems. Only real pain on this E-van was removing the seats and anchor plates to access body bolts. Once body was in the air the compression test only took 20 minutes. Have 0 compression on cylinder 3. Will try and post some pics tomorrow.
  11. Thanx for the input Tony. I should have qualified the testing I have already completed. Crankcase was overfull (approx 27 litres) Relative compression flags Cyl 1 = 10%; Cyl 3 = 8%; Cyl 4 = 11%; Cyl 8 = 2%. Power balance test indicates dead miss on Cyl 3. I have never had the opportunity to perform a manual compression test on an E-van before. I'm considering lifting the body to facilitate the manual compression test and forthcoming teardown of engine to verifiy base engine concern. How easy is it to remove glow plugs on these Econolines? Bill
  12. HHHHHHHEEEEEEEELLLLLLLPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!! Does anyone have any tricks to complete a compression test in-chassis on this Econoline? I don't work on alot of vans here, so any tips you can share would be much appreciated. Thanx in advance. Bill
  13. Just replaced adual mass flywheel on early build 04 f550. Dampening springs in flywheel were breaking up and causing a rattle noise and contributing to a rough idle. Current ford parts catalog now lists a change up to a one piece flywheel. Appears that there is no more dual mass flywheels available; at least in canada. BTW the damaged dual mass had over 1.5" of freeplay.
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