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About Autoworker

  • Birthday 06/04/1962


  • Member Title
    Freshman Member

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    Montreal Canada
  • Dealership Name
    Morand Ford Lincoln

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  1. 2018 f150 3.0l low oil psi idle in drive hot /Yeppers right on plunger in oil filter housing out of place causing fault /reinstalled and all good to go .thanks Bm60516__low_oil_psi.zip
  2. Just did the course looks like a good mE305202103_V1_EN_SG.pdfotor
  3. had one a while back turned out to be shift solenoid
  4. thanks for the tip with the water ,same problem hear ,just stalled in the lot ,cooled down the ipr and just like new
  5. http://www.antirouille.com/traitement-en.html I live in Montreal area and I shoot my truck with grease I pick up at UAP .or metropolitan anti rust every year works great
  6. found G309 center under dash not bolted from factory hell of a time getting to it
  7. F450 with 6r140 came in with 1-2 hard shift and fuse blows f46 for TCM , long story short ,solenoid was shorting out cause metal in pan and burnt clutches- waiting for cost cap
  8. 6.7 cyl no 3 glow plug tip gone no compression /complete engine to come /update 6.7 cyl head removed glow plug smashed valves pieces of valve jammed in exhaust side of turbo taking out fins /make sure you find all the pieces or clean er good before you transfer all the parts
  9. I agree but with out the build dates im screwed .don't no why its so top secret .we did some mustang GT build date and worked
  10. Comment From: Ford Comment Date: 11/25/2013 12:14:20 PM Terry, At this time there is not a supported procedure to enable the DRL's on this vehicle through the BCM. It is recommended to seek alternative options to install DRL's on this vehicle.
  11. I have a 2013 c max from usa with no dlr programed in the bcm the manual said NOTE: The DRL is a programmable parameter for this vehicle. but with ids cannot find a way .should I be able to program bcm with a as built date from a Canadian Vehicle that has the dlr . DOES ANY ONE HAVE A IDEA HELP PLS
  12. Thanks you saved me this morning ,I dia a front crank seal ,and now that its apart found it to be pump area will further dia this morning /up date yes the vacume pump is leaking the bolts were all loose causing the leak /front crank seal is good
  14. end result replaced push rod no 8 exaust started up all ok did a kick ass road test so far all ok
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