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Everything posted by DamageINC

  1. ....why not just tell us how you really feel?? Hehe I know though, it's like they honestly couldn't have made some things any more complicated and difficult if they were actually TRYING to engineer them to be difficult. Dave
  2. LOL you should have commanded the EGR full-bore and laid into it from a stop. Dave
  3. Also, the Turbo TSB times have been "adjusted" by our friends over at SLTS and you only get like 4 hrs for it anyway anymore, so that could have very well been the case here. Dave
  4. See, I get the guys who tow these bulldozers and Titanic-sized freighters with their lil' 6.0, and end up wiping out the EGR coolers and head gaskets that way. I am not exaggerating whatsoever, of all of the head gasket jobs I've done here (and I've done a few dozen, for sure) only 3 of them DID NOT require head replacement due to warpage. Usually it's clear as day, once you get the heads off, where the leak is at just by looking at the marks on the had and deck. Often times you can actually find carbon in the water jackets on the deck... That's where I take my first measurements and 9 times out of 10, it's warped out of spec. In more than a few cases, I didn't replace the EGR cooler because I felt it wasn't an issue and the heads fixed the problem by themselves, so I know I'm not just slamming gaskets in these things for problems that don't exist otherwise... Dave
  5. I saw one dude who actually made a fully functional torch that ran solely on water... Dave
  6. I hope I'm not the only one here who finds this hysterical... ...and it's also good to know that I'm not the only nerd here. Dave
  7. Wow, 5.9 - 6.1 hrs for cab removal and install based on cab style... not too shabby. MANY of the operations claimed like turbo removal, intake gaskets, oil cooler, so on... mention that they MUST be claimed in addition to the base cab-off operation of 6007B. However there is a little footnote mentioning that *all* repairs ARE possible with the cab ON the vehicle, and that straight-time will be how those operations get paid. (For example, if you have a vehicle with a bigass ladder rack and you can't pull the cab..) Still, some of these operations look somewhat generous and I'm sure after a few cycles, could become pretty profitable if they become commonplace. I think the oil cooler paid like 6.6 in addition to the 6.1 cab R&R so that's over 12 hours just in labor, no diag time included. Dave
  8. So with all this talk and whatnot of these new "in-house" diesels from Ford, maybe it wouldn't be a terrible idea to try and organize some kind of dedicated area here to unload and and all info we come across about this new breed of smoker... I'm sure there'll be all sorts of rumors and crap spewing from the gaping maw of every douchebag out there with Powerstroke forum access, but between the people we have here, we should be able to filter out the BS from the not-so-BS relatively quickly. I for one am all sorts of excited about these, hopefully this stuff starts making "news" sooner than later. Dave
  9. A few years back one of our younger techs went on this screaming rampage about Canada after trying to "fix" a Windstar with a concern of "headlights not turning off while driving". A solid 4 hours into it was when he learned that Canadian vehicles have daytime running lamps. Dave
  10. Seriously though, I agree to an immeasurable standpoint. The amount of information and constantly changing designs, applications, technologies, and advancements in this field are almost impossible to keep up with. Then there are those of us nerds who not only DO keep as up-to-date with all of that as possible, but go that extra mile and really look deeper into the smaller details about these vehicles and learn info that, although isn't necessary, *might* someday just come in helpful to you or those around you. It really is a shame that some technicians are so severely underpaid. I for one am not going to toot my own horn or anything and don't consider myself to be the most incredible technician ever to grace the planet, but I do know that I've taken enough time and put forth enough effort to really get a good grasp on as many facets of this business as possible. And because of that, I've found myself on more than a few occasions "schooling" others with *decades* more experience under their belt. I'm personally content with my pay but I don't have a family either, I'm 25, ridiculously single, play in a band.. I make more than enough to enjoy my current lifestyle and still put money away. But there are others who I konw are more valuable than I am who aren't making nearly what they should, and it's retarded. Some of these technicians are the brightest, smartest people you'll get the chance to come across who work harder than everyone in their neighborhood 5-6 days a week. I don't even know where I'm going \with this, all I know is that someday things *will* change for this trade, for the better. They have to. Dave
  11. I was gonna say EGR too for a minute but then you said he's not blowing a death cloud behind him either. And I know about as much about the inner workings of my spleen as I do about these transmissions. Dave
  12. This is some cool info, I have yet to hear much about the 4.4 but at least it looks like a huge step in the right direction. And this talk of a 6.7 in early '09 really raised an eyebrow (amongs other things, lol)... Dave
  13. Plus, I know Tony personally, and he thinks I look cute in my shop clothes. Dave
  14. Heh, at my ripe old age of 25 I suppose I shouldn't complain about the labor-intensive head gasket jobs anymore /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif I'd keep gloating about my youth but I think I just heard an older tech's hip give out, I better check to see if he's ok... Dave
  15. So.... has anyone checked the price of a new Cam sensor lately?? I wonder if this is a sign?? Dave
  16. Log onto http://www.fmcdealer.com and it should be right there on the first page in the "Parts & Service Home" tab. Also, check the FSA's as it may be in there... "TO: All U.S. Ford and Lincoln Mercury Dealers SUBJECT: ADVANCE NOTICE: DEMONSTRATION / DELIVERY HOLD: Special Service Instruction 07T07: Certain 2008 Model Year F-Super Duty Trucks with 6.4L Diesel Engines Fuel Injector Replacement AFFECTED VEHICLES Certain 2008 F-250/350/450/550 vehicles equipped with a 6.4L Diesel Engines built at the Kentucky Truck Assembly Plant from April 3, 2007 through May 21, 2007. Approximately 3,100 vehicles are affected and are identified by VIN in OASIS. In addition, for a list of vehicles assigned to your dealership, visit https://web.fsavinlists.dealerconnection.com. This information will be available on June 1, 2007. REASON FOR THIS PROGRAM In all of the affected vehicles, three (3) fuel injectors were subjected to a reverse polarity voltage during engine testing. The injectors that received reverse polarity will not operate properly. This may potentially cause the vehicle to run rough, hesitate, or stumble on acceleration. SERVICE ACTION DO NOT DEMONSTRATE or DELIVER any of the affected vehicles involved in this Special Service Instruction Program. A complete Dealer bulletin will be provided to Dealers the week of June 4, 2007 when it is anticipated that parts ordering information and repair instructions will be available to support this Program. OASIS Consult OASIS for affected vehicles. FSA VIN listings for unsold vehicles will be available on June 1, 2007." Dave
  17. Just spotted this on PTS a few hours ago, more info will be available Monday. Apparently 3 of the injectors on 6.4-equipped vehicles manufactured between Apr 3 (my birthday!!) and May 21 were exposed to "reverse polarity" and could cause future drivebility problems. The 3 injectors are to be replaced. Looks like I'll be up to my anus in busted frame-to-body cage nuts... here we go!! Dave
  18. Wow, Rickster! I never heard what ended up happening with that truck, that's a hell of a catastrophe. What was the total bill on that repair? (And just out of curiosity, what'd you end up getting paid for it?) Dave
  19. Hehe yeah, I saw this pic once, with the Ford logo and the motto: "Quality is Job #1" Then in really tiny letters at the bottom it said: "Recalling our quality products is Job #2" Dave
  20. It's not that you can't "See" if any programming has been done, it's just that *we* at a dealership level, can't see it. Dave
  21. The cover itself isn't really an issue, but ends up getting replaced somewhat frequently because the STC fitting that bolts to the branch tube has a tendency to separate with some pretty tremendous force, bend the branch tube back and smash up against & literally crack the rear engine cover. We actually had a truck come in on Monday with the same concern, I'll try to snap a pic of the cover for you all... Dave
  22. Good God. In a brutal twist of events, I'm watching TV and that "Extreme Makeover Home Edition" show comes on. Some poor family basically had a plane crash into their house and it burned completely to the ground... the problem was that they were in the middle of a re-finance and the insurance wasn't quite settled, and they basically lost everything they owned to the fire. So, theguys show up, build 'em a badass new house... andthey give one of the family members a new 6.4 F-450 dually. Pimp-!@#!?$! truck. All I can think about at this time is that picture of torch flame blowing out the pipes on this truck and this guy burning his new gift of a house down again with the truck that was given to him to help get life back on track, lol... (Yeah, it's in Florida or something so he doesn't need to warm it up, but still...) Dave
  23. I thought the newer C7's were running a common-rail high pressure fuel system, the HEUI injector was pretty much junked as of the '07MY (but I could be wrong, God knows I've been there before...) Dave
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