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Alex Bruene

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Everything posted by Alex Bruene

  1. I like the fact that in the "rant video", the tech that worked on his wife's truck managed to do make EVERY possible mistake that you can make doing that job. Maybe he was just trying to justify doing all those things himself at one time or another...
  2. Yup. I had the same issue opening new windows. Pop up blocker settings had to be adjusted.
  3. Right now, ABS lights have to work on anything built after July 1, 2011. As of July 1st, 2014, ABS lights have to function on everything.
  4. As of July 1st, we have to start checking for window tint on the front passenger and driver windows as part of PMCVI inspections in Ontario. Nothing built after July 1st, 2011 can have aftermarket tint.
  5. I've replaced a few damaged EGR bypass valves... But never seen one that bad!
  6. TerraClean-Flushing Wallets with Snake Oil... That should be their motto! I'd be afraid of anything that has you remove a 6.4 EGR valve for maintenance... That would be a pretty expensive wallet flush when the EGR valve breaks! I'd also be afraid of anything that promises better fuel economy on a 6.4... or any engine for that matter. It leads to a lot of unhappy customers!
  7. Anytime I get an EGR code, I replace the cooler. They've been plugged each and every time. I will continue to roll the dice on coolers until I get one wrong!
  8. Sounds like it to me. I find 6.0 lifters sometimes make a few extra squeeks as the engine comes to a stop after shutting it off.
  9. Or, I'm just putting in an ESB and not worrying about getting the lifter out.
  10. Update... I've pulled the head to check the lifter, but I can't get the lifter out of the bore. It is sitting about half an inch lower than the others, so I would assume the roller has failed and mangled the bottom of the lifter.
  11. I was pricing out DieselCare for a few customers of ours... DieselCare for a 6.4 is around $2000 more than it is for a 6.7. That just helps to confirm my arguement that the 6.4 is the biggest piece of junk diesel engine we've seen in a long time. Sorry, Aaron.
  12. I've had a bit more time to look at mine... The noise it's making isn't the bottom end, it's just popping back through the intake. Something is wrong with the lifter-which must have been what caused the initial failure. I pulled the VC off, and the exhaust valve bridge has fallen out. The push-rod is engaged to the rocker arm and the lifter, but I can slip the bridge in and out with no problem.
  13. I can't escape this story in the news... I'm still waiting to hear more before I make decisions, but I have 2 possible scenarios on this one (besides the simple truck theft thing)... 1 being, there is more this Bosma dude than we are being let know, and he was in to something that got him dead. 2 being, this little rich kid may have been set-up... Think about it, if you off a dude, you don't put his truck in you mom's driveway and you don't burn his body on your property... unless you're really stupid or you want to be caught. JMHO.
  14. It's no pain. I documented everything properly. Inolved hotline at every step. It is a good customer who is 3 weeks from the end of his warranty, so I'm quite content that he's getting an ESB. He was going to spend $5K on DieselCare, but now he won't have to-seeing that the early shortblock will be gone.
  15. Has anybody ever figured out what causes rocker arms to break in a 6.4? I only ask because I replaced all the arms on one bank on 2 days ago, and now the truck is back with a horrendous bottom end knock. There was a substantial amount of metal filings in the oil after the repair, which hotline related to the broken rocker arms, and told me to change the oil and let the filter do its thing to remove filings from the lubrication system. I am wondering if the arm broke because we had a little piston to valve contact due to a failing rod... Ideas?
  16. I used to work with a coaster (somebody that moved to Ontario from one of the Maritime provinces). Coasters don't have a 100% grip on French or English-but they do have a 90% grip on both... So they speak "Frenglish". He used to say stuff like; "You think I know fucking nothing? I tell you I know fuck all!". Good times!
  17. My BG friend will confess that the EGR cleaner only works as a maintenance. If the intake or EGR are too coked, it's a waste of time and money.
  18. I've rarely seen 1. But when I do, I just reboot. The 2 and 3 I only ever see if I try to start IDS immediately after a reboot... Wait 2 minutes and it works.
  19. We send our 6.0 intakes out of ultrasonic cleaning. They come back looking like brand new.
  20. I read that TSB yesterday and kind of threw up in my mouth a little.
  21. Due to a technician moving on to a fleet, we are looking to hire a technician for our commercial truck shop. We work on trucks... rarely does anything smaller than a 250 come through here, unless it's owned by a fleet that specifies it doesn't go to our light duty shop. If any GTA area technicians are interested, PM me and I'll tell you more about it.
  22. I'm not a big fan of half-shell replaements. In my experience, they end up with a complete FICM within a year. I only do half-shells if it's warranty.
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