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Everything posted by Fredsvt

  1. Has anyone else been seeing failures of the lines from the quick connects at the crossmember to the engine? I've only put on to '01 as I haven't seen any newer or older than that yet. I'm now on set 2 in a week and have several more coming from our fleet accounts. So far these have been so badly corroded that the quick connect lines have swollen and broken right off. I'm replacing the line set on the engine and the supply and return lines that run to under the driver's door. The new ones don't appear to be painted or coated with any kind of rust prevention coating. I can say the ones with the electric lift pump are SO much easier to do than the old tandem pump trucks. I sure hope all those lines on the upcoming 6.4 are coated in some way, they sure don't look easy to get to in chassis.
  2. I just did a really dumb one. Timing chains on an '01 4.6 F150 already had the front cover bolted up, p/s pump back on and started installing the balancer, when lo and behold I look up a the battery and what do I see? The friggen reluctor wheel for the crank sensor. Arrrgghh!!! I then remember picking it up off the bench, cleaning it, and placing it on the battery. I was going to put in on the nose of the crank when I returned from lunch. DUH!!!
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