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Steve Mutter

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About Steve Mutter

  • Birthday 03/26/1979


  • Member Title
    Guru Member

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  • Location
    Winnipeg Manitoba,Canada
  • Dealership Name
    Mid Town Ford
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  1. Nice find Casey, I don't think I would have thought to see if the rail was plugged. I seen this once on a 6.0 that had something blocking the oil rail on an 03 rail style oil log.
  2. Thanks Gary ! wpt-1306 looks like the right one. I will double check on Monday
  3. I have given up on a lot of the "Ford brand parts" for 6.0 diesels. Who is making reliable parts for the 6.0. Do the Alliant power stand pipe/dummy plug seal kits last longer than a year ?
  4. I have a 2023 that needs a pigtail or pins for the AAT connector. Has anyone found part numbers, our customer does want to spend the big money for a mirror. In the mean time they are looking for junk part to cut the pigtail out of.
  5. Well I found a cable that works from NAPA #NUP 97292. I think the bigger problem is my parts department makes 2 call and puts there hands in the air leaving other people to do there job.
  6. I have a 2006 f-550 1FDAF56Y77EA77924 that needs a passenger side parking brake cable BRCA-42 that is N/R. There is also no aftermarket cables that will work I have been told by my parts. What are you guys doing to get around this, we need the cable so the parking brake will hold to pass its yearly inspection. Does Ford have a contact email for this type of issues ?
  7. That's a tough one, hope your recovery goes good. I am 45 and only had one shoulder surgery so far, I know how you feel about changing jobs. The doctor asked me if I plan on doing this the rest of my life, kind of put me in shock because I don't know what else to do for a living.
  8. Here's a good one. I put and 6.7 complete reman with turbo in and it came back a couple of weeks later with a big oil leak. Found an oil leak at the service port in between the outlet side and center section. Installed new turbo and found it will no hold vacuum when re filling the cooling system. Lucky I had the drain plug out when I was doing all of this because when I put coolant in it to pressure test it I found all the coolant running out the oil pan ! this is what I found on a new turbo ! IMG_4230.mp4
  9. I am looking for the part # for the lower fuel filter housing shield on a 2017 f-250. My parts guys are telling me its HC3Z-9A032-N but I don't think thats right.
  10. I got a 2003 E-450 7.3 in for no start. I got it running in my buy and let it idle then it started to run rough and die. I tried re started and would not got, I checked icp and found that it is making good icp but not starting. I hook my gauge up to the pump and found no fuel pressure. I can hear the pump running so I tie into the back side of the pump. Unfortunately the bus has all the fuel lines replaced with a rubber type hose and some kind of bullshit filter right before the pump. I remove that and find that one of the hose's to the pump looks collapsed inside. I installed a new hose and now I have fuel pressure and the truck starts and runs. I drive it two different time and over 45 kms and found it running good. The owner takes it the next day and it die not even a block away. I was thinking that there might be more problems with the rubber hose so I take a small jug of diesel to run the truck on to get it back to the shop. It now will not suck any fuel up, not even right off the back off the pump. This is a brand new Ford fuel pump that was put on at another shop. I had good power to the power at the time I was testing, I haven't re check power to the pump yet but I can hear it running. What else can cause a restriction ? has any one had a plugged regulator cause this ?
  11. I just started wearing hearing protection in the last ten years full time. I switched to using a headphone style so its easier take them off to talk to people.
  12. We can't get either filter at this time, we started getting wix filters for the time being.
  13. I can't remember the last time I had the whole cab in the air, everything we work on lately has too many wires that make it not worth it. I cab tilt almost all my major engine jobs.
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