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About kellyf

  • Birthday 12/09/1963


  • Member Title
    Senior Member

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  • Location
    Greenville SC
  • Dealership Name
    Protech Automotive Solutions
  • Interests
    Women and Golf

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  1. After replacement with new Ford engine have code P0016. Scope pattern normal on cam and crank. Check engine light with long crank. Im pretty sure this has been addressed before. Can someone kindly send me in right direction.
  2. 2018 f 250 door removal. Now only on power window works and no center stack at all.Both right side doors were removeed. anyone run into this?
  3. I have tried to scan 2 18 model Raptors with The Ids and I get a ton of Communication faults on each one. Does this truck Need FDRS?
  4. Thank you.I was wondering about the ssm, but didn't know if it would apply.
  5. My sister in law has a 2014 f 150 That even with the key off a message appears that states battery saver on. Turn key off or start engine in mesage center. Anybody run into this before?
  6. Yukon, did you ever find one?
  7. kellyf

    New job

    They have opportunities in many cities.
  8. kellyf

    New job

    Re: https://jobs.ourcareerpages.com/job/266518?source=AsTech&jobFeedCode=AsTech&returnURL=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.astech.com
  9. I'm happy to say I am now working for a company called Astech. We remotely scan modules on wrecked vehicles and give advise and or remotely reprogram modules. They are located all over the country and are the only one in the business of doing so. They are hiring at many locations right now, and it is a great job for senior tech's.
  10. Thank you sir. Can you get me the hose number please? Also what kind of labor are we looking at?
  11. the fuel leak appears to be from a a hose on the left back side of the block as viewed with the doghouse off. Is this a return line. I have heard of air intrustion causing no starts.is there a name for the fuel line return kit and if so does it include this line? I have little experience on older 7.3 engines with mechanical injector pumps. Any help apprieciated
  12. Pulled the dog house on this on and line at left treat of engine leaking fuel. I think maybe this is a return line. Seemed a while back We got a set of fuel injector return lines which had a name. Also the flow plug module platic at the bottom is turning in to goo maybe from the fuel. I drove it for what was a trans shift concern, but it starting surging and barely made back to dealer and cut off and now a no start.we maybe have a working ngs. No turn signals ,wipers don't work and and light on with no speedometer. Thinking maybe that's a diff speed sensor. More fun for me!
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