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About OHNO60

  • Birthday 06/06/1974


  • Member Title
    Knowledgeable Member

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    C&M Truck and Tire Repair Corp

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  1. Same here P0207F on 2012 F350 chassis cab. Mine was a turbocharger passing oil into the exhaust stream at such a small rate that it never smoked, but coated the SCR brick with oil preventing the DEF from reacting completely. We replaced the DPF/SCR torpedo and it never failed again. None the less in the interim a NOx sensor and module were replaced, EGR cooler was coked tighter than a crabs A!#, calibration updates. Very discouraging, especially when the freeze frame lacks the essentials for diag.
  2. Do any of you guys remember an OASIS message involving DC3Z-3504-A Steering gear boxes that were called out for the F-350 trucks not contacting the chassis on the top bolt? I have one here and for some reason the OASIS message has been " scrubbed" and TSH has no information on the message. To boot the part number was removed from the parts catalog supersession and "correct" part number is on galactic back order for few months. The message involved replacing the upper bolt and installing a spacer between the upper bolt mounting pad and chassis. Figuring the OASIS message was out around Feb-May 2015. Thanks in advance..
  3. Any of you guys ever run across a P0234-over boost on a chassis cab that's intermittent? Freeze frame shows mostly around 1500 RPM flag and after road test of 75 miles cannot duplicate. Release to customer and like clockwork flags a derate. TSH useless... OASIS nothing...Ran PPT and all readings match.
  4. 127K ON A TRANSIT BUS....Sounds like a lifter beginning to fail, Especially when the relative craps out from rpm inconsistencies.
  5. Gotta love those SLTS guys. Had it done in 8.3hours. Busted my hump too, just to see 3.6 hours. I'd like to see a video on how they got it done in 3.6..... bet there was a saws-all involved.
  6. Have any of you guys replaced an evap core on a 09 or so F Series? What was the SRT's? SLTS shows 3.6 hours and your now allowed to claim the dash removal.
  7. Hey stroker, check the lines from pump to hydroboost. Had one with same exact issue,had a loose "straw"type of plastic tube dislodged and blocking the flow to the hydroboost. Think the tube is some type of inside hose lining.
  8. Beeline uses lazers for toe and believe mercury type switches for caster aqnd camber. Guys think its pretty user friendly. Never been down in 15 years we had the system.
  9. Were using Beeline here Jim. Works on everything from passenger to tractor trailer with same adapters. Cold bend axles with 100k pistons like their made at antie annes pretzels. No weak points in over 15 years with beeline.
  10. I agree with Bruce, The USB Link from Nexiq is a god send. Speeds up a Servicemaxx session on an LCF to a sensible level. Downfall is pricy. Think ours was about 750 or so. Good thing is it works with all out software, Cat ET, Cummins Insite, Allison, DDA,Volvo,ETC.If i'm correct also works flawlessly with programming too.
  11. If i remember right it was a noise complaint. I was told it was an issue over in London where there a hot item. I would change the belt tensioner too, for some reason the guy said the tensioners usually fail when their unloaded to release the belt. Let me know if you need any help. Anthony (718) 356-9852
  12. Yup, replaced one before. Actually they use the WDS for this car out there in London.I actually connected to the car with our IDS and pulled codes. Only thing is there is no way to research the codes. I called London and worked with those guys on a fuel timing code and they had me pull the whole dam engine apart to check the timing, then told me to change the injection pump. After installed the injection pump they realized they sent the export version, which didn't run the engine. YES, i hate those dam cars.
  13. mchan, there is a guy in North Carolina that is the only dealer in the US for London Taxi he is Rob Whitestone (336) 852-2541. By the way had the luck of working on those and i'll take a 6.0 any day. Those cars suck, getting parts sucks, everything about that car sucks. Let me know if you need the service manual, i'll send it to ya.
  14. mchan, there is a guy in North Carolina that is the only dealer in the US for London Taxi. I'll get his number tomorrow morning. Is itone of those alternators with a clutch on the end?
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