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Everything posted by Tony302600

  1. Who cares what the CEO's took to beg for money. What do you think citibank and all the other bank ceo's take to their private islands?
  2. Well, i had one that has a symptom of a bad FICM, all the usual codes and we've had a rash of them. Replaced FICM, all of a sudden just stalled and then got a p0611. By luck of a draw I was f-in around I tapped the FICM relay and truck stalled. Be careful with that one.
  3. ON CP tickets i always sell a intake cleaning, but lately the international became lazy and took forever so we put the halt on that. I've seen a egr cooler 100% clogged, was doing head gaskets when i saw it.
  4. If a Ford auditor hung up on me that would raise hell with me. I wouldn't let that down. This whole issue is making me mad as i read it. More and more people will stop buying Ford's because of their stupid business practices.
  5. the one 7.3 on here that had 100psi of boost had 2 injection pumps on it. Pictures are in one of the topics.
  6. I'm just curious to know what the normal manual compression readings are for a 6.4L.
  7. BG just started doing that stuff by covering each flush component up to X amount.
  8. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/notworthy.gif
  9. Put the SYNC and FICMSYNC pids in a line graph format so you can see then dropping out. The simple yes and now pids are dumb, but with the graph you can actually see it. That's how i found my buck jerk problem. I replaced the engine harness, cam and crank sensors per hotline. Guy said it's never driven better. FYI Keith gave me that idea and line looked very scattered from no to yes.
  10. <----keeping mouth shut. I've read stuff bout McCain and his past that makes me wanna punch him in the face. (all documented from good sources). Politics is dirty, it always will be, nothing will ever change....... No matter who is in office. But i will say that i'm happier that Obama got elected. He seems to be the one that will make the most change. You looked at Obama'a rally he had 650,000+ diverse people. McCain had what looked like 1,000 caucasions. (no offense) When McCain made his speech, he said we must all unite with president Obama..they all started booing, but he sternly made the motion for them to stop. I don't know, but this is an awesome post. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/notworthy.gif Good Job, a lot of good info. On Edit: My dad came back from Europe on a business endeavour, and was telling me that every newspaper was blaming the U.S. for all of their problems. Using the U.S. as an effigy and scapegoat for all their problems. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/shrug.gif
  11. +1 I was out for a month then put on light duty work in the truck shop. Chiroprator helped me 100%.
  12. I always call back, i always fill out the survey's. Lately the hotline guy's have been exceeding my expectations.
  13. I've been down this road with a fleet manager of TJ Lambrecht and Ford. 3/4'' - 1'' over the full mark on a 6.4 L is completly normal. The cylinders will wash down with fuel through EXCESSIVE regen and EXCESSIVE Idle time. I think its poppycock and a shitty design, but this the hand that Ford delt us. It's all confusing, but i think if the vehicle has a problem, then you should look into it. If the vehicle runs awesome and has no problems then forget it. The one we had vibrated only at idle, no DTC's, no drivebility. The driver didn't even complain about it. We recovered 35 qts outta the pan. We found the HP oil pump leaking by draining the oil, left the drain plug out overnight, and then in the morning commanded the HFCM on for 10 minutes and walla, found fuel pouring outta the pan.
  14. U can thank CAT for winning the contract for remanning(is that even a word) our beloved 6.0L's.
  15. And when you send it back make sure you write in your story that, when bench testing, you heated the egr cooler to simulate operationg temperature, and thats when it failed. I got one charged back and told them to read my story stating I had to heat the cooler up to get it to fail.
  16. WTF? On Edit: Just read his profile.....asshole in the next bay. LoL.
  17. The reason I don't poke around much is even if you do find a problem, the harness isn't repairable, and thus warranty won't pay for it. Have the time you don't even find anything wrong but the bugger is fixed. The harness isn't hard to do. Slam it in (that's what she said), and send it on it's way.
  18. What we do is one guy heats up the head of each bolt 1-2 minutes, then goes back to the first one, heats it up, then someone else uses a 1/2''rachet to hand loosen them, the other guy moves to the 2nd and so on. We just did one this morning, only took 10-20minutes on a crew cab.
  19. Thank God, i don't wanna hear about it from Mark and Nick anymore LoL. 12 years ago, the ems and ambulances made it there because they had 7.3L's /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/rofl.gif
  20. The owner made sure that he's not aware of it. He think's its a stupid idea, but when it's slow, you gotta feed the shop and the kids. Very very intelligent guy, and awesome to work with.
  21. +1 we do an assembly line thing, one guy heats the shit outta the bolt, then the other follows loosening the bolts with a rachet. Works everytime. Come out like butter
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