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Everything posted by Tony302600

  1. We do work for a diesel performance shop and i strolled into it on friday to find a 6.4 with a complete exhaust from downpipe to dual exhaust on it. I was talking to the owner of the shop and he said that he tried to talk the guy outta it, but he wanted a DPF delete and cat delete exhaust system. He told me he can't even buy them, this guy found one. He also was telling me that he made the guy sign a legal document stating this was for off-road use only so if he get's caught, it wont fall back on him. This is the second one he has done, and second guy he tried talking out of doing it. But the gas mileage gain for these guy's is what they want. i can't wait to see how much gas mileage they will gain. The trucks get a custom tune because of the exhaust to turn off regen.
  2. Anyone in the woodstock area, DamageInc is playing a gig at some bar this weekend, i will be there /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/drinkingdude.gif
  3. i'm not blaming you at all, im blaming your stupid retarded manager. Tow it over here we'll put a motor in it. LoL.
  4. One of the ambulances that is in the fleet we do work for stalled while transporting a heart attack patient (first visit here thank god). All I think of is, what if it was me. I feel for you Dave as I am lucky to have a boss and owner that care more about doing it right then a stupid report thats flawed to begin with. Ambulances are fixed and get 2 days of off and on driving to make sure that they are fixed. If it was me i wouldn't touch it until he cited with me. You shouldn't have to half ass a vehicle on ure managers decision that transport's a life. Would you feel safe knowing that the ambulance that will transport you was fixed only 75%. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/2cents.gif On Edit. The heart attack patient made it ok.
  5. I need your opinions on a normal cold start crank for a 06 6.0. I'm talking overnight was 35 degrees first time it starts, then is fine the rest of theday. I know of Ford's 7 second rule (which is bullshit). SO just curious what you all think. I have one that cranks 5 seconds only on cold starts, hot starts is perfect. I'm leaning for normal.... Not DTC's nothing.
  6. Thermostats....just did 2 in a row, fixed both.
  7. Get a long block, what the hell is the matter with you. The engine is toast. If the rocker clips are brittle why bother with all that shit. Change the long block and call it a day. Why throw a shortblock + heads, and dick with all that crap.
  8. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/popcorn.gif can't wait for the whole story saturday night on how the service manager took it Dave. LoL.
  9. I got one last week after the parts guy saved a customer a $350 egr valve on his still under warranty 6.0L (couldnt believe one of our parts guys doing that). I stayed late, no bigge egr valve failed horribly, told him its covered under his warranty, also ran through the other things that are under warranty on his truck, what the crucial maintainence was on the 6.0's. He couldn't be happier, so he put $25 in my shirt pocket. I told him he doesn't have to do that, it's ok sir im just doing my job. And then took it. He was very persistant. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/thumbup.gif I have a 2 no thank you rule, if the customer is still persistant after 2 "no no it's ok" 's, then i get it. LoL. But....on the other hand, a 17yr old kid was installing the rear cap on his bronco, needed a T40 tamper-proof torx socket, service writer got me, i happily put the bolts in, and declined the $2 tip, and just told him to do something nice for someone in the future. He was happier then one of the gas guy's getting a 30K (and thats pretty damn happy). I think you kind of have to look at the person. Some people you know not to take the tip you really just wanna help them out. Other people like the EGR guy, owned a company, so i figured he could afford it after the 2nd no. IMHO.
  10. Alex thanks, but im trying to avoid ordering a dash harness.
  11. is it the rotunda motorcraft connector book? shows 1-multiple cavity?
  12. I have a 07 F-350 that needs a instrument cluster connecter. The blue one to be more specific, it has a broken locking tab and will not keep connection with the instrument cluster. My parts guys are only finding that it comes in the main dash harness. It is connector 220B in the EVTM. It's the latch style locking one 16 cavity. The harness is back-ordered and the truck isnt driveable. Thanks.
  13. F-that. I feel for you. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/puke.gif
  14. i think its bullshit the media focus's sooo much on Ford or GM's recall's, that no one even notices that honda and toyota have a shitload more recalls and problems then anyone can fit into one news cast. I've about heard more unhappy truck owners from the japanese side then ours. I was in the aisle today and heard at least 3 customers tell our service writers how happy they are with the new products Ford came out with. More and more i go up there and just randonmly ask customers how they like their new 08...and more and more say they love it. That goes for the truck owners also. I hear a lot of guy's bitching about the 6.4 but in the end they tell me when they tow its like there is nothing on the back, it pulls like a dream, runs awesome, and wouldn't want to get rid of it. I had one customer tell me "Tony...this new truck....it sips diesel like champagne." LoL.
  15. 15.9. That includes, egr oil cooler replacement, turbo cleaning, thermostat, HPOP fitting replacement, L.O.F., and Fuel Filters, and send the intake out to clean all the carbon out of the coked egr port from idling. This companies inside wiring is REALLY user friendly. To straps and the whole unit can be moved back to access the dog house.
  16. Ya, im sorry but if you dont lay a thin coat of sealer you are just asking for a problem. We do it on all CP job's that are in hard to get areas. E.G. right now im doing a oil/egr cooler in a ambulance, i recomended while the intake was out getting cleaning, to do the HP pump fitting because it's all taken apart, they ok'd it so before putting the cover back on i cleaned everything perfectly. Then added some sealant. I don't wanna do that job twice.
  17. http://www.nbcchicago.com/traffic_autos/..._National_.html
  18. Well, international builds them not Ford. Remans are done by CAT. Ever since Cat started doing remans, a FSE told me "quality went down the toilet." It's all international's retarded self IMHO.
  19. +1 My buddies are seeing 600-650miles to the tank on B10.
  20. I had the luxury of doing another set of rockers from lot-rot. The better part of the story is that the sale-lady drove down to st. loius to pick it up as apart of a dealer trade. The selling dealer had the truck sitting for 6 months. THE TRADING DEALER GAVE HER THE TRUCK WITH THE BROKEN ROCKERS AND DEAD MISFIRE ON #2 CYLINDER /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/hahaha.gif. SHE thought it was normal and drove 200-300(dont know how far exactly) miles back to our dealer. Another sales guy got in it and said WTF. She thought the new diesels were suppost to vibrate like that. I was kind of upset that the trading dealer took advantage of the sales ladies un-education. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/hitthefan.gif
  21. Make sure you sabotage their trucks so you can be on the show. I'm sure you'll get to hear all the stories on what really happened. Good Luck.
  22. Are you going to be working on the "ice road truckers" trucks?
  23. I do the aftermarket install's on my buddies 6.0's. They mainly use it for the MPG and the occasional "weiner" in his porsche. The last install I did, was on a abused 03 that an aquaitence (dunno how to spell it) purchased. The degas bottle vented before and it vented after, i told him what it was, told him do not ride around on level 6 or you will have problems.He's riding around on level 6 calling me asking why his trans smells bad and where all his coolant went. I played the "i can't hear you im going through a tunnel" game. LoL.Oh well.
  24. We had a guy start working here from new mexico, he hated it cuz the rust. Plus, people kept cars longer there because they wouldn't rust. E.G. people would buy motors and trans' to keep their car's going. And we also had a 94 explorer from nevada not one lick of rust on it. Had 290K. Makes me wanna move.
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