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Everything posted by Tony302600

  1. I get the engineer's talking about how bad of a design it is. So WTF
  2. I keep forgetting what this forum is about looking at that avatar
  3. I heard that Hotline doesn't have anything to do with Ford other then being contracted through them. So we're not really talking to Ford engineer's? /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/confused.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/scratchhead.gif Cetane, bury this assumption for me with your knowledge of the whole Hotline system.
  4. That doesn't make any sense. You didn't take any injector's out?
  5. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/thumbup.gif
  6. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/hitthefan.gif
  7. When i was in the gas shop I caouldn't count how many car's come in with brand new EGR valves and pissed off owners saying that the Independent shop couldn't figure out what's causing there p0401, only to realize that the 02m01 covers the DPFE replacement. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/boink3.gif
  8. I remember when i took the 7.3L class, i was told, "if there is a question on the final about a result from a pinpoint test that conclude's either A. replace IPR or B. replace HP pump, and you choose to replace the HP pump B. you will fail this course!!!"
  9. I assisted a buddy with rebuilding his injector's on his 97 7.3L. There is a guy (dont know the site) who sell's a aftermarket kit that include's a o-ring kit, plunger and new spring's, claiming to give you 100rwhp and 250rwtq. I didn't do any of the rebuilding but i watched, ( i was just there to take the injector's out and put them back in ). Have you guy's heard or delt with this. It's all Aliant packaging. I don't know what he did, but after 50miles he said he's got gray smoke billowing out of his exhaust and knocking under a load. I'm thinking something is wrong with one of his injector's. If there is no contribution code's then i just use the cancel box to cancel cylinder's individually until the knocking stop's right? yikes, i told him not to do this!!!!
  10. Dave, we've already discussed this and there is an article on here about it. LoL. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/boink3.gif I love these belt's..... 15minutes and im done.
  11. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cheers.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smirk.gif
  12. Anybody get it on their card yet? my card is stil saying i have 22 cent's on it. payment was submitted on may 2nd. How long does it take?
  13. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/rofl.gif This is probably going to be the most viewed topic.
  14. Well i have my first experience with a CAT motor today. Oil change in a 05 F-650 with a C7. We are not certified to work on these bad boys, but we are working to get certified on the maintainence part. I learned it takes a whole box of oil diaper's and a gallon of degreaser to clean up the 15qts of oil that spilled after the drain plug fell into the funnel of your used oil container, blocking it, and unreachable. Luckily the new concrete in the parking lot soaked some of it up. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/banghead.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/banghead.gif
  15. Well I worked with the engineer's til they basically told me that it's gonna have to go to service in Indiana where they are built. He made me take a fuse out of their fuse box (which is in a horrid place to begin with, shitty access, which is being changed because of it's crappy position), and jumper the secondary for the PCM power relay. they have a relay that control's it for safety on their end. Put it all back together, and it's all good for the driver's ride to IN. Some info for you guy's in the future that the engineer filled me on. He said they are getting huge order's for these thing's, which are solely based on the E-450 chasis. We will be seeing a lot of these to come. Weird was the 2valve 5.4L in a late built 08. My truck was a Fed/Ex one. They are creating a package which includes a laptop (modeled after IDS), their software, and a diagnostic workshop manual/ PC/ED that will be sent out whenever a dealer is working on these vehicles and needs to diangose their system, like my situation. I've never had a better experience working with an engineer. The engineer went through exactly how the entire system works before testing anything so i knew what was going on, much like our description and operations portion's of our manual. He then went to tell me exactly what thing's cause this exact failure. Their wiring diagram's we a little confusing because this is still a prototype vehicle. The best part was this comment from him.. "sorry for the burden of having this vehicle at your shop, and we are very appreciative that you are taking the time to help us try to figure out what is going on. Don't worry, you will be paid for any time you have taken to work on the vehicle, just send us the bill." I just paused and said, "burden??? this is awesome, i'm learning about some awesome stuff."
  16. I want to see one of the mexico bound 6.4's that i heard have no emmisions on them whatsoever, no coolers, dpf's, cat's, nothing. Anyone have a picture of the engine bay?
  17. Tim i've looked at the site as soon as i got the truck last friday, not ignoring you. That's the engineer's im working with from Azure. The language barrier is the only problem. I have my Kanook to English translation book next to me and keep having to tell him to hold on while i look up key words. LoL. ( totally messing with you )
  18. The old "sigh" followed by an exhale of breath after telling an engineer your concern..."that's impossible, lemme put you on hold." then he goes to his happy place, e.g. a micheal bolton CD, then comes back and say's "well their no known conern's on this, basically i've never heard of anyhting like that, let us know what you find."
  19. He's now only briging it to me after finding a bunch of scraches on his truck and a oil leak... Ya happy. LoL. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/boxing.gif
  20. I'm not mad about that, i'm mad that he yelled at him like a little kid. That's what I'm mad at.
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