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Everything posted by Tony302600
I love whole foods but I only shop there when the farmers markets aren't held. I go to farmers markets first, then i go to whole foods for whatever they have. One thing you have to remember is that Whole Foods is a company that has share-holders. What eventually happens like with every company? They get too big and then they start cutting quality to please wall street. Have you checked out their website for recipes? I've made about 10 of them and they are insane good. Have you noticed their produce? There isn't any insanely huge genetically modded tomatoes/onions etc etc. Their meats are all NORMAL sized because the chickens aren't pumped full of steroids/anti-biotics. I had a friend come from England go to Walmart's supermarket and he kept saying Fruits and vegetables aren't suppost to be that big, hes never seen that in his life. In England 98% of eggs sold are from free-range grass fed chickens. In the US? 98% are stuck in cages and fed corn. (which is what they never eat) The other thing is when you buy and make your own food, that equates to family dinners. But the problem is we live in a society that would rather have someone else do the cooking for convenience. McDonalds was sued in England because the practices that were used to kill animals for their meat. They lost. Court deemed it extremely un-ethical. Anyone know why fast food is way more expensive outside the US? Because they have to use quality meats & vegetables. They can't use meat that's been washed with amonuea 20x to kill bacteria, when if they feed cows grass, there wouldn't be any bacteria. Let's not even get into the environmental impacts of factory farming. It's worse than all the heavy pollutants in the world. Watch the movie Food Inc. You will be shocked at what we're eating that's not organic. Changed my life and others around me.
You wanna know something F-d up? I have a good friend in pharmaceutical sales (cant tell you which company). He told me that his company did tons of research and they developed a "party pack" for the gays. It's comprised of 3 pills (he wouldnt tell me). If you take these 3 pills, you can have un-protected sex with someone that has AIDS and not contract it. Now that's f'd-up. Jim, I am inspired by your posts. I've started asking asking questions and it turned me into an informed person. I've actually changed 3 of my friends eating habits in their families lives because they were appalled after watching the movie "FOOD INC" about our food. I just want you guys to start questioning your food. Here's the thing. When you buy from local farmers, or small markets, you're actually helping the community. Not only do you get insanely fresh produce that you know hasn't been messed with, but you're ensuring a extremely healthy life for you and your family. My sister took high-fructose corn syrup out of my nephews diet (its in everything). He's suppost to be on ridilin etc etc, but he went from insanely hyper to normally active and his teachers are so happy also. I will never ever in my life take a prescription drug after talking to my pharm sales buddy. He will never take the products he sells cuz he knows better. And jim you'll never have to worry about you food because everything i mentioned is banned in canada if a human can possibly consume it.
We spend $4,000-$5000 p/p on healthcare. We are NOW #37 in the world when it comes to quality of life due to healthcare behind Estonia. We are #50 in infant mortality. Cuba, France, Spain, England etc etc pay around $1500-2000 p/p in their universal healthcare system and they focus on prevention. One form of prevention is healthy eating. They ban A LOT of the stuff that is allowed in the US. GMO (genetically modified organisms) basically screwing with foods genetics, MSG (mono-sodium glutamite) flavor enhancer, and Bisphenol A (BPA) is an industrial chemical which is used to harden plastic. This controversial chemical has been linked to breast cancer are all fine and dandy for us to eat per FDA. Those are just 3 of the many. Did you know McDonalds can have up tp 0.2ounces of benzene in their chicken nuggets. 1oz and you'll be very sick, 5oz and its death. (i think those are the figures) You can trace 90% of cancers, diseases, illness's due to what companies put in our food. Those things are banned outside the US. I eat 100% organic, unprocessed, locally grown produce. I've noticed an insane difference in my life. I don't eat out, I don't eat fast food. I buy grass fed anti-biotic free beef/chicken pork because factory farming is killing us and the environment. Purdue has found a way to Genetically modify chickens to grow in 1/2 the time with no eyes, bigger chicken breasts...but at a cost....because they grow so fast they are pumped with anti-biotics because they will get sick faster...those anti-biotics and steroids go directly to you when you eat their chicken. People need to really question where their food comes from. This is whats wrong with the country right here. http://bravenewfilms.org/blog/?p=20619
You've got to be kidding me. I used to watch Fox when it had both sides of the story, now its just bash whoever isn't republican. They bash Ron Paul who is the best representation of TRUE Republican Values If you think Fox has your best intention, think again. They only care about money money money money and the corporations that are running this country. 90% of the airwaves are dominated by right wing conservative talk shows. Look at their theory. DEREGULATION!!!!! Look where that has gotten us. Jobs overseas, insanely huge companies that can influence elections who are owned by international people. Does that make sense to you? I believe in Ron Pauls economic views heavily. Again, your statement is extremely selfish. Why are you not worried about your community. Do you care if your neighbor dies? Do you care if jobs go over seas due to a unregulated free market and your neighbor loses his job. Again, your thought process is exactly the way I was until that shit happened to me. Glenn Beck, Hannity, Limbaugh are all intelligent men and will say ANYTHING the highest employer will pay them to say. That channel preys on people that don't want to take the time to really look at this country and this world. I read Glenn Becks book..he pretty much would love to replace the bible with the constitution. He makes no sense, he contradicts himself. That channel preys on people that don't want to take the time to really look at this country and this world. And Dave, the reason healthcare costs are insane are because Ronald Reagen, bush, clinton, and Dubya, deregulated the free market and squashed the anti-monopolies amendment our founding fathers put in, and history shows when republicans have been in office they actually grew government. With Respect to Keith and to keep the integrity of the site I wont post ANYMORE views about politics and governemnt. I hope you guys will do the same. Politics only creates arguments because that's what it is. I will, however, defend any misinformation. This country is too big, too diverse to please everyone, but we all need to look at what we can do to help each other and our neighbors. This country is turning into a selfish, "what about me" culture and thats what got us into this mess. Sorry Keith, Rant over.
And what if iraq really did have WMD's, and what if Bin Laden wasnt friends with the Bush Family?, and what if, and what if? Nice Fox News talking point. If it's so bad, why does Hawaii have universal government run healthcare? Republican governer, conservative state...why do they get it? Why does EVERY other country in the world GET IT that supplying A RIGHT TO HEALTHCARE gives a better quality of life for citizens. I can name 30people that want to start a business but cant afford the healthcare coverage. How is that not a jobs creator? I'm going to say this as easily as I can say it. IF you are against medicare for all, you are selfish. IF you think healthcare is a privelage, you are immoral. Where was all this backlash of the government when Bush and Cheney were whiping their asses with the constitution?
ok, so ure system is not perfect, no system is. But I would at least have yours for the security that if I have an heart attack, or get cancer, or something serious, a insurance company wont pull the plug on payments to secure their profit-margin, keep the 2 company jets fueled waiting for the CEO that makes $750million a year to take them.
I'll call your bluff on that one. You're the very first canadian i've heard that from. You're not guaranteed just because you pay insurance that they will pay for it. My sister has Very very good full-coverage insurance through her school, the insurance company (United Healthcare) declined to pay the $20K bill for my nephews birth. They decided this 6months later, didn't give her a reason why. See that's the great thing about our for-profit system....you have insurance, but once you REALLY need it, it's russian roulette for them to actually pay the bill. 61% of all US bankruptcies are from people that had excellent health insurance but they got sick and the company decided not to pay making them lose their savings and house. An insurance company in denver decided not to cover a 4month old baby because it was to overweight. An insurance company in New York dropped a 4year old from the parents insurance plan because she got a sickness that would make them pay to much. That's the system you'd want?
Well if we had SINGLE PAYER healthcare we wouldn't have that problem buddy. If corporations and companies wouldn't hire illegal immigrants THEY WOULDN'T COME HERE.....YOU'RE MAD AT THE WRONG THING Again, we absolutely do not have a illegal immigrant problem..we have a illegal employer problem. I know a good amount of illegals that use a fake social security number, AND PAY TAX'S THE SAME ME AND YOU DO....but....they will never use this service they pay for. Aaron I've asked you this time and time again...would you give up your healthcare system for ours? I have yet to meet 1 person not from the US that would gladly give up theirs for ours.
you could solve 75% of the problems just by putting a strong screen under the oil cooler. I sneezed and it ripped. Its like tissue paper
Thank god, I'm going to use that one with all my customers. Different field, same stuff.
Monster Diesel additive
Tony302600 replied to Tony302600's topic in Fuels - Oils - Additives - Chemicals
I'm "the condition" LoL -
Monster Diesel additive
Tony302600 replied to Tony302600's topic in Fuels - Oils - Additives - Chemicals
as long as I have my "Jersey Shore" I'll be fine -
Well it looks like the story is turning even worse. Today CNN reported that the government's revolving door (corporations putting people in regulatory places to de-regulate an area, then go back to the company) is biting them in the ass. The head of NHTSA, former Toyota executive, turned a blinded eye to multiple inquiries from lawyers regarded the pedal issue in wrongful death cases. They showed memo's from the NHTSA saying the pedal issue is basically not a big deal. Just another showing of how corporations run our government at the expense of the public.
6.0l hole in piston, prior approval nightmare.
Tony302600 replied to cbriggs's topic in 6.0L Power Stroke® Diesel Engines
Wheres all the banks and bullydog stickers? -
thata boy,
The Veyeron is a perfect car.
I came across a American Chopper episode where they were making a diesel powered motorcycle for Monster Diesel. The company came in and showed them their product and I'm quite impressed. They said their additive: * Reduces diesel consumption by as much as 15% * Boosts diesel fuel’s energy by 10% for increased power and mileage per gallon * Reduces metal to metal engine wear and friction by as much as 40%, to reduce down time * Winterizes diesel fuel to allow low temperature operation, preventing gelling and eliminating the need for expensive #1 diesel fuel * Boosts the cetane number by 12.5%--twice the boost of premium gas over regular * Eliminates engine knock * Provides corrosion control in the fuel system * Supplements fuel to make up for the loss in lubricity that occurs when using ultra low sulfur diesel fuel * Extends the life of your engine * Eco-Friendly * Changes the spray pattern in the combustion chamber to reduce black smoke from the exhaust. Here's the website http://www.monsterdiesel.com/
Well said. Does anybody remember pre 9/11 when congress was trying to pass a law stating that all planes must upgrade their cockpit doors to a stronger one that would make it impossible for anyone to breach it. The airlines lobby'ed and fought it like the healthcare bill and republicans bitched the same way and look what happened....the worst terror attack and they still had to get the doors anyway.
I heard that their former corporate lawyer left the company in 2007 and is suing them for covering up the pedal issue until now. Isn't it great how a corporation (who the supreme court gave the same rights as a person) can kill a bunch of people through neglect only to get a slap on the wrist but if a person kills another person they get life in jail. I was in mexico on vacation when this all unfolded and watched the BBC channel interview people in the U.S. asking what cars they will buy. Some said Ford, some said Chevy, but one guy said he is going from toyota to "maybe Honda." While he drove off, he had an bumper sticker that said, "I'm a republican and I want our jobs back." I chuckled, but then realized uninformed voters have no idea.
been there done that...fuel pump...did the tests with duty cycle PID which helped out ALOT
Finally bought a laptop
Tony302600 replied to LARRY BRUDZYNSKI's topic in Tools, Computers and the Internet
:::cough::: MAC :::cough::: lol. No, but i bought a brand new top of the line HP laptop 2 months ago. Pavilion dv7, has a subwoofer, quad core, 1GB graphics card, 8mb ram. it's an awesome computer but the next month they one up'd mine with a 18.4" screen and blu-ray drive. That made me mad. -
the new SD looks so awesome. I will wait to buy it.
What you guys need to remember is that, there will ALWAYS be a slow dealer willing to do ANYTHING for ANY customer regardless of policy just to work in the door. When you need to feed your children and you're book time...you don't give a shit about anything but making money. Now in this economy you're going to have more people bending the rules because they're scared to lose the customer. If the customer say's, "fuck it, ill go down the road because they may do it." then that's money out of your pocket.
I want you guys to watch this trailer for this movie. I saw this movie and it's changing my way of life. www.foodincmovie.com