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Everything posted by Tony302600

  1. I had a warranty engine light on a 06 6.0L...Guy has been in here before, truck is a jacked up dually, 8 inch stacks coming out of the center of the bed ( very proffesional job ). He buys maintainence, etc etc.Pulled codes, he has every single injector low ckt code in the book. Truck runs awesome, but throws the engine light on. Noticed a P1000, and the 2 pids that tell us that "someone did something to hide it." Told the service writer to ask the owner if he uses a programmer, he said...i know im not supposed to but yes i do. I gladly fixed the truck under warranty.Sceonario 2. Truck gets towed in from another dealer. I hear the owner screaming up front. He says "the other Mother f-in dealer said that this repair is not under warranty on this 30K 06 F-350, thats bullshit, i want it covered under warranty." I get the ticket Pop the hood.... Banks six-gun is staring me in the eye, level knob on the dash is still at #6.Pulled codes did diag, called the other dealer they said "he got cops involved saying he wants his truck back but doesnt wanna pay for diag complete asshole. " walked up there with an CP estimate on a FICM, replacement, diag, programming. He had to buy it.Nice guy 1....gets it fixedAsshole 2 sorry.... .
  2. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/thumbup.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/notworthy.gif
  3. I use the 17mm turbo socket that grabs the bolts washer and spacer on the earlier 03's rear turbo bolt a mini 3/8 rachet, assistant pushes the prybar and wala, in 10seconds its out.
  4. Greg, all extremely valid points. The special tools thing...if its missing, the manager will replace it ASAP, doesnt care how much, thats what i love about him. I was EXTREMELY COCKY, didnt care about anyone, was ignorant, mouthed off 8months ago...that went on for 4months then something hit me ( me realizing its a job and not a frathouse) and i went to work. I went through 2 weeks of people confused because i wasnt my "usual cocky, smartass self." I dont joke around with the managers, i say Hi, and bye, if i get a comeback, i grab the ticket and say ok, not problem i'll look at it. (before i would completely be ignorant to the fact that the almighty me could have messed up). I get frustrated because when i have a question i have no one to ask diesel wise. I ask the other diesel tech and i get the deer in the headlights look and then im stuck. If i post on here a lot it's because you guys are the ones that Understand the systems and how they work so you can help me out /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/notworthy.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/notworthy.gif. Hotline gives the "it could be wiring, component or PCM" answer and its like NO-SHIT. I get the deer in the headlights feeling when i tell them i voltage dropped the wires in the CKT, and voltage dropeed teh PCM power and Grounds.... After my venting, i just tunneled all my energy and motivation on work...I learned to swallow my pride and just be pleasant to work with. What i'm taking from this is exactly what ure saying Greg....its a job, not a hangout. If we get audited, and one of "those" tickets with my number comes up, im not covering anyones ass but mine. The manager is all about the $$$ and so is the DP. So when i'm complaining and bitching up front im not making $$$. Thank you guys for letting me vent. i feel like a crybaby now.. LoL.
  5. ANyone know the SSM # that says to replace the fuel filters every 15K, i had a copy of it but gave them all out to customers and now cant find it on OASIS.
  6. It's more of this as to why im mad.... the worst part about the shop is that EVERYONE KNOWS EVERYTHING. If i go talk to the manager, EVERYONE knows within the 30min. I cant go in there and talk to him about someone or something without someone finding out. I call it the beauty shop because everyone gossips at work. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/banghead.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/banghead.gif The DP is awesome, but i wouldnt want to talk to him about something like this. He is way too busy with other stuff. If the manager told me, "Hey, can we put your number on his tickets until we get him into classes" i wouldn't be as bothered by it. He's had 2 comebacks in the 3 weeks since he's worked on these trucks. I'm the only diesel tech that stresses FUEL PRESSURE diag and/or the only one that does but its in one ear and out the other. I'm just so stressed that i can't talk to the manager without it turning into a episode of jerry springer and chairs get thrown. He dislikes me because I had an attitude....well the attitude was stemmed from coming up to you with a serious situation and ure cracking jokes in front of other techs, or giving smart ass answers detering from helping the concern. He's at the point of blaming me for anything and everything that happens on the tickets i work on. Maybe because im the only one that tells him when something is broken, or a tool is missing from the box, he gets mad at me. Other people band-aid things like that, I straight out tell him. It's all because im 23 and no1 wants advice from a kid whos had everything handed to him when working on vehicles. "i'm too good to ask him, only to find out that "hey....he was right"" More and more i think that the man upstairs is showing me the signs to go after my dream of being a cop
  7. The DP is awesome, but i wouldnt want to talk to him about something like that. He is way too busy with other stuff. The worst part about the shop is that EVERYONE KNOWS EVERYTHING. If i go talk to the manager, EVERYONE knows within the 30min. I cant go in there and talk to him about someone or something without someone finding out. I call it the beauty shop because everyone gossips at work. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/banghead.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/banghead.gif
  8. The DP is awesome, but i wouldnt want to talk to him about something like that. He is way too busy with other stuff. The worst part about the shop is that EVERYONE KNOWS EVERYTHING. If i go talk to the manager, EVERYONE knows within the 30min. I cant go in there and talk to him about someone or something without someone finding out. I call it the beauty shop because everyone gossips at work. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/banghead.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/banghead.gif c'mon Jim gimme some creative advice. LoL
  9. The DP is awesome, but i wouldnt want to talk to him about something like that. He is way too busy with other stuff. The worst part about the shop is that EVERYONE KNOWS EVERYTHING. If i go talk to the manager, EVERYONE knows within the 30min. I can go in there and talk to him about someone or something without someone finding out. I call it the beauty shop because everyone gossips at work. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/banghead.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/banghead.gif c'mon Jim gimme some creative advice. LoL
  10. We have a ex-tech now service writer who used to work on diesels. He hurt his back so they made him a service writer...he hates being a service writer and we are swamped with diesel work so he's back here now. He has been working back here for 3weeks. His warranty tickets started getting declined /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/confused.gif I found out that he lost his certification. I was up by the manager who was taking plavce of the dispatcher and noticed him putting my number on his tickets. Because obviously im certified and the other diesel tech is at school this would seem kinda fishy to warranty if ever a audit. I am really upset about this because A. no one asked me if they could. B. I cant do anything about it because im sure the manager will just tell me to go back to work, possibly even threatening me if it came down to it. Me and the manager butt heads because sometimes i overlook things unintentionally, but he thinks im being careless. So now i'm just sitting here fuming. I need some advice here. I dont have any pull around here being only 23yrs old and my history with the service manager and him knowing i dont like him too much. His sarcasm is very hard to judge at serious times and it leaves me extremely pissed and confused. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/shrug.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/shrug.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/shrug.gif
  11. A customer that comes in wanting his engine rebuilt gets one of each of these /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/icon_crazy.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/hahaha.gif We almost dont even rebuild transmissions since the 3yr/75K came out. A LOT of owners want whatever warranty is longer. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/thumbup.gif
  12. yes ALL 4 injectors should be replaced, more than likely it stumbles, and the secondary fuel filter ishalfempty. I Had a truck that ran in mystall for 30min beautifully, then i test drove itandafter 10minutes Bank 1 injectorscut out and it shut off. Culprit.. Fuel pump going to30psi above 2000rpm. Injectorswe toast too. # 7 was the first to go..then #3, then #5 /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/confused.gif
  13. Onecompany thatis an exception to the rule is ComEd. They're entire fleet is Fords, ungodlyamount of superduty's and F650-F750's. They're running bio-diesel and we told them to stop using it because we get soo many repeat coking, turbos coked, injectors failing in winter when the fat thickens. We tried to make 3 of their trucks customer pay, they made one call to the fleet manager and walla, ford was paying for it. The rep kinda hinted at "dont make anything customer pay for this company" when he talked to the SM. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/boink3.gif Now I see ComEd has a fleet of 6.4's /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/banghead.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/banghead.gif
  14. We have the Powerstroke light up menu sign that Ford sent us. Shows every service and price for SD's. We have a drain and fill w/ the change of the external filter on torqshifts. We dont do the BG EGR "flush" labor time and price for Brake inspections on high mileage 450-550's is still being fought with me and the service writer after a good amount of trucks taking a half-a-day to break therear wheels loose.
  15. Go look thepicture of a 66 mile 6.4 pushrod in the 6.4 forum...now thats bent. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cheers.gif
  16. **HI-JACK** I had some Labatt's off tap last night... Ehhh... it was ok, kinda tasted like Stella Artois mixed with miller high life. Its an aquired taste im assuming.
  17. After 4 wrong harnesses, i posted my problem, my VIN and Larry got me the right part # in 30min. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/notworthy.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cheers.gif then i went into parts and did this /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/boink3.gif
  18. Eichman i think ure talking bout the throttle valve connectors..same kind for the EGR valve connector. I've never seen a harness without a EGR valve connector and ive been through this circus of harness finding
  19. ive been getting a good amount of fleet 6.4's with the engine light on for the p0196. I have had 3 trucks with a P0066 correlation codes, 5 radiators, one intermittant stall, and one with stuck exhaust valves. BTW has anyone had to torque the heads down yet besides me??? my breaker bar looked like a bow-and-arrow it was bent so much on the last 90degree turn.
  20. They know about this...i was told about this when i went to 6.4 class a WHILE ago.
  21. I just read in a new diesel performance mag that Navistar announced that its Maxxforce engines will be run with EGR systems in 2010. They will do this using even more sensors that are highly sophisticated/sensitive.
  22. That is what im going to try. We'll see what happens. I'm just curious because this is a company that is huge to our dealership and they are unhappy with all 4 of the 6.4's they have ( other three have the p0196 engine light ) so they dont like to bring trucks back for the same concern. They want their 6.0's back /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/rofl.gif
  23. I have an F-550 that customer states "stalled while on highway, hard start until cooled down then truck barely started." with P0087, P2291 in mememory not KOEO, KOER. I did pinpoint test M for the P0087, to no avail. High pressure fuel test passes cold and hot. No sensors are biased. Contacted hotline they told me to look at the common chafe points that they keep stressing /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/confused.gif, checked them ok. The whole time that i was checking them i thought, if it was a wiring problem it would flag codes for that CKT. Freeze frame for the P0087 showed them driving 55mph 30min of driving and FRP at 2100psi. Then the 2291 being set when they cranked it. I drove the truck for 2 hours yesterday recreating the freeze frame with the IDS monitoring all my pids and nothing. FRP never goes +/- 50 of the desired. Maybe I have a high pressure pump harness or pump problem? /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/shrug.gif Anyone have this problem yet? Customer does not want the F550 til we find something.
  24. Jim, my manager was more then willing to offer a hand. His jaw dropped as I told him and he was very close to calling that dealer and saying something to them because we've delt with them in the past (not with quality of work, but with policies they've told our stranded customers )
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