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Everything posted by Tony302600

  1. There is a crown vitoria with a V10 and a kenne bell that runs in NMRA (National Mustang Racers Association).
  2. Dwayne i hear you...that V10 has awesome low end torque. I would get the V10 in a heartbeat. I want to get a superduty but i dont want a 6.4 or 6.0 because of maintainece costs, and the problems. Plus i dislike the 5.4 in the SD's. I'm waiting to see how that new diesel turns out in the F-150 to decide what i want for a new truck. We barely see n e problems with the v10 hear.
  3. Keith..are you guys hiring....i'll send me application via email. I'm sure you guys could use a 23yr old good-looking tech to keep things motivated, LoL.
  4. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/rofl.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/thumbup.gif It's ok dave....maybe one day ure dealership will promote you from waterboy to floorsweeper, and then maybe hang with the "bigboys" doing oil changes...
  5. I had 2 FICM's....one causing a no code misfire, another for int. bank 2 misfiring ( verified it ). Then another i replaced customer pay because captain speed has a banks 6gun on his truck. Had low ckt codes for all 8 injectors.
  6. Dave get back to work, or Mark will raise his "send you to the moon" hand.
  7. Personally I hate ASE's because they are soo biased to GM IMO /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/shrug.gif
  8. I got one right now that stalledin the service lane....its an 06...took the HFCM out and looks like rust on the inside of the housing.....I want to take the tank down, but does Ford pay for all of this or what?
  9. Beauty is only a light switch away. Fat chicks.....heat in the winter, shade in the summer. BACK ON TRACK........ I think the new F-150 is going to get better and better. It will always be the best selling truck. And the fusions and escapes....all i hear about is how people love those.
  10. A lot of times im stuck with a huge decision. I'm starting to figure out that our dealer has a good amount of techs that break something and try to mask it. This is why when i went up to the service manager and told him...Hey this $20 plastic harness retainer (the one that goes along the firewall) broke because its a 90K truck and was very brittle getting the pushpins out. I got yelled at asking "when will stuff stop being broken, it all adds up" he told me. I yelled back in defense ( i shouldnt have ) saying im sorry its $20 i'll pay for it ( in a very sarcastic cocky manner ). My manager is the type you dont know when hes joking, or when he is serious. that $20 part that accidentally broke is peanuts to the 15hours this guy just paid to get his truck fixed. 15hours at $100 an hour hmmmmmm. I will admit i have run out to the parking lot a few times to put a bolt on that i forgot to put on because i was pulled off 2-3times to do something else. there have been times that i totally forgot about 2 bolts until the next day. I think things are going to get worse. Especially with the 6.4. As soon as you see techs complain about labor times you start to see things broken, siliconed, or cross threaded. Again i want to thank Jim and this website for changing my whole attitude and work ethic. I think some people dont diagnose trucks anymore they look at what TSB pay, then "perform" the labor time that pays the most even if the truck doesnt have Anyone of the symptoms. I've broken an injector connector before taking the intake off to do a oil/egr cooler, but i fixed it. I didnt mask it. My whole deal was that the bolts missing were in plain site. Oh well... Our owner saw a special on tv about reporters bugging cars, putting cameras all over them, asking for repairs, and seeing if techs actually do the work, or say they did. They busted A LOT of indie shops. Our manager got a Memo stating "If any tech gets caught not doing a repair he said he did, i want him fired on the spot" i bet if FoMoCo hears about stuff like this, they will send out bugged cars masked as normal people to see what the hell is going on.
  11. To be quite honest....I used to not care, i just wanted to put band-aids on trucks before... THen i read one of Jims Posts about responsibilities and pride being a tech. I did a 180. I dont look at how much something pays ( sometimes ) i take that extra bracket off to access a bolt, and put it back...I stopped running away from " hard " jobs and take what is given to me. My shop is full of.... "i need more diag..." service writer says..."u've only spent 30min on it" and then the tech gets pissed off and so on. I've taken the approach of....i'll spend extra time to find out what it is...then we'll talk about diag time. Today i went into work and finished the truck....replaced the injector....then when trying to install the connector, a very very small peice of the plastic injector was stuck in the bottom of the FICM side. So, ( THANK GOD ) i had a spare E-series harness, i depinned the connector and put my spare one on. I did not have a matching bolt for the right head fuel line bracket so i didnt put one in. I wish i had a picture of the EGR cooler metal gasket, it was mangled beyond belief. The dealer is Greenway Ford. The manager of that dealer called ours and said the tech fessed up and told him he broke the injector. BTW. It had the 05s43 FICM HARNESS RECALL needed. Greenway said they did it.... I can't find one peice of that recall on the FICM harness. It needed all that extra convolute and backing for the connector. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/scratchhead.gif
  12. Do you think they want the ones that are in the gloveboxes of customers trucks? LoL.
  13. Ive run into it after DPF replacement. Here and their a truck comes in...i know that smell ure talking bout... its "different" u cant put ure finger on what smell it compares to. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/sick.gif I havent had a customer complain about it. Maybe the fuel they use? /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/shrug.gif
  14. so getting more into this truck, i take theintake off (EGR cooler still in truck) and the EGR cooler to intake gasket (metal) was hanging off the side and all mangled up. The service writer called the customer ( hes convinced that they did it ) customer called the "other Ford dealer" they called us biching saying we probably did it, then we told him the customer said they were the only one to ever touch his truck....they apologized and sent an injector down. heres a story.....One of our techs ( back in the day ) had his truck serviced "at the other dealer" they cracked and pushed in one of his expensive subwoofers in his SUV. They said they werent back in the trunk it was like that before...he showed them the bits the tech left in his trunk. They said send us the bill.
  15. Looks like im stopping by the store to get some Labats, and Molsons. I'll let you know how my taste test goes. Never had a canadian beer. P.S. ( sorry about miss-spelling your last name inthe chat)
  16. Well im assuming this wasnt a seasoned 6.0 guy because i know where pretty much every single bolt and nut go. I have my little containter... EVERY bolt goes in.. and EVERY bolt comes out.
  17. I received a ticket on a 04 350 6.0L that says "customer states other Ford dealer says truck needs head gaskets" I give the ol here we go. i drove the truck 30min with window open and vent on full blast. With no degas bottle overflow residue and the pressure NEVER going above 15psi Pulling into the dealership i get a faint, very faint smell into the cab. ( the usualy skunk /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/puke.gif smell ). Checked EOT and ECT 34 degrees difference, just had oil+ egr cooler done a month ago. Contacted hotline for this unusual situation and they tell me that "the oil cooler is loosing efficiency because of contaminents on the coolant....please flush out twice with simplegreen before repair, and after repair. Replace oil cooler and EGR cooler." *Sidenote* The truck has been at the "other Ford dealer" 5 times for this concern. I start the repair. I notice the coolant hose from front cover to heater core is routed around the oil filler neck, causing it to kink. 5 missing bolts. Go to unplug the connector for #7 injector and its being held on with silicone because its broken on the injector side. I stop, tell me manager, he says customer has to pay for the repair then take it to "the other Ford dealer" to get reimbursed, or he can leave it alone and drive it to the other dealer. Just curious on how often you guys see stuff like this. We get a lot of trucks from customers that bounce from dealer to dealer. There are way too many Ford dealers in chicagoland and customers have a lot to choose from.
  18. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/banghead.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/banghead.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/banghead.gif i threw 2 of them out, ( one i threw at the other diesel tech) other i cant find...
  19. You guys already have the show "Ice Road Truckers." Now you want "Ice Road Mechanics" or "Loose Balljoints: a tale of mine mechanics" Sponsored by Labatts /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/rofl.gif
  20. +1 /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/scratchhead.gif
  21. Again a Huge Thanks to all ure guys' help. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/notworthy.gif
  22. i know bout the buzz test ( thats why i wrote #5 sounded fainter then the rest. He doesnt want an injector so i just said.....ok here u go.... Damn Bruce i wish i thought of that with flipping the UVC harness and restesting. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cheers.gif
  23. Ok, to give you guys an update... put a new oil pump and cover on it, had the big rig shop put a new rear header on the oil cooler ( with revised parts ) put the oil cooler in without a oil filter....cranked, have oil to filter, put oil filter on...cranked....have oil to HP oil resevoir...cranked, cranked, cranked....fugger started up.....#1 and #5 have no oil coming out the spill spouts after 30min of idling. Passes injector self test..(#5 is questionable ) customer said to drive it and wants it back. With a new IDM will it take time to compensate for the injectors? Thats what i think.
  24. Aaron thats what i heard. I heard that there was a huge amount of people that were pissed off about how noisey the 6.5L in the fullsize trucks was. But haven't heard anything knew about that. My main concern is about how much maintanence these japaneese cars require. My mom has a honda and they require and assload of maintainence or "honda wont honor your warranty" I heard same for toyota.
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