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Everything posted by Tony302600

  1. my EGT 13 was impossibly stuck in their....then when i changed a DPF EGT12 was stuck also...nothing a heat wrench couldnt handle...
  2. That is the ugliest thing ive seen. I thought the toyota full size truck was ugly....man this thing is...... /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/sick.gif I have a feeling this is whats gonna happen soon Toyota ----> /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/hahaha.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/ford.gif Then at corporate /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/boink3.gif ( corporate beating up whoever thought of going to international. )
  3. we have 2 4day weekends in a row.
  4. My buddy has a 97 F-250 and is a fan of our other friends 6.0L idle up strategy in cold wether. He wants to know if i can get his 7.3 to do it? Any suggestions?
  5. One of the apprentices at work changed a rod and piston, in-vehicle on a 05 F-150 5.4l 3v that had an injector stuck open. Took the head off, (truck was lifted so the cradle was lowered 3-5inches ample room to remove the pan) and its still on the road. I thought it was ingenious. LoL.
  6. Ive been noticing more and more turbo flutter after you pull a truck in and shut it off. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/scratchhead.gif
  7. Now thats crazy....How did you figure that out? Does the pinpoint test tell you to unplug it?
  8. Actually, I think i found a way to do that. I encountered a p2610 that kept turning the MIL on 2min after u drove the truck. ( i disconnected the batteries during a radiator replacement ) I tried clearing it....ok...system passed... drove it...ok....put it in the service lane to be washed...shut it off..porter came to me and said the engine light was on.... found a SSM that states... in order to clear a p2610 you must remove fuse 36 in the BJB for 30seconds..then reinsert, then clear the codes with IDS. I'm thinking that is the only way to really "clear" KAM. Maybe thats something to try next time that happens /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/shrug.gif
  9. MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cheers.gif PLENTY OF THAT, THAT WILL TURN INTO /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/drinkingdude.gif THAT WILL TURN INTO /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/boink3.gif THIS WEEKEND... LOL
  10. What are u telling hotline. I tell them whats going on with the truck and they say... U MUST REPLACE all 4 injectors when one lets combustion gases into rail.. Or "whenever changing oil cooler you much change egr cooler" I print it out, and wala. The hotline engineers are cool, they know what the hell is going on, they know what it needs to fix it, they know what will keep it from coming back. Sometimes i tell them, hey i need that on the report, and they say no problem. It's gotta be something ure not telling them. Ure only hurting ure dealership when u dont go the extra mile and not replace what you damn well know will fix the truck. If it comes back same concern, Ford will flag it, u get a crappy survey and then u get badmouthed by the owner. I'm sure some of you guys dont agree with me but whatever floats ure dealerships boat. Ever since we've been doing it this way or comebacks have lowered drastically. we used to jsut replace one injector after doing the injector tsb and not the whole bank. Then the truck would come in for another on that bank, and then we'd get chewed out for that. We used to just do the egr coolers when they blew.... then it would come back blown again , then we did the tsb again, oil cooler reads ok...why is it back for another egr cooler. Oh wait, oil cooler gets restricted, now we do oil cooler and egr cooler at the same time when the oil cooler goes bad and we've been doing awesome. Goes back to what i was saying... "ure damned if you do, you're damned if you dont."
  11. Arent 2614 and 1617 set when you crank the flippin truck over a million times and wont start. If ure concerned about those codes, put the SYNC and FICMSYNC pids into a bar graph form with IDS on DATALOGGER and see if it stays at yes the whole time, if it drops out, you will see it much better then the slow to react box yes/no pid and u know u have a problem. Otherwise i've set those 2 codes when cranking a truck A LOT. I've had a couple of 231's that ended up being a fuel pump. If it is an extreme int no start, dies out.. i would put a engine harness and cam + crank sensors in it. ESPECIALLY in the vans. Right Dwayne.
  12. Ok, i skimmed throught and read this "its called DTS, much moe laid back then this site" /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/rofl.gif makes it sound Like we sit around here, drink beer, and talk about chix all day. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/rofl.gif
  13. Keith, the Ford message boards has a post about this site. U should see ALOT of knew memebers. The post is called "the diesel dedicated site is up! " Im worried that you will get a lot of the ignorant guys that post on that board that just badmouth everything. what do u think.
  14. Dave L, the way ure dealership is will garuntee comebacks on 6.0L's. If the oil cooler shits out....u have to replace the egr cooler. No ifs ands or butts. Ive been burned many times by doing just that and now our manager says... just fix the truck and make sure it doesnt come back for the same concern. Doing this has actually brought our numbers down. I think our manager mentioned the 126 once, to us that means nothing. All he says is make sure u justify what you are doing... right the failed part and what caused it. E.g. a bank of injectors going out...low fuel pressure....cause.... fuel pump...or whatever. We were in a unofficial audit and out of all the diesel tickets i had one that i forgot to right "performed relative compression check" when doing the pinpoint test for an injector. Other then that we stay in the yellow. Just follow the TSB's, CONTACT HOTLINE about ANY REPEAT concerns. They have gotten us out of a lot of poop with Ford. I had 3 injectors out on a 6.0 e-van because low fuel pressure and combustion gases were getting in....contacted hotline about the 4th, they simply siad in writing "anytime combustion gases enter fuel rail, the entire bank must be replaced." I knew that, but nowhere in the tsb does it say that. Thats how u get away with those repairs. Oil cooler goes bad, call them up...tell them ure readings are more than 25 degrees, they will write down on the hotline sheet. "anytime oil cooler is change, you must replace EGR cooler" thats how u get outta that problem. Hotline is there for a reason. They cover our asses a lot if u know how to use them. Also Dave L, we have to do a diesel diag sheet FOR EVERY REPAIR and thats from Ford.
  15. Dave L im not even going to touch that one.....im holding back.. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cover.gif
  16. Bruce, this thing was taken care of beautifully. I took the valve cover off and it looks beautiful underneath it. I ordered a new rear header, oil pump and cover ( slight scoring ) i will put the rear header on, the low pressureoil pump on...then crank it over to see if oil goes to the oil filter adapater...if so, then throw a oil filter in it, and see if oil comes up to the stand pipe...if not....out comes the motor.
  17. If you call hotline...and they find out its customer pay...its like a parts guy at christmas..... THEY TELL YOU TO REPLACE EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!
  18. I think for the next movie...we can get a truck....bug it...send it to that dealer....put a bunch of hidden camera's in it....get it back in 2 months.. and watch the tape like an old benny hill movie... /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/rofl.gif
  19. Ok took the oil filter off and found that the "spring and ball" or whatever is suppost to be in a cylindrical cavity is missing and after taking another 7.3L oil filter off finding it being present. Bruce is that what u were talking bout him needing a motor. The oil filter was full by the way.
  20. Luckily the IDS wont let me access the ICPa pid. Hotline said its because it doesnt clash with the older ones. with no NGS in sight i waas winging it. IPR goes to 50% and stays there...RPM is at 140-150, no dtc's, buzz test awesome, just noticied had no base oil pressure when i cranked and cranked adn cranked. Bruce the pump is .004'' clearance. doesnt look like it has much wear on it. Very minimal scoring when i pulled the cover off....there was no oil whatsoever inside. I looked in the bottom port of the front cover, dry as day (im assuming that where oil comes in)
  21. Just got the low pressure oil pump out....looks fine.....next is to check the regulator, then take the engine out and check the pickup tube /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/banghead.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/banghead.gif im really concerned that the truck didnt start after putting 1 qt of oil in the hp resevoir....should have started...im not liking this situation.
  22. I took the high pressure oil resevoir out and cranked it....no low oil supply....taking off oil pump tomorrow, will let u know what i find.. tried adding 5 extra quarts and jackin up rear to see if pickup was cracked....no dice
  23. Bruce, checked the oil, its full, IPR was done a while ago, the guy is a big rig mechanic and this is his work truck....he always tells us to put the parts on after he diags them because he gets a 12/12,000 if we install the part. we'll c bruce......thanks again for all the info.
  24. I got a ticket that stated "customer bought IDM, please install" i asked for what.. they said no-start. I replaced the IDM like he wanted and what do u know it didnt start. Fuel pressure is at 45, no codes, no nothing. checked oil pressure resevoir is empty...no oil coming out of the spill spouts. I filled the HPOP resevoir and tried cranking, nothing, just goes down. Any known concerns on the 95 for this?
  25. Jason, the one i had i just replaced the fuel filters, removed tank and got all gasoline out...filled with diesel....and mine ran beautiful...hasnt been back since..... might look into that.
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