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Everything posted by Tony302600

  1. not to highjack but we got memo's on our toolboxes saying that we have to call in any module on the sheet also keith.
  2. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/rockon.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/notworthy.gif
  3. I would love for Dwayne to get a phone call from Ford stating...."you think its sooo easy...come to Deeetroit and assist us in designing the next diesel" We get that truck in our bay..... wiring harness has 3 inch thick insulation....no egr, or cooler... go to workshop manual to find out how to remove turbo... " step 1....go to fridge and get special service tool (labatts er crown)... step 2 unbolt 3 dem der mounting bolts....step 3 remove dem der turbo" /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/rofl.gif
  4. <---- selling milk duds and swedish fish for $1.00 a box
  5. I had one with a similar problem u had, no codes, would happen VERY VERY VERY VERY Int. lose pedal and wouldnt do n e thing, glow plug light came on, for 2 sec then everything is ok. I drove that thing 30min then it acted up. How i got it to happen in my stall was, get a prybar or brake depressor from the alignment machine, get the engine rpm's to about 1500-2000 rpm and just start shaking the harness. When i shaked around the bulk harness by the fuel filter the truck would go to a idle, my helper said the glow plug light went on, then would go back to the 1500-2000 rpm, till i wiggled the bulk part again. Put a harness in it... buh bye...won a account /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/rockon.gif
  6. <-----wondering how this repair will turn out for SrA_Heise if he goes to the same dealer /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/popcorn.gif
  7. well i voltage dropped the wires from pcm to accel pedal...looks like mine is getting a PCM per workshop manual.
  8. Have one here right now... crank no start.....d/e codes on the pedal. Has had 2 pedals in it, and now i have it. 03 6.0 yay.
  9. "you're damned if you do....you're damned if you don't" is my favorite way of describing the diesel tango. Like iwas told....siemens said that the pump is not affected when either wire is grounded. But who knows.
  10. to whoever has done this repair what do you guys think on the labor time?
  11. I checked today and the parts guys said, they still show the quick disconnect on the exploided view for a 08 e-series. I'm sure we will see a TSB or SSM soon
  12. Ok, so Dwayne does the "how too" video on the ambulances...and Keith does the normal econoline video /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/popcorn.gif......
  13. Had one on Monday.... 10minutes, 0vss, 0 tp.. was told to check eot/ect correlation clear then ship.... fix is being created.
  14. Go off of hotlines recomendations, but im just passing along what he told us. Either wire touching, it doesnt matter n e more. The power wire replace fuse, but with the groundside wire they thought if would full field the pump causing a falure. I would go off whatever hotline said because i wouldnt want to do it twice
  15. There is a recall on 5.4 3v injectors...07m08 That sucks because a guy in our shop did a motor last week for the injector taking a rod out... customer pay too. YIKES!!!!!
  16. Again at the Round table keith he talked about it. The harness was revised, then it was revised even further to ensure that it wouldnt happen again. Also Seimens has been testing pumps and told International that the pump blowing fuse 74 doesnt affect the pump at all. They used to tell hotline engineers that if the harness it chafed then you MUST replace the pump but now they are reversing that statement. They thought the pump was being full-fielded when grounded on the ground side but it had no effect on pump performance.
  17. Keith, he did not say n e thing about keeping it confidential. If it was meant to be confidential i'm sure he wouldnt have said n e thing to me at all. Yes it was a Ford Round table also.
  18. Larry....i was just joking with you.
  19. I was at our roundtable last week, and i asked the international engineer about the one-piece STC fitting that bruce showed us a picture of. He didnt know what i was talking about and wanted me to send him a picture of it. I sent him one and today he sent me a response saying "Tony, This fitting did go into production for the 6.0L 2008 E-series and the LCF 4.5L V-6. V8 break: The ESN break was 431736 on 2/9/07. V6 break: The ESN break was 431705 on 2/8/07. It is also suppose to replace the current STC bracket kit for service." So there it is gentalmen, straight from the horses mouth.
  20. Anybody had a 6.4 with hissing noise on exhaust and a loose DPF pressure sensor hose, and completely melted DPF pressure sensor not setting a code? I put a DPF in this truck, didnt touch the sensor at all, and it came in for a hissing noise with the sensor completely melted? Chcked pids and exhaust is not getting too hot.
  21. relative compression test with IDS, if more then 5% loss then do manual IMO
  22. Jim I understand, and you know i was just kidding. Right?
  23. Dont soil my good name....i'm just saying how it works here. Then $28 for a glow plug. I argue and get pissed off about it.
  24. they can claim to Ford about previous failures? We had one service writer that sold the job for hour diag, 1.5 to replace it. then parts sold the goddamn thing for $250 I felt bad but kinda didnt because i didnt make the labor times. He sold 3 of those for me i remember.
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