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Everything posted by Tony302600

  1. Jim do you think that you will be using this thread as a "dear diary" about the new service manager that is "oh so fun" and actually listens to me about my problems and how i feel. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/rofl.gif I cant wait for the next installment.
  2. Today ( Monday ) the other diesel tech called off. I have. My 3 bays 05 6.0 e-van that needs 4 injectors on bank 1 6.4 melted DPF sensor, iced air filter 06 23K 250 that needs a snow plow package Fan clutch thats CP because it was not equiped ( declined by customer at 4pm) 06 F-350 132K that got a oil-egr cooler ( oil in coolant ) used car now, and need water in fuel sensor Diagnosed and sitting outside 06 F-450 battery drains overnight 08 6.4 p0196 EOT outta range (hotline said to clear and ship it engineering investigating) Finished 2day.. 2 7.3 recalls injector in a 07 F-450 6.0 with awesome fuel pressure and no idea why it failed.
  3. At least once a week on the Ford Message Boards...some1 forgets to log off then someone sees that and types in "im coming out of the closet, im a homosexual" etc etc etc etc. It's funny, nut sad at the same time. N E one else see those?
  4. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/rofl.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/thumbup.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/rockon.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cheers.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/notworthy.gif
  5. 2006.... as i walked away i heard the same thing, i was like whats that crackling.. then boom...
  6. That really brightened up my day. Seriously. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/rofl.gif
  7. Whats even better is i have a customer that is complaining of lacks power, no boost, turbo not kicking in. Went through a snow storm and what do u think happened. Ice melted and now its fine. he's not mad about needing a snow front... he's just disappointed with Ford about that being the "fix" for his $65,000 truck. Also has a melted DPF pressure sensor that didnt set a code /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/scratchhead.gif but caused a hiss noise. To this day he's had a radiator and DPF. Wants to know if we sold his 6.0L yet.
  8. Following the workshop manual up to the engine hoist part (took ure guys' advice and used post jack) it took me 1.5 hours to take it apart. Now this is on a cargo E-350 normal utility van. First time took me 6hours (not ashamed to admit that). Thanks for ure help guys.
  9. Jim us too. I did one radiator, fixed one that was filled up with gasoline instead of diesel, and open EGT 13 causing no crank-no start after reprogram. Thats it.
  10. They said they had to get a ambulance from the town over to get the person.
  11. Not to hi-jack the thread ( even though jim just did ) but, I was talking to the FSE about "ohming a wire, and voltage dropping a wire" this is what he said "Ford is going to do away with ohm tests on wires. They are coming up with a way to "dumb-down" voltage drop tests on the wires. They now understand that a wire can be ohms, spec is <5 ohms, but there is one strand of wire holding it on, and wont let enough current through. Said in 09 u'll see it in the workshop manuals."
  12. Maybe its just our shop, but how come (again, maybe just our shop) we're not seeing as many HP oil rail dummyplug/plug failures on the 04's as the 05-07's? Pump higher output? Just a question. Increased power for 05? meaning stronger pump?
  13. I read about a 6.0 ambulance shutting off mid-emergency transit, and they couldnt get another one in decent time because 2 other 6.0's backups wouldnt start in the parking lot. Now is that God interviening or poor design. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/rofl.gif
  14. I was told that Blue is 10x better in canaydia then down here.
  15. On the 6.0L e-van, the power steering has 4 bolts holding it on. The superduty trucks have only 3, what makes the difference? I cant count how many 05+ 6.0's ive had come in with the front passenger side turbo bolt laying in the valley during an inspection.
  16. and that poor bastard will be you sent from your dealership to do it i bet... LMFAO
  17. Dave...me, andy and our senior master are going....you should too
  18. Dave i'll show you one day how to do it. LoL, and then i'll show you my secret tool for the 04-07 oil supply bolts on passenger side
  19. What dealership is it at... I feel bad for that poor truck. Dont these guys test drive these trucks when they're done? Did you raise hell?
  20. The cutaway of that complete injector is awesome
  21. Jim we put an engine in for a oil cooler failure, but that was because it was like clay in the heads.
  22. Lets not forget getting a flat on the highway and the tire being on the side of the road and truckers coming inches away from ure backside. I've seen that all too often on the way to wark...people on the shoulder, changing their tires and being ever so close to being hit.
  23. Jim ure used car guy sounds like ours. He used to be the diesel tech but throwing parts at 6.0's that doesnt pertain to the same system finally ended him up at used cars. We always get cars and look at them like "didnt this just have a UCI/Certified. Then we tell the sales manager what it needs ( with huge smiles on our faces ), then he looks at us like...ure kidding...we say no...then he gets mad
  24. Honestly....not too bad to take out. The next one will probably got faster since this is my first.....took good amount of time to find the flippin bracket to lift it.
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