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Everything posted by Tony302600

  1. Mekanik are you going to the roundtable in chicago? Me and the other diesel tech are going. How come duramax doesnt have any problems....never hear bout them?
  2. Me and my buddy jack daniels hung out on wednesday night. Beer is good.
  3. Lucky for me its an ambulance....... 7 minutes to take the mount out? after all the removals in the workshop manual
  4. Anybody have any tricks on doing the passenger side valve cover on the e-vans?
  5. Is this whats to come with the 6.4L. EVERY Large company has superduties. I cant even count how many super duties all these big electric companies have out here. Thats a big ticket for Ford. I do hear that dodge is having a lot of problems with regeneration on their trucks. Duramax has a variable turbo right? Doesnt cummins? Dont they have the same problems?
  6. Rock, just keep a cam sensor and 10mm socket and rachet in ure glove box if you get it LoL
  7. In our shop, we have saying.... "head gaskets never go bad on 6.0L vans" /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/rofl.gif.
  8. Replacing the radiator? where does it say that
  9. in my 3 bays Bay 1 ihave 04 F-350 no a/c and runs rough only when cold. (compressor hub nut missing and hub is laying against fan shroud) Finished Bay 2 from a indie shop 05 F-550 with 99,560 miles on it, very very neglected with a coked up egr valve, intake port clogged, turbo stuck, cac ttubes leaking oil, runs rough cold finished Bay 3 40-50foot F53 chasis motorhome wanting belts, hoses, oil change, charging system check. Other then that nothing else out back /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/banghead.gif
  10. I have a 6.0 here with the egr valve coked beyond belief and the egr port is completely coked so im sure the intake is too. The BG guy is coming to do the egr/intake decarbonizing flush. He says it will clean it out 100%.
  11. I know what ure saying, but their have been times ive been burned by it because i had coolant in the egr port hydrolocking the engine. You have to replace the egr cooler and oil cooler first. Then on a test drive the degas bottle is shooting coolant out. Like I said...Our warranty company sees that tsb and folds. Everything else they take a stand except that tsb
  12. Do tell me what you think about the labor times.
  13. Yea, thats what happened to me when it got towed in. The guy said "it ramped up to 3000rpm, then wouldnt idle. I idled it, running on what seemed was only 5 cylinders, from where it was dropped off (past a customer that just got done test driving a new 6.4....he was looking at me like what the hell) into my bay. I have a feeling these trucks are going to be doing some weird things.
  14. With the new calibration i was told that it wont or will crank, but with a open 13 sensor reading 1800+ it will not start. I dont get how "some trucks will crank and some wont"
  15. "Circa" that shows me how old you really are. LoL
  16. so update on the truck i just did and got paid 21.2 which is ok.
  17. I know, mine was on a 15K truck and wouldnt budge from the life of me, then i couldnt get the wrench on well enough. Then the old torch came out heated that bugger loose and walla. I had to take one off a new truck on the lot and even that one was a bitch to get out but after some choice words and muscle it broke loose. ( I love working on no-start waiters ). The only good thing that came out of my situation is the owner watched me the whole time in the shop ( he likes to watch /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/rofl.gif )and was telling my boss how god of a job i did, and how he didnt know these things were so complicated. As we speak a lifted dually 6.4 came in with excessive amounts of black soot in exhaust tip, engine light on (p2002, p244da), and "a lot of white smoke on cold start. Pinpoint test was 2 steps then said to replace DPF. I'm starting to like these 6.4 pp test's, very very straightforward. IMO In the hotline survey i wrote and told them to come out with a SSM or something telling us the strategy for the the new reprogram. In the SSM it says thatif you have those codes, reporgram it. Then if the codes are still there then perform normal diag. Well wen you get to the reprogram to start to truck if wont crank or start making you think u did something wrong, then you scratch ure heard, go through diag and then call hotline and they tell you.....oh yea thats part of the strategy.
  18. Keith i did not, just the 242D. I wish the SSM would tell you to make sure the 242d was not a hard fault so then you wont have the issue of it not starting cranking of all things after you reprogram it and then not knowing why, then calling hotline after checking everything and them saying.... oh yah...some crank, some dont.. lol My freeze frame was the same keith, 1-3 was open.
  19. Well....according to 2 hotline engineers the pressure never got over 12psi because, the headaskets were bad taking the cap out and venting the coolant out so rapidly that it never held enough pressure. I had one that vented at 13psi and they told me that was WAYY low. Anytime you have coolant coming out the degas bottle they said replace the cap because its done. I just finished one doing the tsb, have every single punch, followed it to the T and everytime i touched the truck, it has a punch time on it. I did everything by the tsb and how ford wants it done, (including the warranty nazi's) so we will see how it gets paid. I understand you win some you lose some but when you follow procedure and just head gaskets pays an hour less then the whole ticket got paid i get kinda mad. But oh well. Now something that concerns me... If you do the tsb and find that just the headgaskets are bad, every hotline engineer says to do the oil and egr cooler also. I havent had one yet tell me otherwise. The way that i look at is ( and from experience ) if coolant is coming out of the exhaust its a bad egr cooler from a restricted oil cooler. Replace both. If its coming out of the degas bottle and/or you cant determine where the coolant is going...9times outta 10 ive had it been the head gaskets.
  20. Every single oil cooler ive taken out i have found the screen resevoir damaged. Even on trucks that have never had a problem til the oil cooler restricted taking the egr cooler with it. What does that tell me? I think they need to make that screen a little bit larger also to stop whatever is breaking so i can see what took it out. IMO i agree with finer pickup screen also, but same to the resevoir screen in the block.
  21. Jim im friends and related with a couple ford engineers (not 6.0l) and they told me "if you have a problem with a design, write it on a warranty R.O." They read every single warranty r.o that pertains to their department. That's how tsb's, ssm's and FSA's are born. If you want to get more personal ( which im very sure you do) you write on the back "need to speak with engineer" and they will call you. Those are from the words of the people that design what we work on.
  22. been how long and still no 6.4's in with these problems u guys are seeing... just a couple radiators. and a customer that filled up with gasoline.
  23. Mekanic.....i have had 2 that, that happened to me on. EGR cooler was blown hydrolocking the engine when it sat. Replaced oil+ egr cooler..test drove it, psi on my coolant gauge shot up so fast it popped the hose off my gauge. That one needed a head it was badly warped. Another one failed the egr cooler test, passed the psi test drive test but had coolant coming out the degas bottle....that was headgaskets. Both those paid 20-24 hours. Now all of a sudden they pay 15.6 and they keep going lower. I have one right now that has coolant loss thats untracable, ive checked everything and realized when they load the shit outta it, that the head bolts stretch. i cant verify it cause its always in my stall unloaded ( stakebed 550 ). Hotline said replace the usual egr, oil, headgaskets.
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