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Everything posted by Tony302600

  1. Alright, i know i post a lot needing help, but we rarely get 7.3's in and i try my hardest to get on top of these things. 99 F-550, 157,000 on the ticker. came in for no start cold, has to be plugged in and even needs starter fluid sometimes. did all the normal checks, glow plug relay is bad, 7 outta the 8 glowplugs are bad. #4, #7 injectors are misfiring when hot. Replaced glow plug relay, 8 glow plugs, 2 injectors and they wanted the three that havent been changed yet to be resealed. Started right up, ran it for about an hour. Go to rev it up and above 1500rpm at full throttle it stumbles, smokes, runs rough. Oil was changed. Smokes from under the hood when u mash it. If u slightly hit the throttle below 60% load it revs up ok, no smoke, but once you go to w.o.t. and wastegate goes to 90+% it smokes out the exhaust, runs like crap, misfires. The EBP rod doesnt move at all when i rev it up and i get 2psi of mpg tops. IPR at idle is 7% which kinda concerns me, but icp pressure and voltages are all good. driving it, runs beautiful til u mash the throttle and get it above 1500rpm, then the smoke comes out and runs like crap. Hotline told me to disconnect the ebp rod and find a way to hold the wastegate rod open and retest. It doesnt have a cat on it. Am i on the right track thinking i have a turbo/pedestal problem, I need some advice from all you guys.
  2. I dunno guess we bought one cause it says rotunda on it and it has a 10ft hose.
  3. Sadly, our one diesel tech did huge damage to our Long term customers. If you talk to him, you will be like... what the hell is talking about, how the hell is he even allowed to touch a car let alone work on it. He worked as the main diesel tech for 11yr's and now is a used car tech because they cant fire him. He's ignorant, unwilling to learn type of person that throws parts and doesnt want to understand how it works. He comes asks u a question, then turns around and said he figured it out. We lost 10 accounts that had customer pay work. Now we finally got one of the companies to come in for CP 7.3L diag and repair. We usually only get CP work when no1 else knows what to do, the owner doesnt understand, or just diag, then take it to a independent shop, which ends up at our door after they "fuck it up" as the customer states. I will say, we have been getting a good amount of customers coming in more and more for CP over 100K work. A lot of fleet companies have their own mechanics and shops. Anything over their heads they send to us. Then they tell us "we dont care how much just do it" and we never abuse it, Thanks to Jims long long long "make you think" posts,
  4. Alex i showed the oil change guys what to use if they ever fill those tires up. I will never ever fill those up without that hose setup ford gave us. LoL.
  5. 1.1 a tire.... you kidding me. your lucky as hell...lol... me and the other diesel tech had to fight to get .5 for 2. 1.5 for 6 because the tire shop down the street does it for that.
  6. Today I had the luxury of doing 4 tires on a 05 F-550. yes yes. They wanted 2 fronts and 2 outer rears, they said inners are ok. I am done with the job, I air up the inner's to 80 ( as they requested ) i walk not 10 feet away, and the loudest explosion sound of my life ive ever heard happens. Everyone in the dealership, even tehe salesman run back to the truck shop and start the " what in the hell was that" questions. My ears hurt like a bitch, the other diesel tech said "Holy shit" and i look back and the sidewall of a 19.5'' tire was torn in the middle halfway around. Thank god i use the 10foot long air gauge ford gave, and started using it 2 weeks ago. Man am i glad that I wasnt next to it. Anyone have the luxury of hearing this? LoL
  7. Thats 4 hours if its after a certain build date, and still 6.4 if you cant use the tool i think. Our shop is the same as alex
  8. After leaving the fiasco of "they wanted that truck yesterday, i dont care if they handed u the r.o at 3pm and you leave at 4 " I enjoy a nice ride home listening to my angry music ( as the girlfriend calls it ). I come home, take a shower, read my 5.0 mustangs and superfords over, play the guitar for an hour. Then go to the gym for a much needed lifting session with the cousin taking the aggression aquired throughout the day into putting up a lot of weight. I'm 23, I dont have kids, still live at home, saving up for my own place. On the weekends i find out how many jack bottles I can empty in one night. I count how many "not nows" from the girlfriend I can get when she sleeps over, A slew of phone calls from people that need their cars fixed. And my secret sin on sunday mornings is tennis. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
  9. After leaving the fiasco of "they wanted that truck yesterday, i dont care if they handed u the r.o at 3pm and you leave at 4 " I enjoy a nice ride home listening to my angry music ( as the girlfriend calls it ). I come home, take a shower, read my 5.0 mustangs and superfords over, play the guitar for an hour. Then go to the gym for a much needed lifting session with the cousin taking the aggression aquired throughout the day form the stress of work. I'm 23, I dont have kids, still live at home, saving up for my own place. On the weekends i find out how many jack bottles I can empty in one night. I count how many "not nows" from the girlfriend I can get when she sleeps over, A slew of phone calls from people that need their cars fixed. And my secret sin on sunday mornings is tennis. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
  10. Greg H after 1 more hour of driving I got it to act up all the way back to the dealership, then in my stall, i put a brake pedal rod from the alignment machine and put it on the accel to rev it up, wiggled the harness everywhere and then pinpointed it to the bulk area by the FICM. Wiggled it, engine would idle and helper said the light was on. The truck never died, just went into a normal idle. Thanks.
  11. Ok, 04 (early ICP on HP pump ) F-350, while driving the truck, the glowplug light would go on, lose pedal, the truck would go to a idle only happens for 2-3 seconds each time it happens. I've verified this 4 times on 2 different 2 hour test drives. I checked every pid, recorded it, went over each pid with a fine tooth comb. No DTC's, It has a U1262 i voltage dropped powers to the PCM, grounds, Can networks, checked the harness for chafing anywhere. Hotline wants me to change the PCM, but i doubt thats the issue. Only thing that fails is the EGR valve during the position test, and it fails just barely. anyone have this?
  12. The inductive heat reflash is amazing. I think it's most noticable on the 04's that havent been flashed for a while. We occasinally get customers coming back saying "what did u guys do to my truck, its never ran this great" which puts a smile on my face. The only thing that rattles my can was a customer came in complaining of the older reflash that buzzed the injectors, saying hes getting sick of and its getting annoying. I told him we have a new reflash, it was an 05 with 25K on it still in base warranty. I reflashed it, stated what i did to fix his concern. A week later I got called into the office because Ford bounced the claim, saying "There was no need for a reflash because a TSB didnt state to reflash it" those were the exact words from FORD warranty. I vaguely recall, when the new reflash came out, the tsb and the engineers on the broadcast telling us "if the customer complains about the buzzing then go ahead and reflash it" They updated the tsb and now its not on there anymore.
  13. I had the luxury of doing 2 back to back, one oil cooler, and one oil/egr cooler. Was not all that bad, wouldnt ever think of pulling cab just for the coolers, thats just crazy
  14. Also forgot to say i did a voltage drop on the entire ckt from IDM to injector connector, both sides less then .02v drop
  15. I know, i know, we have touched on this topic but i want it clarified for everyone. I have a 00 E450, high/low open code for #7. Ran injector self test and #7 is very quiet. Runs rough, removed right side valve cover, saw the harness connector just barely loose. Still installed the clip. Ran it and watched the spill spout. Nothing coming out or #7. I removed the IDM connector and do a resistance test across #7, get 3.9ohms. just curious check #3, 3.8ohms. Now, I think i have a bad IDM. I have trouble selling IDM's for High/Low codes because I want to know what caused it. Do i sell #7injector and the IDM? or just the IDM? Excuse my ignorance or lack of 7.3 knowledge, thats why im on here with asking you guys. I'm only troubled by this because i remember someone posting. " An open injector takes out the IDM"
  16. Our F-450's are seeing 13-16 with the 4.88 one has 20K on it.
  17. I dunno what who i'd feel bad for more..... keith's eyes, or the thong
  18. Yea thats what i do, just swing the boom so i can lift the cab.
  19. THe jacket i got 3 weeks ago..... Yikes. I had to go and buy tom cruise top gun big sunglasses to match the style of the jacket.
  20. I've been checking this post once and awhile. In my stall i have a 06 F-550 6.0 that died while driving. NO ICP, did all the usual checks.... air leak tested, holy shit loudest air rushing noise ive ever heard on #7. Removed oil rail, found top of injector broken and clip busted halfway out. Replaced injector, still the same loud noise on #7. Swapped out oil rail with downed unit. Leak tested, gone. I cannot find anything wrong with the oil rail at all. Also HP pump took a shit so i think i had 2 different problems. not to highjack ure thread, but u said uve never heard of oil rails leaking. There you have it, mine did, with no evidence of cracks or o-rings leaking.
  21. We had a guy that had a blown egr cooler, didnt buy the oil cooler... so guess what blew again. He came in today to do an oil change. They handed him the new 200K extended warranty option to buy. Guess who bought it right away. We started offereing it today and 2 people bought em already.
  22. Beers balls have ventured over to internet fighting... /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/rofl.gif I'm still wondering what a GM district manager is doing with a Ford? We have a guy that owns a construction company come in... owns 50 duramax trucks.. bought a 08 F450 loaded to the gills....Loves the truck to death... that puts a smile on my face. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cheers.gif
  23. This is when you contact hotline and that little question on the sheet asks " does this vehicle have any modifications " you mark "YES" and ask to speak with engineer. Then they will tell you what to do and document it.
  24. I'm quite surprised that people were actually defending the "stealership" and not jumping on the band wagon. " klhansen : So maybe you should just vote with your wallet and not take the truck there. But to call every dealer a "stealership" is not very just either. I imagine that for every horror story at any dealership, there are MANY satisfied customers. We hear only the horror stories. We probably all have merchants of many types that we will never patronize again for one reason or the other, but to lump all together in one class because one cheated you out of $40 is just unreasonable. Question asked and answered, so this discussion is over. " that is awesome
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