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Everything posted by Tony302600

  1. Dwayne I hear you on that, i did the EGR test 3 times and it finally failed it and finally replaced and fixed the guys truck. Ive come to the realization you need to do that test 2-3 times.
  2. Well im not in the same boat as you guys, i'm 23, live at home, trying to save for a house. Ive been doing this for 3 years, 1 year doing 6.0's. Theres days i want to do this, theres days i hate it. My dad has his own company and i could make triple what i make here but i have too much fun at work. Everyone tells me i make a lot for only being 23 but i get the feeling i wont be here too much longer. We're slow and i rather the other diesel tech with a family get the work and ill get to what he cant get to. I'm like this now but im sure if i had a family we'd be at each others throat. I love wut I do, im good at it but I get way too frustrated that we get paid less, have to know A LOT more then lets say other trades and they get paid a f-load more. I have to say that the only thing keeping me at my job is the guys i work with.
  3. 16.1 from SLTS, that procedure is not funny. LoL
  4. only one we had in for a coolant leak was upper radiator quick disconnect shot off going to the front cover soaked whole engine and underside.
  5. Steve we dont know yet. We went to our service manager ( who ALWAYS takes mine and the diesel techs side with anything ) and he looked at the coupon and says " NO WAY that is rediculous. " we thought that was funny. We talked to the manager and he said we wont honor those because they are from a competitive Ford dealer 3 miles away who we rival with. Me and the other diesel tech came to a conclusion that we wont mind honoring them as long as parts takes the hit and sells them at $1 over cost so we can get at least 2.5 outta the deal to draw some business in.
  6. Other diesel tech came to me with an R.O. reads "replace 8 glowplugs." Customer pay, and there was a coupon atached to it $359.99 to replace 8 glow plugs. Now at $24 a glow plug, x 8, and at our shop rate thats about 1.5ish hours. Now i think thats crap, i'm all for getting work in, but i dunno bout this way. I dont wanna sound like im crying but c'mon. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/shrug.gif
  7. I'm doing the reprogram recall on a IDOT 6.4 F-250, says 13.1MPPG andit only has 5100miles on it.
  8. 6 hours for an injector? ive never gotten over 4 and ive tried everything and wrote it up to a T. 30 for headgaskets, we fought with our warranty company and one time one of techs only got 12, when we usually get 22? Am i missing something. I thought i knew how to make money on these things. LoL
  9. Check the sensor connector and see if its full of oil, if it is change the ICP sensor and the connector. I had one run off on me at idle because the sensor oil soaked the connector.
  10. 2006 F-350 from TJ Lambrecht construction came in with ABS light on. 07-09-08. C1175, C1236. Followed the TSB and found tonering had a small nick, not wanting to chance it replaced it and retested. Put Di-electric grease in the connector they tellyou to put it in. 3 days later comes back, no light, but they said it came on eec test C1236. Test drove it for 2 hours, no light, nothing, replaced the sensor ( per the tsb if no other issues are found). Just asking if you guys have come across a common wire rubbing or connector corroded. IT only has 7300 miles on it.
  11. i cut a set today with our oncar. Hunter OCL430. customers say the brakes feel much better then before.
  12. OUr hunter guy got us a sweet oncar brake lathe just for trucks, 220v, This thing is absolutely amazing. I will take pix. There are 2 different heights you can put it at, but its so heavy you need a engine hoist to lift it to the higher setting.
  13. we're still waiting for our first 6.4 to come in with drivebility or some kind of engine work. Just have done 3 reprograms thats it... i think i just jinxed myself.
  14. Our shop has been fighting the IT guy (also owners friend) about internet access accross the shop. We can only go to FMCdealer, and PTS. He put soo much security on the router and internet connection we cant look at anything else but that. Now i know that we shouldnt be looking at other stuff, but i catch myself in the managers office looking at this site since i had the same concern. Just wondering what access you guys have in your shops. I know my buddies shop they can go onto any site they want. J/C
  15. Im quite happy that they arent going to try to stuff it in the e-series. I had the luxury of getting a 7.3L e450 school bus misfire # 3, oh joy look in the workshop manual, excellent, the only one that u have to take the motormount off. ( techs told me other way of doing it) then the customer called back, can you do all 8, i'll pay for it. im not gonna lie, it was my first time doing those injectors in a van, and there were more coolant, a/c lines routed than ive ever scene. took me 3 days ( on and off, on and off.)
  16. Wow, that is a kick ass shop. I thought we had it made for me and the other diesel tech got a brand new 6 bay shop for the 2 of us. 3 18K 2 posts and 3 30K 4 post cable. But that shop...WOW!!!!!
  17. oh hell ya, i pulled back the doghouse and go...thats it....and then the other diesel guy told me basically all u need is fuel..lol... cracked open the line at the injector got fuel? no, then go down the line...and im like thats it ( for the most part )...lol... but i almost would rather work on that then a 6.4
  18. Joy, I get a IDI 7.3L and feared the crap outta it and to make matter worse it was on a e van ( wasnt all that bad ). shut off while driving, No-start. remembered watching old diesel tech crack the lines to bleed air after replacing injection pump, cracked line at injector, nothing, cracked line to fuel filter, nothing. awesome, other tech told me to put a lift pump on. Replaced lift pump, still nothing, attemped to bleed it, nothing. Removed line to fuel filter, cranked, sounded like pumping air. Looked at gas gauge, WAY PAST FULL, hmmmmmm... Called the owner, "oh yea i thought we just filled it up." smacked tank, sounds empty, removed tank, EMPTY, broken sending unit wire. What i learned... never trust customer, r.o. and these things arent that bad as i thought to diag.
  19. Only time ive replaced a FICM was int. misfire on mutliple banks while driving. happened once a week dif cylinder everytime, that fixed it.
  20. well, i remember in 6.4 class tehy said that when replacing the fuel filter you have to do a key on cycle like 30 times or something i cant remember, should've remembered it from class, im sure its in the workshop manual. No problems reprogramming the 6.4's yet. All mine programmed normally. ECM, not PCM is the same is Not alternator, now calling it generator. WHo cares.
  21. Well from wut ive heard, isnt chrysler dropping cummins in light of their own mercedes diesel engine? So thats another supplier they may want to go to. I think ford should make their own diesel engine, I think it would be a lot better then an international one.
  22. Oh yeah Keith. There is a tow truck that will not run correctly cold, did the last reflash with the injector buzz.....it helped it out, but ultimatly the newest reflash did it. Customer happy. They really hit the nail on the coffin with this reflash.
  23. i remember that konundrum....lol... then the other diesel guy wouldnt believe me
  24. Iceman i will say taht i have only reprogrammed 1 with the new reflash. I was wondering why it also needed to recalibrate the TCM and PCM unlike the other reflash. Other than that, i did notice a difference in the get-up and go, and also it started A LOT better.
  25. I have a budy that used to be a service writer at our Ford Dealer and now is with Honda as a service writer. he told me that they rape the !@#!?$! outta the customer and the customers eat it all up and think they are getting a deal. My mom bought a 20003 Honda accord and hates the thing to death, also attempting to follow the maintainence intervals, 15K service they wanted $800 to do the usual bullcrap, and ADJUST THE VALVES. I talked to the manager and said wut the hell that was all about. The Vtec, from what i understand, is an automatically adjusted valve lash. He refused to answer my question. This is at 15K, wut do we do on Fords, LOF + Rotate, and trans flush at 30K. I dont understand why people dont do this, no more timing belts they are chains. I just dont get it.
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