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Everything posted by Tony302600

  1. I've seen the black donut o-ring forgotten to be installed under the intake to front cover and coolant shoots out fast as hell. Ive forgotten to torque an injector down and remembered after putting on the hot-side cac tube since the manager was talking to me. Forgotten to take out the FICM relay on 2 trucks they came back with #1 injectors after a month. Seen downtubes forgetten to be put in the HPP cover, Forgot that trans's fill better when the dipstick tube is attached, but the fluid cleans the floor nice. Blue EGR cooler hoses leak until u hear the click when putting them on. And disconnecting and recconecting the battery when no radio, power windows, ( everything that runs through the instrument cluster ) is better then doing the pinpoint test trying to figure it out since it didnt do it before the repair.
  2. im going to tell you guys this because hotline keeps telling me this. HEADGASKETS DO NOT GO BAD. Unless the its got a chip overboosting the turbo, badly maintained, or excessivly overloaded, the gaskets do not go bad. He said if anything the bolts stretch CAUSING U TO THINK IT HEADGASKETS. And wut do you change when you do headgaskets?????? EGR coolers and oil coolers. They said majority of headgasket jobs are just coolers. I've seen it in action too so i believe them.
  3. Ok guys heres an update, told hotline all my readings from the recording, he sent me an excellent procedure to find SYNC, FICMSYNC, no start etc etc. He says it cannot be a tone ring, it is wiring. So being that it has 100,088 and Ford is helping him out, I changed the main enigne harness ( per hotline ) and the crank and cam sensors.....fired it up, let it get hot, runs great. I did voltage drop on the Cam and Crank CKT, and only lost .01v through the wire, but found a portion of the harness ( crank pigtail ) that i didnt like so that also was teh reason for changing the harness. Going to drive it tom. ( wicked winter storm ) and i'll tell you hoow it went. Personally I think it was just a Cam sensor issue.
  4. so wut am i looking for, can it be a bad cam sensor, the connector has been changed by another tech. Could the Alternator be sending RF frequency? i've had a 4.6 mustang do that. I'm honestly stumped so I came to you guys cuz u guys always help me out
  5. The concern is a buck/jerk at highway speeds it would buck jerk whenever the RPM was above 1500 the rpm gauge would fluctuate in 500-800rpm increments. Again, above 1500 rpm to 3500 it would do it, part or full throttle.
  6. Here it is, I finally got it to act up after 2 months, 2004 F-250 99995 when it came in, 102865 now. This was on a drive home with the vehicle ( they let me take it home ) at 80mph, part throttle, same thing happened at full throttle, nothing when off throttle. It DOES NOT do it when cold, has to warm up just a little bit. Codes pulled are new P0336, P0341, P0470, P2617, P0148. I do not beleive its a wiring problem because at idle it runs perfectly fine, start up drive it cold its ok til it warms up. The VERY FIRST time i ever got this vehicle, it WOULD NOT let me go into power balance per fault. Hotline told me its a tone ring issue if that happens, but said dont worry if it doesnt act up. 2 months later here we are. Did all the diag for it. I am leaning torwards a tone ring issue, BUT, how do i check for that since the vehicle is out of warranty. I found a procedure to cheack CRANK tone ring, but not CAM. I could use all the help you guys have because no1 in my shop has a clue so im on my own on this one. These are the PIDS which i found significant, I made 8 recordings with EVERY PID, possible. All the vpwr's, FICM M, L all that are ok no fluctuation in my recordings. Hotline also told me it could be a throttle valve sticking causing that, but FICMSYNC always yes, SYNC would go ON, OFF, ON, OFF with the RPM PID. You guys and this site have helped me out ALOT with these trucks.
  7. I called my cousin, who is a Ford engineer, and i asked him about that and how good the 6.4 is going to be and he gave me the same look he gave me when i asked him about the 6.0, /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/eek.gif so i think we're going to get another early 6.0 fiasco
  8. we made a special tool just for that i'll take a pic of it also its perfect for the t30 torx's when doing passenger side injectors, its awesome. Also we customized a tool for ICP sensors on 03, early 04 to aid removal, it was so good our matco guy sent it to the R&D guy and they are making a prototype for us to try out. I hate that other message board ( ford one ) too many complaining how much they hate ford, i only work on diesels because no1 in my shop wants to and they paid me hella lot more to work on em. honest truth i like em better.
  9. Hey guys this is for the other diesel tech here. Hejust did a set of head gaskets under warranty and WPI ( warranty Processing Inc ) told us he could not get more then 12 hours to do the job, when last month he did a set under warranty and got 25 hours. He wants to know what the average time under warranty that you guys have been getting.
  10. In that situation I would def reccomend both. Case in point. if we were to call hotline on a concern with a EGR cooler so bad we cant test drive it hotline would tell us to do the egr cooler, then test drive and see if it needs a oil cooler. If we call on a dif truck out of warranty IMMEDIATLY they tell us replace both no questions. So interesting after you talk to the 6.0 engineers when something is under warranty and something isnt. Sounds like some1 is taping the conversation to make sure they are not telling us to do more then we have to under warranty. But out of warranty they look out for the customer and our butts (IMOP). Case in point we had a 6.0 letting exhaust gasses through injector, hotline engineer told tech to replace ALL on that bank. When i had the same thing under warranty he said DO NOT replace all just the one. When we know there is something that is bad, but something else is known to go bad but u cant test it ( or not acting ) u ALWAYS sell both and thats coming from school and management to avoid a comeback and a pissed of Custome Pay 6.0 owner.
  11. Ihad 2 of the same snapshots u had Ford Doctor and both were int. lack power concerns. Anytime i get a lack of power concern, that egr valve ALWAYS gets taken out. Our work went from HPOP fittings, to injectors, now to weird stuff at our shop. Oh and a oil cooler that one of the old timers doesnt understand going bad.( he doesnt understand the 6.0 )
  12. There is an issue with the 500's with the wrench light coming on intermitantly with no dtc's. There is one concern where the wrench light will come on and message center says "failure safe mode," that is where u follow thje TSB. There is another concern that we just found with the wrench light coming on int. when u press on the dash above the instrument cluster the light will come on dimly, and let go it will go away. we have had 2 of them so far with the harness chafing above the cluster. Watch out for that, but do not do it if the customer says "message center said failure mode"
  13. Ok guys the guy came back, (im working with ford doctor on how to get the recording up ) and i drove with the guy. Po488,, p0470, p0341, p0336 I monitored everything ( in groups of 4) and they only thing that was acting up was the EGRDC, EGRTP, and RPM. they would go from half straight down to what they are at idle ( EGRDC from 60% - 0%, EGRTP 45% - 2.45%, rpm from 2500 - 790 back and forth) in a saw tooth pattern rapidly and intermittant. Nothing with pulse width, nothing with all the FICM pids, nothing with vpwr they were all constant. I was told that the RPM is the result of the EGRTP sticking ( from hotline ) or I have a tone wheel issue.
  14. G. Bedford, the FICM harness recall was done by another tech, i should have looked but the guy hasnt brought it back in yet, said he will if it acts up. It isn't one of those once a week, its a once/twice a month thing when it happens and only real quick.
  15. Jim, thanks for the advice. Now when i said i did my normal diag, e.g fuel pressure while driving ect. ect. ect. i meant test driving while monitoring 2 pid inputs at a time. the first time i test drove i monitored ficmpwr, ficmsync, rpm and pulse. to my understanding rpm is cam sensor, and pulse width is crank. I even went as far as doing those 2 single pids, enlarging them to see any dip in the sensors, ( I remeber that from engine diag class) then i went to monitor the turbo subsystem. I will keep u guys up to date today when i get to work.
  16. I had a 04 6.0 99995 miles come in for a bucks/jerks when hot at highway speeds and runs rough on cold start up. Did the normal diag, in history had cam and crank codes. Thought that was cuz the hardstart/runs rough cold and the customer excessivly cranking it. Did the reprogram for it, egr failed, coked up, cleaned it. Test drove it for 20miles on the streets...ok....test drove on the highway from 50mph-90mph couldnt get it to act up. Monitored all my pids nothing strange, then before the exit light throttle it bucked jerked. I pulled codes, nothing, other tech said maybe some carbon got into the cylinders from the intake, customer wanted his truck back, ok for a week. Came back today saying its doing it wanting to drive it with me, i was busy but the ex-diesel tech now service writer test drove with him, didn't act up at all and now he doesnt know if it did it when it was cold or hot. He's going to bring it back tom. Just wanted to see if anyone has had this problem before, should i chase the turbo sticking, crank sensor, cam sensor? the cam sensor connector replaced and fuel filter were replaced 3,000 ago, i checked the connector ok, it was ok. The company has all their maintainence done with us so thats out. Any suggestions welcome.
  17. Cassidy when the 05 ranger came out, i had one ranger coming back every week and i could never verify the no start, it was a security truck so the owner thought the guys were kicking the switch so they didnt have to go to work. After a week of it sitting out back i started going through it looking at everything, when i went to disconnect the intertia switch the bottom peice fell off real easy. Called hotline, engineer called out dealership, told our service manager to send the switch back, month later sent us a prototype ( not lying ) inertia switch with a metal sheild around it. That Fixed it. havent seen another inertia switch like it.
  18. Wow, now that is a trick setup. Memory CANNOT be erased unless from a dealership. That is totally gonna help us out, and make us stop scratching out heads when a 603,605 come up and we decide to make it customer pay or not. Now Ford just has to worry bout the dealerships that bend the rules to get a good survey. ( there is one by us that does anything for the customer i mena ANYTHING if its under warranty for a good survey" wut do u guys think
  19. Heres my fav diesel hotline call, had a 01 7.3 lack of power, MAP would go to 0. I called them asking if they had PCM problems ( ohmed out wires ) he said, no, the 7.3 PCM does not go bad check wiring, do voltage drop, But if there is a 7.3 in for service try swapping the PCM out (he stressed trying to find a 7.3 for a PCM swap ) lol. Or when u tell them its a customer pay 6.0 their whole mood changes, they tell u to replace everything. LOL
  20. Didnt know if u guys knew this, Matco has a 1 inch disk adapter and 1 in 3m pads... for disk holder and 75 3m pads i paid $30
  21. I asked my manager and he looks at the truck, looks at me, looks back at the truck, looks at me again...then scratches his head...then says...well this is all we can do....to customer: "Sir, you need to have the rear part of the truck removed so we can service the truck for you"....lol...another thing is we are building a new truck center for 250's - 550's (no 6-750's thank god ) more 4 post then 2 post, though which i cant fathom if we have a recall for these 6.4's that involve removing the body. I guess will ask when I go to the class bout overhanging rear chasis access.. But every time I ask something like that in class I get the "hmmm i dont really know the answer" like when i was in hybrid class.
  22. What are we suppost to do on commercial trucks when the bed "accessory" hangs over the cab, unremovable from the bed and we have to lift the cab? I was working on a 550 that needed a EGR cooler ( customer wanted head gaskets ) had a stakebed in the rear and a extension that hung over the cab all the way extending to the front of the hood. Once peice front of truck to back welded together. Impossible to remove the cap. longest length Ford offers also.
  23. We've only seen one oil cooler failure, actually got so bad that it was like clay in the cylinder heads and black thick chocolate pudding out the lower hose, took about 10 minutes for it all to come out. Of course hotline told us to put a new engine in. Guy slammed service on his survey because he hates the 6.0 product.
  24. Well since the guy said he just bought it and swears he didnt do anything to it, bought it as-is. We warrantied this repair but are voiding his warranty or something. Will have pics for you guys tonight. Also found bolts missing in head and high pressure rail. No history of being at any other dealer for serious repairs.
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