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Everything posted by Tony302600

  1. I remember getting the 6.0 turbo out in like 20minutes, and if all went well about 45minutes on the early ones. That stupid bolt in the rear pisses me off. I've pulled soo many turbos i could do it in my sleep.
  2. I agree with this 110%. The 650-750's have a steel rear cover so you can pry back the branch tube using a pry bar and the rear cover. Worked like a charm. We got a CP 650 towed into our shop that got a 40 hour branch tube replacement quote from another dealer. I can't remembr what we charged to bend back the tube and put the revised fitting in.
  3. This has been my view since the time i learned about flushes. The only useful one is the trans flusher. Although, BG power steering fluid is the only fluid that i've seen get rid of all power steering whines from windstars. I really like that fluid and their MOA additive thats is used with an oil change.
  4. if you do get the IPR socket, there are 2 different ones, a 6point, and a 12 point. I was the only one that had the 12point and everyone kept borrowing it because it was easier to use.
  5. I love it. Work 6 to noon, when it snow's we don't work (horrible traffic getting into downtown), I talk to all the customers, i make all my prices for parts, labor. There's no middle man that we have to pay, it's great. I could never go back to the dealership.
  6. U serious, now that, i've never had a problem
  7. Why would you spend the money on it? I had a interesting talk with the BG guy about "needing the flush machine" for the diesel injection flush. Why would you need the machine? Can't you just dump everything in the tank "wink wink" he reluctantly said it's the same thing but you don't get a concentrated amount in. So i think it's up to you guy's. Do you want to let a truck idle for 30-45minutes in your stall, or would you just dump both bottles in the tank and ship him on his marry way. You aren't doing anything wrong by not using the flusher. (im talking bout the clear cylindrical one with the circle filter on top.
  8. i had a friend call me bout his 6.4L that stalled last week when we had the stupid cold. Told him to check fuel filters (he forgets that stuff) told meit was gelled up. Told him to put anti-gel and bring it to his shop to let it warm up over night. Worked like a charm next morning. This stuff has to happen up in canada doesnt it?
  9. in my final days at the dealership....i witnessed the senior master doing a waterpump on a edge that was leaking. HE was telling me that the special front cover sealant sets in 4minutes and there is a stupid procedure to put the cover back on...
  10. Hmmm...I don't really know. I think with Ford doing everything you guy's should get a good engine built. I still think that Navistar was trying to stick-it to Ford by giving them the 6.4. IMHO I really think the 6.0 is a good engine, they shoulda stuck with it and really sat down and tried to get all the bug's out.
  11. 2 months ago diesel FSE told me they have a ton of problems with the 4.4L. He really doesn't see it coming out soon for the F-150. Said they cant get it running right with all the emissions bullshit.
  12. Keith, why did you post this /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/hahaha.gif. People are RETARDED when they have no idea what their talking bout.
  13. and at 180psi the elbow at the end goes straight /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/tomato.gif
  14. "It was boxed wrong I didnt order the wrong one" "It was like that when i got it" "Not Mine" "This is my first time too"
  15. Yes, i heard about this last year from the international engineer at teh very first roundtable meeting. He was telling us about there being a truck that kept seizing HP turbos within 10miles. By stroke of luck after 3 turbos the engineer found that a hole wasnt drilled into the bottom of the banjo bolt so the turbo wasnt being fed any oil. Crazy huh. Tony H.
  16. No. Been there done that. I've tried everything. You have to remove the fuel rail, and all the HP fuel lines under valve cover and at back of head to FP. Stupid design. VERY STUPID.
  17. *Update* Back from vacation...I can't believe our plane didnt get delayed with the horrible weather we had in chicago. Even better new's on the trip i proposed to my girlfriend and she said yes!!!!!! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/rockon.gif So now I have to plan a wedding in the future. I hope everything is going awesome for you guy's, i got word that the truckshop is slow...so i only have 1 more week then im out. Merry belated christmas, and Happy New Year guys. Tony H.
  18. Just remember when writing up an R.O. instead saying you pryed on something...simply state, "applied pressure" to X component. The Engineers will understand what you're talking about. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/thumbup.gif
  19. The recall is reinstated but you have to have the latest patch. 58.7 patch 8 i think. Man o man it's labor intesive because my TCM kept showing errors, then it finally programmed. Note to self....put the battery charger on the truck, if the batteries go below 11.50v it will kick you out the of the reprogram. And when you go to reprogram the IC the cluster stay's black like it has no power KOEO. Weird. Tony H.
  20. Do explain. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/popcorn.gif
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