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Everything posted by Fordracer

  1. Ditto for what Larry says about Pensacola Diesel. We recently put a set in that a customer bought and brought to us. In 200 miles it put 6 gallons, not quarts, of fuel in the oil and all they would do is send him another injector and not pay for the labor or future damage to the motor. It also locked up the turbo and they wouldn't pay for that or cleaning the intercooler. They said it a had to have been installed wrong. I plugged two of the fuel feed holes with my fingers and blew air in the other and bubbles came out where the upper injector body fits in the lower body. I called Larry to send it to them to have it checked and the first thing he asked is if it was from Pensacola. Our FSE said when these engines get this much fuel in the oil it damages the rollers in the lifters and they will eventually fall out and ruin the engine. I guess only time will tell.
  2. That's some interesting information on air filters Bruce. It would be very interesting to sit down with you and pick your brain for several hours. The truck does have the "intercooler" air filter and he says it does get ditry very quickly. The turbo fins are very slightly rounded off. It does have the MFDES pid and it is 25 at cold idle. I was warming it up to run another cylinder contribution test and by the time the EOT went over 150 degrees it slowly shut off. After it sat for 5 minutes it would start back up ruuning very rough and the MFDES was 55 and load was 85%. He works third shift so during the day I had him fill the filter housing with PM-17a and he said it made on difference. He also tried my test IDM and it ran the same. The fuel pump is very noisey and when I opened the drain valve with KOEO and fuel pump running fuel shot out of it under alot of pressure and volume. It acts just like a 6.0 when you get combustion in the fuel system and it slowly looses cylinders on the same bank while it warms up until it slowly dies but I haven't seen a 7.3 do this.
  3. I'll be looking at the truck again on monday after work so I'll check the air filter, MFDES, and build date then. Will the air filter say intercooler on it or the air filter lid? What's bad about the ones that say intercooler on them? The ICP voltage koeo was .24 and I think it was around .8 at 550 psi. The fuel looked good and clean and I haven't run an inlet restriction test. I do have a test IDM I could try if it comes to that. Thanks for the sugestions.
  4. A friend of mine has a 1999 7.3 with 230,000 miles on it. It starts and runs fine until you drive a few blocks and then it starts acting like it is loading up and then it starts missing out. It has a code P1247. I ran a cylinder contribution test and 1,3, and 5 show up missing. On the buzz test number 3 has a soft buzz. The ICP goes up to 2500 when you rev the motor up to 3,000 rpm, that's as high as it will rev. It blows out white smoke and smells very rich when you do this. He pulled the valve cover and checked the connector and the oil flow out of the spill spouts and it looks fine. He changed the oil, IPR, ICP, and MAP sensor with known good parts that I use for testing and it makes no difference. The fuel pressure is 55 lbs under a load. The only trucks I have had with high ICP have been the IPR or bad oil. I'm leaning towards injectors but that is an expensive guess. Any suggestions?
  5. The collar on the hold down bolt broke when I was trieng to pull the injector out. I don't know if it is siezed in the head or the injector cup.
  6. I have a 2003 6.0 with 120,000 miles that I'm replacing all the injectors in. #8 injector is stuck in the head. I can get a pry bar with real good leverage in there and it won't budge. Has anyone else had this problem? Any ideas before I pull the cab? It is customer pay so it's going to be a hard sell to pull cab to replace injectors.
  7. Are you guys finding the calibration number like the TSB says to? When I check it gives the calibration for all the modules except the PCM, TCM, and FICM. I used my PDS and IDS and niether one gives the current calibration.
  8. I had an 03 with the same problem and with a stethoscope I found a small leak at the Y-pipe and right exhaust manifold. I repaired the leaks and now it runs great. I didn't think it was enough of a leak to make it run that bad but it was.
  9. Guess what? As soon as I submitted that post the IE shut down and that error message came back up. I forgot to mention that the IE keeps closing also.
  10. I updated mine and the computer keeps shutting off and rebooting whenever it fells like it. Today I got an error message saying Flash10b.ocx was running and causing the problem. I clicked on the advance tab of the error message and I shut it off and so far so good.
  11. Unfortunately those links don't work. It says "private forum".
  12. We got the parts in today from Motorcraft and they are the filters that go in the sending unit. The plastic part of it is black instead of white. They are $10.22 retail.
  13. I found a part number that is supposedly for the filters. I found it on the FMC Dealer message board. A guy by the name of Chris Worley from Hub City Ford said the part number is 4C4Z-9365-BA and the Motorcraft number is FD-4605. I have some coming in tomorrow from Motorcraft so I'll see if it's the filters we are looking for. It's strange that it has a 2004 part number. I had the parts guy try to look it up for a 7.3 and a 2004 6.0 and the basic number doesn't come up but Motorcraft said it's a good number so I'll see what it is and let you know.
  14. I was curious how many of you have or know someone in this business that has carpal tunnel syndrome. I was just diagnosed with it a couple of months ago. I'm 47 and have been turing wrenches professionally since I was 19 so I guess that's alot of turned wrenches. I was told that it's common in the mechanic trade. I was telling a guy at work about it and he said he has the same symptoms I have but not as severe and he's only been a mechanic for 17 years. It started as a sharp pain in the palm and fingers of my right hand for a half hour in the middle of the night and my arms falling asleep if I sleep on my side. Then it progressed to every hour for a half hour during the night untill I got up in the morning and it would go away untill the next night. Needless to say I didn't get much sleep. The pain is like someone stabbing the palm of you hand with a knife. I'm lucky that it's not bothering me during the day so I can still work, hopefully it won't get any worse. It hasn't bothered me for 2 and a half months but it started acting up again a couple of nights ago. I thought I was pretty lucky not to have back,leg, or feet problems that alot of older mechanics have but sooner or later I guess something will get you if you keep abusing your body.
  15. I use a Snap-on 1/4" ratchet that has a bit holder instead of a 1/4" stub and use a T-30 from my bit collection.
  16. It's a miracle, I passed the tests! I guess I'll try my luck at the L2 test this spring.
  17. Thanks for all the info Bruce. I used to be a suporting member at iatn about 10 years ago but I dropped it. I liked it back then but I didn't have time to mess with it anymore. I see that they have changed alot since then. I just don't see why Ford wants you to have those certifcations if they don't even have classes for the 650-750 that I can find. I did see they have a WBT course 31G03W0 for prepairing for the L1 ASE test. I might have to get gas certified and get my Senior Masters going that way since L1 is the only extra ASE you have to take. I just can't see spending alot of time studying up on something or going to classes for something I won't use or make money from just to become a Senior Master.
  18. I bought a 1/2 inch drill. I cut the female end off a cheap 3/8 drive extension and ground three sides on it and chucked it up in the drill with a 15 mm socket on it.
  19. I got rid of the union in our shop a couple months ago and now the general manager will pay us for our certifications and he wants me and the other top tech in the shop to become senior master certified. I never bothered to get it before because of the requirement to take the ASE tests T2, T6, and L2. We don't work on 650 or 750's so I know nothing about medium to heavy duty trucks. I bought the Motor Age study books and read them twice and last night I took the tests and I'm fairly sure I failed the T2 Diesel Engine test. The book was useless for that test. Do you guys have any ideas on finding the information I need to pass this test and the L2 test that I will need to take later?
  20. After reading these posts about the Hole Hawg I bought a rebuilt one on Ebay for $75 and used it to put cab bolts in one I had apart and it saved me about an hour. It only took 5-10 minutes to put them in. It will pay for itself in no time. You have to put the drill against the frame or front tire before you turn it on or it will take you for a ride. These things are very powerful.
  21. I was getting ready to make a post about this exact same problem until I found this one. I'm working on a F-250 that you have to be careful when pulling out into trafic because it is such a dog when taking off from a stop but it will boost 30 psi under a load once you get it going. It only produces 3.2 psi during ppt KA7 and the hotline said the same thing, "don't worry about it failing the test at least it's showing a change in boost". I'm supposed to send the hotline some recordings but they are closed this morning so I have to wait until this afternoon. Also I removed the air intake hose and the compressor fins have a black powder on them like exhaust is getting in there. Has anybody else seen this? Hopefully they will let me replace the turbos on this thing, it's like the low pressure turbo is not doing it's job. Another thing to watch out for is when you run the exhaust restriction test. It says to monitor the EBP pid at 3800 rpm and it shouldn't go above 35 psi. Mine won't go over 3600 rpm and EBP_A is 37 psi. There is no EBP_G pid but that's what the spec is for not the EBP_A pid. The hotline says there has been some confusion with that test. Well change the test specs.
  22. How important are those filters? There is a date split of 3-26-2001 and after that they did away with that housing.
  23. Thanks for everybodys help. I cleaned the filters and the restriction went from 22 in. to 4 and the fuel pressure doesn't drop to 0 under a load anymore.
  24. Thanks, but that part number is for the pickup screen. What I need is the two little cylinder shapped filters that go in the round plastic housing on the sending unit assembly.
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