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Everything posted by Fordracer

  1. I'm at my witts end on this one. If you drive it first thing in the morning it will die at the same stop, 4.5 miles, every time. After that it might die when ever it feels like it or it might not but the next morning it will do it all over again at 4.5 miles. I've driven it over 100 miles trying to figure this one out and now it will die at 2 miles. It seems to die more when your foot is on the brake or turning the steering wheel. I can come to a stop when it is still running and then I turn the steering wheel and it will die some times. This truck has 93,000 miles on it and it runs great and never dies under power just at idle. Codes p0344 and 340 come up at times. Also sometimes a p0107 will show up. Recordings show the idle drops slowly when it dies and the IPR nad ICP ramp up as it's dieing. There are no warning lights coming on or gauge fluctuations when it's dieing. ICP koeo is .21 volts, at idle ICP is 475 psi and IPR is 11%, VSS is not spiking. I unplug the ICP and it wont die. I've load tested the CMP and ICP circuits and PCM ground and power ciruits. Fuel pressure is 60 psi when it dies. I replaced the batteries because one was dead. I've replaced (with known good parts) the ICP, IPR, PCM, CMP, ICP connnector, PCM and IDS relays. I even drove it with the EBP unhooked. Nothing helps except unhooking the ICP connector. The hotline thinks all that's left is to replace the harness if they are available. Any help or questions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Keith.
  2. Today is my 28th anniversary with this place. I can see where you're coming from Keith, on my 25th I thought I would here something but I wasn't surprised when nothing happened either. I aggree with Greg in that we are just money to them and vise versa we are only here for a paycheck. I love what I do here and take pride in my work and value my relationships with fellow employees and customers but if I won the big lottery tommorrow I would be loading up my tools. The shop at a dealership is a necessary evil as far as the owners are concerned. We are peons to them. Case in point - we have had four mechanics since I've been here that have retired after 35-45 years of service and they got nothing from upper managment. Our shop foreman that has been here for over 45 years and is one of the best mechanics I have worked with was told one day not to come in tommorrow we don't need you anymore and that was it. In comparison we had a salesman retire after 30 years and he got a big party at a country club. I just do my 8-5 and go home and don't think about work untill I'm on my way into work the next morning.
  3. I see that the "video has been removed by the user".
  4. I was looking up labor times today for cab off and it was lowered to 4.3 hrs. It now shows labor ops for spun cage nuts.
  5. I was looking at the new procedure for spun cage nuts and I looked at the cab off procedure and it still says to discard the cab bolts when removed. I also couldn't find the new labor ops for spun cage nuts the mentioned in the new message they released today. The Workshop Manual (WSM) has been revised to include procedures for how to remove a body bolt when the cage nut(s) have spun during a body off. Please refer to the WSM, section 502-02 for more details. There have also been four new labor operations added to the SLTS manual. These new labor operations are as follows: 6007B70 - Front End Sheet Metal (FESM) Mount Cage Nut(s) Spun 6007B71 - Body Support No. 1 Cage Nut(s) Spun 6007B72 - Body Support No. 2 Cage Nut(s) Spun (Crew Cab Only) 6007B73 - Body Support No. 3 Cage Nut(s) Spun In addition, the WSM, Section 303-01 has been updated eliminating the removal of unnecessary components for certain cab-off repairs. Please refer to the WSM for more details. As a result of these changes, labor operation 6007B has been restudied to account for the changes.
  6. How did you get approval for a long block? They made me put an engine together with a short block and two heads. They even tried to get me to put valves in the head that wasn't damaged but the machine shop said the head was pitted and needed resurfaced so they let me replace both heads.
  7. It would be nice it they would release a SSM about it so we would know. I don't read the procedure to remove the cab after the first time. This isn't the first time they changed policy on a repair and kicked back some parts on a claim.
  8. We have a problem with people passing drug and back ground checks. One guy had 6 pages come back on his back ground check with a sex offense against a minor, forged checks and so on. Our service manager called a budy of his that runs a Goodyear tire store and asked him what he does to find help and he has the same problem. He said the last ad he ran he got 25 people that he had take a drug test and none of them passed. He just hired the one with the least offensive drug in his system, pot. My brother in law is a maintence tech at the Frito Lay plant in town and they had 250 people apply for a position in the plant and only 25 passed the drug test.
  9. In TSB 9-16-5 it has part number W302676 for a V-band clamp. In the parts picture it show 3C3Z-9T514-A as a clamp. I also remember one time I got a kit that came with the clamp and other parts to rebuild one but I can't find it.
  10. Talking about mark up on Snap On boxes. I bought a KRL series box when they first came out 20 some years ago and I out grew it and needed another one. I was on the tool truck last year and he was having a special on tools that he had laid out on top of a KRL1022 box. If you put up to 40% down he would match your down payment as a discount on the tools. I mouthed off and said I'd make the same offer on the box the tools were sitting on and he said okay. So I paid 3,070 down in cash and he discounted the price 3,070.
  11. You can also try using a temp gun and check the temp of the exhaust manifold where it comes out of the exhaust port.
  12. I think most of us are concerned and interested about hearing what happened to you. I can't imagine what it would be like if it happened to me. I'm glad your house is okay but it sounds like your dealership didn't do so well.
  13. I do 99% of the diesel work here and this is the first time I've seen this. To bad for the customer but lucky for me the block is okay and only needs 2 pistons and rods and a crank. If I wouldn't of caught it so soon and let the customer have it looks like it would of caused more damage and he would of recieved a new engine.
  14. Thank you so much for the tip Tom. Finally did one your way and it was a piece of cake. I've done a few turbos in cab before and I can see where raising the front of the cab will make this alot easier also.
  15. I had a 6.4 come in for the 11B23 recall and stupid me I mentioned it had a miss and a code P0266-cylinder 2 contribution. Power balance shows 2 and 8 missfire, SFT on 2 is +19 and 8 is +10, relative compresion is #2 8% and #8 5%. Compresion on 2 is 280 and 8 is 320. Tore engine down and #2 rod is bent front to back and the crank has been hitting the bottom of the piston under the wrist pin and wore a gouge in the side of the rod. The hotline said they have been seening the EGR cooler leaking causing this. I had to set the cooler in hot water for 10 minutes before it would leak a little but nothing major that you would think would hydralic the engine. The customer never knew he even had a problem. Who would of thought a .5 hour recall could turn into so much work. Had another recall right before I did this one that the Y-pipe was hissing away and the customer didn't even complain about it. Is this what Ford means by upsale? Anybody hear of EGR coolers bending rods?
  16. I've replaced or cleaned several fuel tanks in 6.0's and only put 5 gallons in them with no driveablity problem except for two of them. You could hold the rpm at 2000 and every 9 seconds, IIRC, the rpm would drop 500 and go right back up to 2000, it would also do it while driving and is very annoying. On the first one I had the hotline had me replacing the IPR, ICP, and the stand pipes because of the check valves. Finally one of the hotline guys noticed I had the P115A code and told me to put more fuel in it. They didn't know what was causing it but that it's not a normal symptom for the code.
  17. The trans guy here just pulled one out today with a broke flywheel and it cut the snout off the converter and puked fluid all over the place. The trans was replaced last month some where else but it still has the dowels in the block. We will have to see how the converter fits in the pump when the new one comes in.
  18. Satellite radio is all I'll listen to. It's great that they have no commercials and the DJ's don't talk to much. You can listen to any type of music you are in the mood for. I listen to hard rock, classic rock, modern rock, blues, classic country, and bluegrass.
  19. Fordracer


    I've only had one ECM go bad and that was from the first recall on them.
  20. I was just talking to the hotline and I asked them about the TSB and they said there is a problem with the new programming and they are working to fix it and reissue the TSB ASAP.
  21. I can't find it on PTS now.
  22. For those times that you feel Ford has dropped the ball, have you reported the concern through SPECs? I've talked to the hotline about it before and they say it's not Ford's job to get the information out in a timely manner. I've had more than one hotline person tell me this. I knew you could use SPEC's for correcting service manual info I didn't think about using it for this kind of problem.
  23. Thanks for the TSB number. I have one right now that needs that but it doesn't come up on OASIS or on my IDS. My IDS shows SSM 21690 and OASIS doesn't show any SSM's or TSB's for the code. I'm getting tired of the lack of access to information from Ford to fix these vehicles properly.
  24. It pays around 6 hours. It took me half a day just to get it off. You just have to go by the book. Pulling the inner fender helps.
  25. I don't think the pieces were small enough to get past the gear.
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