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About 2003EDGE

  • Birthday 06/11/1984


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    Freshman Member

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    Greenville, SC
  1. I have seen a few of the resistor boxes, high pressure crossover lines. I have even seen a Garrett GTP38R turbo in a tow truck once. I have seen one 466 with the TS MP8 Module on it. The truck was running horribly and removal of the box fixed the problem. We hid the box in the cab and didn't tell the customer. Followed up with him and he didn't even notice that the box wasn't on the the truck power wise.
  2. I love being a mechanic, I can fix my own stuff as well as mod them. Take tonight for example. I was working on a big truck and there was a guy that came in to get parts and had a decent looking 2500 goat. I spoke with the guy and will be doing some performance mods. But, being as I work at IH, I don't really see the modifications as much as the Ford techs do. But, trust me, we get some really rigged up stuff in the shop if you know what I mean.
  3. Take my buddy's 2002 F250 with the 7.3 powerstroke in it. He came in completely stock other than a pac brake. I installed a banks 6 gun module, MBRP stainless 4" turbo back exhaust with a muffler, K&N intake and an SCT xcal 2 with an 80 HP mild tune. When it came in, he had driven as he normally does on his 18 mile trip into work. The overhead monitor showed 17MPG. He drove it home and drove it back the next day. Now the overhead showed 21MPG. Now, don't get me wrong, he can really beat the hell out of it and it will go down...but a stock engine will do that as well.
  4. I build performance diesel engines on the side and I would love to see what is coming up for the new engines. I have built an engine for a local customer for his 06 6.0 He isn't worried about warranty as I built the engine with strength and reliability in mind. Oring'd block and heads, fire rings, hypermax valvetrain, new turbo, a whole host of gauges and all the trimmings usually associated with a high performance engine. He won't take the truck to the dealer as he doesn't like being without his truck for weeks on end waiting on repairs. I don't want to step on any toes here, just relaying his feelings. He took the truck in for a no start issue and the truck was there for over a week to get the stc joint fixed. Even then, they didn't install the bracket kit and it blew apart again which in turn is why the truck ended up in my hands. I have added alot of horsepower to his engine and improved his fuel mileage and increased the reliability. He has put over 30K miles on the new engine setup and it hasn't so much as hiccuped. To answer your question as to why people mod their diesel, because they want to and want more power and fuel efficiency.
  5. I made my own harness to do cold injector cutout tests on I6 IH engines. I also made my own harness so that I can program IH ecm's without having to disconnect the abs or transmission computers. I have the power probe 2 as well as just bought the power probe 3 that just came out. I have a few other harnesses for testing that I can't think of right now. I also made my own harness for testing relays. I just couldn't see paying a ton of money for something that I can make better.
  6. Well, don't set it at 65 which is probably the max speedlimit around there. I would set it at like 72. It will give them a cushion to get out of a potentially dangerous situation. I too would also monitor the vehicle. You can set up a datalogging system which will monitor the amount of time spent at a particular speed. If you see that they are staying right at 72, you can back it down some more.
  7. Yes, it would hurt ITEC some but it ITEC didn't lose 12 billion dollars last year either. I am not gonna get involved in this !@#!?$!ing contest just because it is gonna put alot of people out of jobs either way.
  8. Oh yeah, I use a software system which allows me to change engine parameters. You buy the software and it can program 2 vehicles for 400 dollars and you can buy "bullets" to program additional vehicles. Just an option for them.
  9. I don't know about it, but you could get a tuner for it and set it up with a speedlimiter. All they do when they program them for speed is turn them up to 225 which is max on them. So you could set it up for a max speed of 65 instead of 225.
  10. Just when I was beginning to see light underneath all the 6.0's now we get a new toy to play with. Oh well, I am looking forward to tearing one of these bad boys down /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  11. I haven't seen the harness melt but it seems as though all the glow plug relays are so brittle that when I try to disconnect the cables that the whole terminal comes off.
  12. I am not impressed. I guess I have been spoiled. Now when someone steps up with a 15" ring gear in a truck, then I will be impressed lol I want to see someone do a 70MPH run towards a cliff in real life. I bet they don't come as close as their computer simulation. But the exploded view of the truck is pretty cool.
  13. I have seen a tech at my facility do the oil pan 3 times before they finally got it right. We don't have any 7.3's under warranty in our area unless they are reman's so we don't see them too often anymore. However, I have been so swamped with 6.0 work that I haven't been able to pay attention to them.
  14. Yeah, I try to stay away from the technical problems on the other sites. It is kinda hard trying to talk sense to a brick wall. Now, I do hang out alot on the diesel modification boards as that is my second love. I am not even registered on TDS, I heard some bad rumblings from that site.
  15. I haven't seen any of them around here. But it is entirely possible that they have put them in some of the smaller package cars. Alot of them around me are running b's and even a mercedes or 2.
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