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Everything posted by DwayneGorniak

  1. How's your 6.4L turnin out for ya Aaran? I hear Jim was a real help.
  2. From now on, whenever I have a shortened rod on a 6.4L and over fueling issues I will always pull the exhaust valves. From what I have seen lately, exhaust valves and seats are something that can be overlooked way to easily on these engines. Mike, did you remove the exhaust valves for inspection?
  3. I just thought this was cool as hell: Check it out: http://www.dieselpowermag.com/features/trucks/0911dp_1947_hudson_pickup/index.html
  4. I should have been a little more clear. I was implying that working on 6.4L's sucks ass. Like I've said before, if it's something simple then great. But it seems that they just blow the hell up when something goes wrong with the injection system.
  5. Well......I think I would rather remove an oil pan that is said to be easy to remove (so long as this is true) than remove a cab on a freakin 6.4L. Man they suck ass! And Big Time!
  6. I wasn't sure where you were working at first. But you are working for an independent shop from what I see, or am I wrong? Even if you are, I don't think you should have to buy an IDS out of your own pocket and I don't think the WDS is really worth it. If they want you to work on this shit, they should cough up the freakin money and pay the piper. For Christs's sake, don't they know it takes diagnostic equipment to diagnose this shit? And from what I am understanding, you allready have a laptop? You can tell tehm that you will meet them half way on the diagnostic equipment by supplying the laptop and they can supply the VCM. Other wise, I would tell them to pack sand. I hope I am understanding this situation correctly.
  7. You can buy a Dell mini for 299.00$ with a 10.1" screen 160 GB hard drive and 1.66Gb processor with XP still on it. And if need be, they have payment plans. That's what I would recommend. then you would be able to have OASIS and your service manuals as well. Does your shop have an extra VCM that they can and should supply for you?
  8. The rims do look like shit for sure. I can't stand to see 10 speed bicycle looking wheels on a freekin 4X4. But it is one hell of a nice unit. Makes me want to see ford bring back the Excursion. I have always wanted a 7.3L excursion. If the new 6.7L turns out to be good, that would be one hell of a rig if they ever brought it back.
  9. It's not about pissing on the competition for me. In fact, no one needs to be pissing on them at all. All I'm saying is that "THEY ARE THE COMPETITION". Here we all are sticking up for them and I hear more pissing and moaning about dealership technicians that are less desired and leave batteries go dead and so on and etc. If we spent as much of this effort actually working together and teaching the young fellers not to leave batteries go dead as we do praising Indy techs we might actually be able to build up higher quality service departments and impress the hell out of our customers. We talk about it in these forums all the time about how we are superhero's because we fixed a fuck up that was back at the dealership two or three times and the tech down at the other end of the shop or even at another dealership couldn't fix it. I'll put my effort into the professionals I work work with and the professionals I deal with here in my spare time. But when I'm at work, I get paid to perform flat rate repairs and compete with the competition.
  10. Yeah, 15% above suggested retail price on parts is a good place to start as to why we're pricing ourselves out of the market as well. Quote: "As techs, we owe it to each other to realize who is teachable and who is a waste of time..." I'll help teach anyone I work along side with, especially in the dealership industry. But as far teaching Indy techs goes.....that is a complete waste of all of our dealerships time and my own. We get paid to be the best we can be. I just don't get paid to make Indy techs the best they can be.
  11. I would think that Indy shops see techs that leave batteries dead as well. I guess that all boils down to shitty techs and management not picking up on it soon enough or possibly not not doing enough about it to discipline techs. As far as pissing on someone's boots......I really don't think any of us really need to kiss the Indy shops asses. They sure as hell don't kiss ours. Now if we have customers that have fleets and have maintenance techs and they are good customers that is also a different story. They are our customers and usually bring their major repairs to us especially after they've usually screwed something up. But I sure as hell don't see why any of us should kiss the Indy shops asses. All they ever do is bitch about the prices from "them dorks down at Ford".
  12. Welll.....Last I checked, I heaven't seen Canadian Tire or any of the local Indy shops send any of their left over work our way when our techs are standing around. It's different when you have a customer that buys vehicles from your dealership and supports your dealership. Sure you want to help those guys out. But to help out the local Indy shops that won't spend a fucking dime on proper literature, diagnostic tools and tech training is just plain fucking stupid. They're not sending any of their customers our way are they? And by giving out that information, we are allowing our customers to go over there and get all of their repairs done with our blessings. Hell, when the Indy shops call we might as well just hand them the service manuals, the IDS, and our tools and let them get all the work, that way we're saving the customers money in labour costs. Then we'd be really nice super helpful super hero guys huh? Cheers anyway. Just my opinion.
  13. I don't understand why we give out information to our direct competition either. I just plain refuse to myself. I worked hard enough to get all this damn training over the years so that I can get the damned work out of it. Why should I give info out that will cut my own damned throat financially?
  14. Fuuuuuuuccckkkkkkk! And your only how old? Sum bitch that's the shits. So, I take it you're either off for a while or pretty much fucked for work. Maybe you can be a white coat tech and just diagnose everything and have a bunch of apprentices do all the grunt work for ya. Take her easy for now anyway. I guess the upside is that the ole lady will have to do all the riding now.
  15. At the top right of the Speedtest.net page there is a tab that say: your results. Click that and open up the results page. Then on the right hand of your results side, right click the top "Forum Link" and click copy. Then paste it to your reply here in DTS. Should work. And holy crap, that's an amazing internet service. I miss Shaw high speed big time. I had it for about a year before I left Innisfail. It was awesome. We don't have Shaw cable up here in the sticks. Thank God for Shaw Sattelite though.
  16. Wow! I new our internet at work sucked. Here is the result: http://www.speedtest.net/result/625526739.png
  17. I definitely agree with you on this. I guess If I were a taxi cab owner, I would just lease a hybrid and let the fucker go back when the lease is up. That way it's always a write off and you're never stuck with the huge retail headache. It's funny you mention this, because I always new the day was coming for these poor diesel customers that they would have to cough up these huge expenses. Allot of them were so blind. And as you've said, it's almost catastrophic on them financially. Now that you mention it about the hybrids that way, I definitely see where you're coming from. But at least these Hybrids are more reliable than the diesels we've had lately.
  18. I can understand that decision. We seem to stumble across the topic of highly trained technicians losing out financially to all the gravy train experts quite allot. It's like we strive to become the best and then get a kick in the nuts financially for it. But I better not highjack the thread too much and keep it all about hybrids.
  19. You should have told him to go fuck himself sooner. Take her easy and a have another drink Larry.
  20. You definitely can't complain about that when your dealership treats you like that Alex. That's awesome. I agree with Keith though. This engine is not just nuts and bolts. If it makes any of you guys feel any better, I am on my third 6.4L engine in a row with no breaks in between. I am fucking tired! They are a shit load of work. The worst part about this one that I am working on is that it is over fueling the crankcase and I cannot duplicate the leak in the shop. I did a short block on it over a weak ago for a dead miss. I drained 26 liters from the crankcase and it was low on compression in cyl #2. the fuel trims on cyl's 2 and 4 were at about 12% and 14%. Had been involved with Hotline. Could not get the fuel injectors to leak with the valve covers off and dye in the system and cranked up at 15,000psi FRP. It had shortened up the rod on cyl #2 and was blowing black smoke right out the exhaust. Replaced short block, DPF, DOC, two inj's cleaned CAC and replaced injection pump. It made it 350km's. Fuck! Came back on the hook as a no start. 30 liters in the crankcase, DPF is melted, the 1-3 sensor behind the DPF had the temperature probe melted right off it. Low in compression on cyl#2 again. Short term fuel trims are great. Went through the high pressure diag again with dye and all that crap. I cannot get these fucking injectors or injection pump to leak. This time it also melted the glow plug in cyl #2, burnt the exhaust valves and seats, scored cyl #2, deeply scratched cyl #7. I am in the middle of prior approval it. Actually talked to Hotline as they requested for me to phone them on this one. They have had reports of this happening many times. If this fucker goes with a short block, I will have to do more diag to try and find the leak on the injection system, so I had to include those comments into my estimate for short block. Fuck, I'm praying that I get a complete. So with that being said, it's a little hard to detach yourself from these fuckers at times. Give me an EGR valve or a straight forward repair which seems to be very rare on these pieces of shit and I can detach myself from them quite easily. But take it up the ass on flat rate and you tend to get a little postal! Fuck, I need another drink just thinking about this fucker!
  21. Have you ripped the engine apart yet? If you have, pull the exhaust valves out on the damaged cyl's and look at the valves and seats. I'm pretty sure you will find pitting and burning. Do everything humanly fucking possible to make that fucker a complete drop in.
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