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Everything posted by DwayneGorniak

  1. Let's get t his straight! I don't have much of a tolerance for many mods at all. Especially when it comes to chips, programmers and for any mods at all on the 6.4L. However, this is where Jim gets a little defensive. I consider the 6.0L to be one of the BIGGEST PIECE OF SHIT POLLUTING ENGINES to ever be put on the road. I look at how busy we have been over the last seven years straight. I look at the amount of head gaskets repairs, EGR cooler repairs, Engine oil cooler repairs, Injector after injector after injectors repairs we have done over the last seven years, etc. I look at how much black smoke these things belch out every morning I walk out to the lot an fire them up. Some of you may not see the cold mornings like we do up her. I look at ho much white smoke these things belch out when the Head gaskets and EGR coolers are blown. I look at how much oil they ouke out on to the ground when the engine oil cooler explodes and pumps it allout the rad cap. Some might say, what's a couple of gallons of coolant a day being burnt out the tail pipe gonna harm? Well, how about how many hundreds of thousands of these trucks over the last seven years or maybe even millions of them added up burning a couple of gallons of coolant everday added up. How good is that for the environment? How about the millions of these fuckers belching black smoke? How good is that for the environment. Can we fix them? Yes, but only temporarily. They will fail again. Let's compare the Six litre to a nuclear power plant. A nuclear power plant can be very environmentally friendly when it is brand new and everything is working great. UNTILL THAT FUCKER SPRINGS A LEAK! Well a six litre can be clean for 20,000 to 40,000 km's or until shit wears out on and springs a leak from somewhere. An spring a leak they are guaranteed 100% to do. Every time I see a Six litre hooked up to a travel trailer or any trailer for that matter, I see and environmental disaster happening right before my eyes. You just know that fuckers gonna blow something. Jim believes the Six litre has a good crankshaft and bottom end. Well I can tell you that that is not all an engine is made of. The engine is made of everything on it from the bottom end to the twisting heads and stretching head bolts, popping egr coolers, exploding engine oil coolers, sticking turbo's, puking injectors, carboned to the nuts egr valves and etc. These engines were a engineering fuckup right from the get go. The 6.4L on the other hand, really isn't all that bad. It is a clean engine and does a very good job of cleaning up the exhaust wven when shit gives out. Leave the fuckers alone. They are also way to advanced for all of these back yard fucking rednecks to go and just start cutting shit out. I don't promote EGR delete kits on Six litre's. I am actually the one that couldn't believe that a piece of pipe and a couple of gaskets cost $400.00. I think that's crazy. Fix the fucker right and spend that money on studs so the head gaskets don't blow and rupture another EGR cooler or engine oil cooler. Jim will tell you that lack of maintenace on the customer's behalf is what made these engines fail. I will say Bahhhhhh Humbug! The fail for customers that maintain them very well. I haven;t been busy for the last seven years for no reason at all. So in the end, what I find extremely sad is the fact that the failure rate of these engines has lead to the devolopement of piece of shit modifications like we are talking about. I also find it sad that the pollution that these pieces of shit pump out is widely accepted and never criticized either. Can any of you imagine having to pay what these customers pay for retail repair bills? We are all technicians who can repair our own vehicles and I think that that thought sometimes escapes us. Just my .
  2. I seem to recall that hollow promise as well. However, so far so good. I'm going into this one with a positive attitude unlike the the attitude I had towards the Sick-0 and 6.4L. We'll see how my attitude is in a year or two when we see what it's track record is. Still looks ugly to work on though.
  3. I agree with that. I think we get Royally fucked. Some people are content on accepting that and if no one ever questions it, we will keep getting Royally fucked. It's allot like going through life with your eyes wide shut and never questioning government tactics either. Hell, if we would have never questioned the Liberals tactics, those fuckers would still be in power. I guess that's why the insurance system is the way it is here. Don't ask, don't tell policy. Oh my god you may have woken some of us up. My ass is starting to hurt now.
  4. But then there are Albertan's who think that they are God's gift to Canada. There are extremists everywhere. Two wrongs don't make a right. It doesn't hurt for a new citizen of the province to ask what the norm is. By the way, what did you pay in Ontario Bkell?
  5. My last pay stub said I paid $222.88 for benefits and my dental will only cover up to $1500.00 per year. We get 100% coverage for minor dental and 50% coverage for major dental up until we reach that $1500.00 max benefit limit. All of our prescriptions are paid for and we get absolutely no eye glass coverage. Oh yeah, and my wife gets a whole woppin $25,000.00 if my hoist gives out and drops a truck on me killing me.
  6. Has anyone had a good look at these on a hoist yet? Man, those turbos are small. They look like a 6.4L coughed up a carbon ball and crapped out wee wittow baby turbo's. I just can't get over how small they are.
  7. Niiiicccce! I like it! The Individual cylinder heads are definitely cool. Damn nice lookin engine. And yes, I too tried to rev the piss out of it hoping too here a little more.
  8. We were reading that this morning. O gooddy! T-Fal non stick Turbo Chargers! You Know, the shit don't stay on frying pans. I wonder how long it will last on these babies.
  9. Why do Midgets laugh when they run? Because the grass tickles their nuts!
  10. Uhhhhh no. They are still complete Morons for taking an SUV into a place where it has absolutely no business belonging. A smashed dinted exhaust sytem, Bent cross member, caved in skid platesn torn CV boots and torns hoses and wires takes nothing more than a complete moron to do domething like that. Yes, it has been raining up here lately. But that is absolutely no excuse for complete Idiocy. And it's still Vandalism when you destroy property that is not your own!
  11. What? Well, then maybe should have rented a boat instead of trying to float an Expedition. Who's sticking up for who Now? That vehicle being up here in this neck of the woods alone is a total crime. That alone should be illegal. I still see absolutely no common sense in this whole situation.
  12. That's where you are dead wrong Jim. You obviously misunderstood me. I wasn't defending retards like this at all. I was simply stating that I had absolutely no faith in seeing society become responsible. I believe this because I see nothing but a bunch of fucking morons around us like this all the time. Like I told you, I have simply just given up on a fight that won't be backed by or enforced by responsible people because there just simply isn't anyone out there respsonsible enough who has any authority to do anything about it. For those of you who don't know what we are talking about, I will give you an example. Two years back at the last dealership where I worked, The management decided that it was wise to put eight inch lift kits and 37 inch mudders with after market rims on brand new trucks still sitting on the lot for display. I warned the management saying that they would have a low tire pressure warning light coming on and that it is actually a federal ofence here in Canada to eliminate a safety feature such as this. I became looked at as a whiner or an asshole who just bucked the system within the dealership for the sake of bucking the sytem. But here is the kicker about our dumb ass law systems here in Canada. The laws have to be enforced by each province individually in their own legal systems. And here in Alberta, we have absolutely no legislation that makes it illegal to eliminate these types of safety features. I even went through the hassle of emailing the department of transport. They replied back and basically said.....Oh well! To put it in better terms, we simply have laws here that have absolutely no back bone or teeth that can enforce these issues. There are trucks wandering all over the road here with Pitman arms ready to fall off and veer into oncoming traffic someday, but there is nothing in our system to have these things yanked off the road when they are deemed unsafe. We were also on the discussion about tire plugs being illegal as a permanent repair. However, they are still legal as temporary repairs. This is where Jim and I got into the theory or political view of it if you will. And as long as these pieces of crap are for sale, there will constantly be irresponsible morons out there such as farmers, rigger, rednecks, and yes even tire repair shop that will continue to use these items iresponssibly. Jim's stand on this is that it up to us as individuals to enforce the laws out selves. My stand on this is simple. Responsible Human beings are almost extinct. Not only that, but there is absolutely no one responsible enough within our government system to actually enforce these laws. We simply don't have a responsible government. And until we do have a responsible government and law enforcement system, there is fuck all Jim or I can do to enforce the whole world to change their ways. Jim cares allot about our environment and believe it or not Jim, I do to. Jim wants to see his grandchildren have a clean world to live in. Believe me, I do too. But I also want to live long enough to see my grandchildren without having a heart attack or stoke from the stress of taking on a fight that neither Jim or I can win. So I am simply saying Jim. Relax and enjoy the world while you can. Because you alone cannot fix stupid. I used to get all worked up and get heart burn over crap like this. Now I just get another drink. Hope that clears up our conversation. Gaaaawwwwd! Now we should be expecting a realllyy really long winded one from ya. Just kiddin around.
  13. Thanks Keith. And Thanks Aaron, I'm gonna try that out. The customer cut up moving blankets and used them as seat covers. We will be waiting for a response on Monday from the rental company as to where to begin with this thing. And even though we have mud up here like this Jim, it doesn't make it right for a customer to beat the shit out of property that isn't their own like that. They almost need to be charged for vandalism in this case. The exhaust system and both skid plates are caved in as well. And who knows what is under all that mud once the excavation will begin?
  14. I give up. I can't get these farkin photos to come through for the life of me. Keith, could you please help? Even Jim doesn;t know why I can't get them to come through. It has to be my freakin computer or the way this thin views it.
  15. 2009 Expedition with only.............get this....... 11543km's. This is a rental unit that was up in Red Earth. Customer complaint is stalling and a no start. Get this.....It stalled when they got out to clean off the fucking headlights. All I can say is that it takes someone really fucking special to treat a vehicle like this.
  16. Quite some time back, I used to have an 86' Chev Wrangler 4X4 that couldn't pull itself up a hill with a strong tornado behind it. Man that P.O.S was gutless. I agree that if you are going to pull something that weighs around 10,000lbs, you should buy a freakin Superduty. However, I come from an extremely large family of farmers. And I can tell you that farmers like to run everything on diesel. The fuel is allot cheaper. Even right now, I find that diesel is allot cheaper at the pumps. And hows abouts dem der damned riggers? If they can get free rig fuel, they will for sure buy diesels. And then, we will have more contaminated vehicles to repair. See, job security is what it leads to. So I say why not have a diesel F-150? Maintenance would still be an expensive factor though.
  17. I can't see them putting a 6.7 L in the F-150. But maybe a baby V-6 version. With the power that the 6.7L is gonna put out, the Superduty is going to get abused severely and shit is just gonna break. With a 6.7L in an F-150, Customers would literally just pull F-150's apart.
  18. Wow. That baby puts out some pony's. I really would like to see Ford get the F-150 diesel out there. I can remember that this has been an ongoing idea and rumor of Ford's since 1997. Hmmmmmmmmmmm, what are the odds we could see the baby scorpion motor in the Econoline? Is that a hint maybe? The Econoline has always been a less poerfull unit than the F-series. Either that or we could just take the turbo off the top of the 6.7L and frame mount that puppy to gain some room. Maybe this would work: http://www.ststurbo.com/the_technology
  19. Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! We finally have a reliable engine that will get us to the hospital without blowin out an STC fitting or overfueling the crankcase and grenading. Let's see how this unit stands up for a year or two first and then decide whether or not we should take the chances on it. Not only that, but is there enough height under that tight ass compartment? I'm thinkin not.
  20. Here's some links: http://www.vmac.ca/file_manager/upload/ford_update_dealers.html http://www.vmac.ca/file_manager/upload/ford_64l_final_small_circle.jpg
  21. All right, I'm gonna highjack this thread just a wee bit. But the Idea of putting a fucking VMAC compressor on these things just makes me want to fucking take the retard out that thinks the idea up of how to to do it. Anyone who puts a VMAC on their trucks is nothing but a fucking retarded Moron. Finning Cat has been switching alot of their trucks to PTO driven Van-Air Compressor systems. And I must say that this is the only way to do it. They are much more pleasant to work with. And I don;t care what anyone says. VMAC's are fucking retarded! We have a 6.4L in here right now with a VMAC. What a fucking cluster fuck. Soooo, with that being said, I sure hope there isn't enough room for one of these fucking abortions on these trucks.
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