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Everything posted by DwayneGorniak

  1. How many trees do you think that fat bitch kills to wipe her fat ass?
  2. Do you think we could ever talk Jim into becoming a Union Spokesman for those of us who join? Now that would be friggin interesting!
  3. Do you guys not have the cash for clunkers program going on down there still? It might be worth more than a couple hundred dollars.
  4. Good luck Greg. I wish you and your family the best.
  5. Is it between 10 and 30MPH or is more of an rpm range thing? I have had a couple of these caused by bad accelerator pedal sensors usually between 1300 and 1500 rpm's.
  6. Heard about this on the news today and now read this: http://ca.news.yahoo.com/arson-behind-fire-ravaged-slave-lake-government-171226409.html Unreal!
  7. I drag out my coffin every Halloween and dress as Jason and lay in it. Yes, it is actually a real full size old fasioned pine coffin. I prop it up by he front door or the front walkway and when them little buggers come walking up, I jump out with a mashetti and a cleaver and scare the ever livin crap out of them. Man I love Halloween. Other than Christmas, it is mine and my wife's favourite time of the year.
  8. I thought they were saying Dec.21/2012. I haven't followed this much at all. But, about a month and a half ago I walked into a shop and one of my customers started preaching to me about how I need to get my life and affairs in order before we enter the fifth portal of the solar system and life as we know will be over. He went on and on about this shit saying how we will have to redeem ourselves and all that shit while wearing his damned LED headlight on his head with his thick pop bottle eye glasses and curly red hair. Jim you don't have a brother do you? Just kiddin man. You would have a hayday with a guy like this. At first I thought he was joking but then very quickly realized that this fucker was off his rocker. I couldn't even argue with this retard about how all the same shit was talked about in 1999 (that would be about the world ending). Jim, what can you tell us about this dumb ass system that the Mayans have? Oops, Highjack!
  9. I agree. The Parts Dept should consult with Service before they jump to conclusions. It is a better situation for the whole dealership. At S.L. Ford, Terry, the back parts counter guy who knew his shit big time would allways consult with service. He is damned proffesional about what he does. Ernie at Fourlane Ford was the same way. My point being that there are some really good parts guys out there and then there are some some real shit heads who don't know their ass from a whole in the ground.
  10. Have you contacted Tech Service about the issue? Since when does a parts persons opinion over rule the Service Dept on what to use in repair processes?
  11. This may be more reliable yet: http://www.wiringproducts.com/contents/en-us/p919.html Just mount that puppy right on your dash. Not a bad idea though. I have thaought about the very same idea myself, But I really don't have many issues with my relay. I have only had to replace mine once in the last five years. Are your glow lug resistances within spec?
  12. Seeing the hundreds of thousands of 6.0L head gaskets I have replaced with ARP studs over the years and having no repeat failures............you can not convince me that there is a better head gasket than the factory steel layered head gasket for these engines. I don't even think Briggs & Scrap Iron builds head gaskets that shitty.
  13. They change the links quite often to fool you into buying the payed for edition. All you want is the free one. I agree that the other ones with the free trial edition are a gimmick. But the free one is a good program. This is the new link: http://free.avg.com/ca-en/free-antivirus-download Oh, and I allways click the link that says: Download from AVG.com instead of Download.com.
  14. Maybe Keith should start a new column in the Forums called "The Water Boiler". I must say: That is quite the messed up logic and a great way for a business to have a revolving door. Who is the Clean up kid blowing?
  15. This: is still one of my favorite videos from the coffee room days at S.L. Ford. haha2:
  16. What a bunch of shit heads. I feel your pain. Man!
  17. Actually I had just seen the commercial on T.V. before I sat down to check out what was going on on DTS. But I laughed my ass off when I saw the commercial and couldn't believe Pep H would put out a commercial like that. So seeing your inspiring viral video, I felt compelled to share another one. I just Yahoo'd "New Pep H Commercial" and up popped the website I found. Then when I read the comments, I felt even more compelled to share the link to the site with ya. Thank god I've never had hemorrhoids. Are they really that painful Jim? And by the way, what in the hell made you ever go looking for the bacon lady on E-Harmony?
  18. Here's one for ya all. Read the forums as well. I damned neer spit all my beer out reading it. http://forums.commercialsihate.com/preparation-h-totables_topic10135.html
  19. Ahhhh, that is just way too figgin funny. definitely sounds like something you would say there, Jim.
  20. I damned near spit my beer all over my computer Jim and my stomach hurts like hell from laughing that hard. Don't forget to shave that beaver as well. The Animal one just gets shot. Be vewy vewy cawefull when huntin beaver. If you trap one and domesticate it, it can reproduce at unwanted rates. So make sure you have proper cages for them little rodents. Oh, and kick stands should also be used when Jim is to drunk to put his feet down at a stop sign with the cops right behind him. I still laugh my ass off at that story. That is one that I will never ever forget Jim.
  21. Stupidity costs Money. Their stupidity should cost them the money.....Period! It's just downright fraudulent and wrong! I wouldn't sign off on that shit either and I would check in with your labor board to know what the laws are. I have been in your same situation a few years but they didn't force me to sign off. They ate the bill! However, this is something Ford needs to wise up to and catch these fuckers at.
  22. Merry early Christmas. The pail pump is now yours Jim. I'm not driving back to Slave Lake for a $45.00 pump. If you want to know how I really feel, My post could get as long as some of yours.
  23. I can't speak for Aaron, but I can possibly relate to his situation. I kind of went quiet myself in the first little bit on this website after I left Ford as well. Not because I didn't want to talk to anyone here or have anything to say at all, but more for a whole lot of other factors. Number one: I was just plain friggin busy and felt like a one legged man in an ass kicking contest and I am still that damned busy. Two: When you leave the Ford scene after being a part of it for almost 16 years, you leave a huge part of your life and venture into a totally unknown part of a new life. In my case, with my hew business, the last thing you ever want to do is tell everyone how great you're doing ore well life is without Ford it or anything like that. I won't feel like I have been successful for probably two or three years into the business. The first year is a killer. So much overhead and wondering when the fuck is this asshole gonna pay me for the fucking tools I sold him. Everyone seems to think and say: Oh look there is the tool guy or money bags, or the guy with all of my money. the fact is, I walk into a shop now and think, oh look, there's the little fucker with all of my tools that he hasn't paid for yet. Don't get me wrong. There are actually more descent paying customers out there than there are lowlife, scum sucking sponges. But those low life scum sucking sponges eat up all my profit and I rely on the payment from all of my good customers. Trust me, we appreciate it. It keeps me alive financially. The business has been good and I am paying the bills, but it will take a while before I start pocketing money. They say about three years. My last three Weeks have been hell in a really weird love/hate kinda way. I have sold 11 Tool boxes in three Weeks and while some of think HOLY SHIT, LOOK WHO'S ROLLING ALL THE GOLD NOW, it friggin hurts financially big time. It takes anywhere from two to five Weeks to get a cheque from the finance company for the tool boxes that customers purchase. In the mean time, I have paid for those boxes up front and am waiting rather impatiently for my money. The amount of money that I have owed to me out on the street is astronomical. Yes I will get a nice paycheck once all that money rolls in, but it will fly out my pockets as fat as it comes in. I will be ordering stock to replenish what I've sold. In the mean time, my bank account has been severely raped and abused and left with a rather large gaping hole that will be rather hard to fill. Here's where the swearing is gonna start!: THEM MOTHER FUCKIN LAZY LOWLIFE COCK SUCKING ABSORBING SPONGES OF UNION WORKERS THAT WORK FOR CANADA POST LOST TWO TOOL BOX CHEQUES ON ME! one for over $7100.00 and another for over $5400.00. If you guys ever see someone on the news taking out postal workers, that will be me. Fuck! I'm gonna kill someone. yes I am still surviving, but life would be allot easier with out lazy mother fuckers like that in it. I've done two repo's now. I'll tell you all about that another time. They were legislated back to work by our government but they are still on what we call an Italian strike. That is where you go to work and work like and Italian and basically do fuck all. These sons of bitches have absolutely no fucking pride! They bitch and piss and moan and whine and fucking cry about how unsafe their work is because they have to walk up down icy streets and walks............Just like the rest of us taxpayers in Canada that live in this cold harsh fucking environment and pay their fucking wages to deliver our fucking mail. Get my cheques you lazy fuckers and shut up. When the fuck do you ever hear a policeman wanting to go on strike because it is to fucking dangerous out there, or a firefighter bitching about being soaking wet in minus 40 degree Celsius weather putting out your fucking fires? When do you ever hear search and rescue people bitch about looking for those frozen kids in diapers on the reserve that tried to follow their father to the liquor store? When do you ever hear an oil rigger bitch about being soaking wet with drilling mud in minus 30 degree Celsius weather or even a farmer wanting to on strike because it too cold to go and do the fucking chores or even a technician slipping on and icy Superduty bumper and catching his damned bag on that fucking hood latch? you don't! They all have fucking Pride! Holy shit! Sorry about the rant. I got a little carried away there. When you leave Ford, you leave a huge part of your life behind. In my case anyway, you leave something that you were very proud of. And you hate to hear people say things like: he'll be back. It makes you feel like like no one has any faith in you and if you all are as stubborn as I am, you get that I'll show them attitude. But at the same time you are afraid of failure and that fact that someday you may have to come back. The truth is, I actually miss the technology side of the trade. I loved that and always will. But man I love doing what I'm doing now as well. And I Hope I never fuck it up. I am learning new shit at an unbelievable pace everyday that it is mind clogging. And I also feel like this Diesel Technician Society will always be a part of my life and I never want that to change. Some of us just go quiet for a while trying to find a way relate to the rest of you without trying to gloat and feel like we are no longer of the Ford world. I will keep you guys posted at other times, But I am just damned friggin busy. Chow!
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