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Everything posted by DwayneGorniak

  1. I am so. Hope you are too. Happy Family Day.
  2. These are the two tools I always used, with the first one being my favorite: http://www.mactools.com/product/tabid/120/p-320120-sp29b.aspx . If I had the valve cover off, I could get the cotter pin puller under the harness end and pry it out. If I did not have the cover off, the pick was sharp enough and strong enough to embed itself into the plastic of the harness end. you can use a little heat on the tip to help embed it into the plastic as well. This is the second toll I had: http://www.mactools.com/product/tabid/120/p-320270-sw70b.aspx . Not sure if that will help ya folks. Who Knows, Maybe I can help most of you guys with ideas like this from now on to help make your lives easier.
  3. ^^^^^^^^^^ I agree. How the hell is that new news? This: http://www.mactools.com/SearchResults/tabid/79/Default.aspx?Search=SBT59800 has worked for the last nine years for me. It it works for more than just one application. Lisle makes it as well: http://www.lislecorp.com/divisions/products/?product=495 This technology has been around for a very very long time and that wanker finally just figured it out. Of course, building it for five bucks is allot cheaper, but it is for sure no new news to me anyway.
  4. Luckily it didn't hit you in the ole winker. Damn that's funny shit that there is, I don't care who you are. And at first I thought you you were gonna tell us something dirty such as getting it on in your work place with the Mrs on the bosses desk or something like that. But that is funny as hell.
  5. I love guns. My Ruger Mini 14 is my baby. I just bought an SKS off my dealer who used to be my Mac Tool dealer. Now he's my comrade or brother in arms so to speak. I love to restore old timer rifles. I love to collect them. That Savage is a nice unit. Maybe I'll get into building home made canons like my ex Mac dealer does. He gets all the old wheel weights from S.L Ford and melts them down into canon slugs. Now if that ain't cool shit, I don't know what is.
  6. Guys, I'm sorry I didn't chime in here sooner. I have been extremely busy lately flying down to Columbus, Ohio for Tool School training and driving my new (to me) tool truck 3000 miles across the U.S. and back up to Canada as well as getting it set up to hit the road this Tuesday Jan. 4th. Here is a little incite from someone who has moved and is not afraid to move to better myself. If you hesitate and talk yourself out of it, "YOU WILL NEVER KNOW" what could have been! If things don't pan out, you can always (usually) go back. I am originally from Saskatchewan and came out to Alberta 11 years ago. "NO WAY IN HELL, WILL I EVER GO BACK TO THAT SHITHOLE"! Home to me is where you can feel comfortable and live comfortably and in my case Home is Alberta. Alberta hes been absolutely great to me. Sure there were some bumps and ups and downs, but that's life. And I have alway been successful here, which is way way more that I can say for that "Shithole" called Saskatchewan. Did I say that Saskatchewan was a shithole yet? It's probably allot like Ontario but with allot less people. A bunch of Liberal lovin high tax addicts that keep voting for them useless sons a biotches that call themselves Liberal Politicians. Fuck Sakes, I hate Liberals! Anyway, out of all the places I have ever worked (don't get a fat head Jim) I have to say that S.L. Ford really was the best damned dealership I ever did work at. It sure as hell ain't the prettiest or the cleanest, but it was more than fair and a tonne of fun. if there was ever a time that I needed extra time off, I always got it. If I had to run to the school to see my kids in a play, I could go. If I was thirsty and told Kenny I was damned thirsty, he was more than happy to have a drink after hours with us. As for Jim, they just needed to put a baby bottle nipple on a Texas Mickey and he would just nurse himself to sleep. LOL. I want everyone to know that I did not leave there because of any ill reasons or anything like that. The fact of the matter is that I had an opportunity come knocking at my doorstep that I just couldn't pass up. I now own my own company and am now my own boss. And after 16 years of being a Ford Tech, I am looking forward to the "CHANGE". If this opportunity would have never come up, I would still be at S.L Ford. I also have comfort in knowing that I can always go back. I still stop in there on the weekends while I'm doing my moving trips and have a few cold ones with the boys. I love that old fashioned way of socializing and letting off some steam without the politics ruining the shit out of things. Those were the things I loved about S.L Ford. What more can I say before Jim gets a fat head and puffs his chest out like Tarzan. The town itself, wellllll.........don't promise your wives that it's anything like a city. It's an oil patch town with all the necessities and there is allot of money to be made there. Edmonton is only 2 and a half hours away. A nice outing once in a while. Just make sure you buy a fucking snowblower.
  7. Congratulations from our family as well. Grampy Jim has now truly earned his title. I imagine that is going to be one big time spoiled grandson. For the rest of you folks on this site........You all should have seen the great big shit eating grin on his face all day. Great to see!
  8. Fuck, Them damned Chev's can't catch my 7.3L and it's not cranked to the nuts like all these other Roid jockey's out there. Every time I get in a 6.7L, I get out saying Holy shit those things move. I PDI'd a Job 2 regular cab long box 4X4 6.7L a couple of weaks ago and I had to take our service manager out for a second go to show him what it was all about. I warned him about the attitude this thing had as I held that Traction control switch in for ten seconds. He went to pull a u-turn on the highway and scared the ever living shit out of himself. That thing fucked off so fast were facing on coming traffic after doing way to many friggin circles in the middle of a highway. That thing was was friggin nuts. Even the crew cabs go like hell. I can't believe their that slow either. I don't believe it. I know their friggin fast. Especially when my buddy has one and him an I were racing out of the mountains this summer with both of our travel trailers behind us and a quad in the back of my truck. We blew by every friggin chev and Ram there was in them there hills. He couldn't believe I kept up with him and I couldn't believe how friggin fast either of our trucks were. I saw what that friggin 6.7L could do in the mountains with a big ass fifth wheel dangling behind it. It went like a MO-FO. And yes I am aware that other folks just may not have been as crazy as us. I was just getting at the point that I know first hand what the 6.7L's can do with a crazy nut behind the wheel.
  9. Kinda neat. But I wonder what he did with the little last line of defense screen that goes under the oil cooler to stop any big crap from getting to the high pressure pump.
  10. I think their just being cheap and can't get any damned warranty monkeys they've hired to come up with anything good. This is the day and age of cut costs at any cost.
  11. Agreed when it comes to the Sick-O and the 6.4L. But so far the 6.7L seems to be damned impressive. Ford should be advertising their new performance enhancement recall. They are definitely proud of and very confident of the 6.7L engine to offer this improvement. I call it the "FUCK YOU GM" recall. Let's see Ford do some commercials about that with Mike Rowe and Dennis Leary. That would be great!
  12. They're fuckin retards. Two big fat gay sweaty fuckers in overalls and suspenders are real fucking role models aren't they? I just saw the other commercial with the tree stump on television. It was pretty fucking gay as well. And what about this one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kTKh8kj8TKg&feature=channel Are they saying they burn and leak oil and constantly need to top up? And talking about stiffness and softness? How much more fucking gay can you get? Way to go Chev. Nothing like saying "hey you fuckin flamers, come and give me a ride"!
  13. No friggin air tools here either. Heat and break them loose by hand. Once they're loose, the good ole' Millwaukee Hole Hawg rips em out the rest of the way.
  14. I had to grind our one puller ear down so that it would fit properly. Works pretty good now. But we still see lots of them friggin housings break. Them bastards better pay up, we didn't build this shit. We're just trying to hold the front lines. Them friggin Warranty Nazi Bastards. Dammit Keith! You got me going again!
  15. Bobcat engine? That's a Macdon/Westward Swather engine in the Crown Vic. LOL. And I was talking about the Ranger diesel engine. It is just an awesome looking engine. Are you wondering how much smoke the Ranger belches or the Crown Vic?
  16. The engine is really clean looking as well. As in: not a shoe horned pile o'crap in a tight dark hole. I like it.
  17. That's a cool lookin unit. They got all the good shit over there and we get the lame ass units. It would be nice to see that make it over here.
  18. I have put many many Luk kits in these trucks as well. They have been great.
  19. OMG! Ya filthy contributor to polluting this world! What was all that preaching about making this world a cleaner healthier place for your grandchildren? I sense a hypocrisy here. LOL. Take it easy ole' timer. I'm just pokin some fun.
  20. ^^^^^^^^What he said. I agree. The Lisle Tool is the only tool to use.
  21. Our parts guy ran those same prices yesterday. What in hell are they thinking?
  22. If life is so shitty for bastards like that, they should just take themselves out. At least us taxpayers wouldn't have to pay to feed and wipe his ass in prison. We were just talking about this at work the other day. I think it's time for a whole new reality T.V. show about vigilante justice. And no, I won't partake. I'll just watch. Unless some freak like that comes near my family or town. Then I'll borrow an imaginary unregistered shooting stick from someone like Jim mentioned. Just kidding, or am I?
  23. I knew you'd respond. I was just kiddin. And my computer ran Mozilla just fine. It's just that Mozilla doesn't run my emails and certain websites worth a fiddlers f#$K!
  24. I think you just bought cheap crap Jim. What's that famous Jim Warman saying?: Oh yeah, Buy the best only once and cry only once. In this case, I think you'll need to cry about every eight to ten years though. And the problem with the computer in the coffee room is all those darned websites you guys look at at coffee breaks. Not to mention our wopping internet speed at the shop. My laptop will be four years old in September. It a Dell Latitude D810 with a 1.86Ghz Pentium mobile Processor and 1024 MB ram, 7200 rpm shock resistant hard drive. I bought the biggest badest thing I could at that time for a good penny of $1800.00 and it still works great. Probably only worth $299.00 now seeing as you can get Dell mini's or Acer's for that price with the same size of specs. I still have my 9 year old Pentium 4 HP pavilion that the youngin plays games on. It too works great.
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