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About Fordtech

  • Birthday 05/13/1961

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    Montague, NJ
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  1. One of our"operators" rear ended a van yesterday and was towed in. 2008 F450 safety truck, gonna need a stack 'o coolers and assorted lines and hoses. Even blew the belt tensioner apart. The passenger frame rail is a bit tweaked upwards so probably a trip to the body shop for that and sheet metal. Fun times,fun times.
  2. Finished a 2005 E350 15 passenger van,49k miles, all new rotors,calipers,hoses and pads.Everything rusted to shit, all original, don't know how they stopped this thing.
  3. "they get paid commission." Do the parts guys not want to make $ or are they waiting for big ticket items ie. engines,trans. The small items do add up.
  4. That reminds me of a new 08 Expedition that came from a local police dept with an airbag lite on.It had a no communication code and when I accessed the module it was missing. Just the harness laid there on the floor. It seems the installer of the police center console removed it to make the console fit; we sent it back to the PD and never heard another word.
  5. Growing old is mandatory. Growing up is optional.
  6. "The best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing you can do is the wrong thing, the worst thing you can do is nothing." - Theodore Roosevelt
  7. And that's slicker than snot on a door knob.
  8. It's hotter than a half fucked fox in a forest fire. (Try repeating that 5x!)
  9. Getting ready for spring,servicing a 1996 Ford/New Holland 4630 tractor. Also replaced a tire and serviced the two 8 foot cutter attatchments.
  10. I was looking into the Hook, but was quite pricey from the Snappy dealer. Found much better prices online. If anyone has one what else is included with the kit? From the pics it looks like just battery leads come with it. Do I need to buy Power Point leads and terminal kit or do regular banana plugs work? Thanks,Jon
  11. On the same note: Learn how to do the job right; THEN learn how to do it fast.
  12. I usually think of something else when "Stacked" is suggested. Although envy is usually involved in ones shortcomings!
  13. Congrats to Jamie McMurray. And to Greg Biffle for the #3 for Ford Racing. Also would like to thank Daytona International Speedway DOT for their pothole repair! I know they are not used to that kind of repair in the south but they did a fantastic job! Lets go, Smoke!
  14. Hi All, Don't know if this has been discussed before, but we all have a major investment or small fortune in tools, boxes, test equipment, etc. I'm not talking about shop owners, but the individual technician. Most techs I work with or have worked with have an investment of 10k - 50k +; NO TOOLS = NO $$$$$! The shop where I am now has a policy of $2500 per tech; that may cover two or three DRAWERS of my toolbox! I called my homeowner insurance company and they told me if the tools are at my property, they are covered. Since they are at work, only $250 are covered, as if they were in my car. So, I was told if I want them covered, I'd have to take out a commercial insurance policy at $750 - $950 per year. Does anybody know other ways of coverage that's more affordable? Thanks,Jon
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