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Everything posted by Driverj

  1. In the last month I have seen 5 trucks with code P164A, all diag tests show no faults, hotline guidence is also a let down We have tried a new module and sensor with no change, after the road test the code comes back,and later the light comes on. I'm really not sure what step to take at the moment. any sugestions
  2. It sure is nice to have this finally all hashed out so that ppls are not saying 1 connector for allu but it's great to see-ALL FOR ONE AND ONE FOR ALL-on this sight. great job to all participating in the connector with hunt. Much apreciated from Driverj thanks all!!!!!
  3. HOTLINE CONTACT-unfortunatly there are no provisions to change any perameters reguarding speed. But aparantly there was a company from chicago supplying calibration programs for 6.0L to this company. the programing isn't available to 6.4L as yet.
  4. yaaaaa wow someone actually looked at the parts thankyou for listening and checking. This was getting very frustrating trying to get anyone to look. AGAIN THANKYOU
  5. Yes looks just like that-i'm working on a 2006 ambulance econoline. any other part number's for this,I always thought these were all the same from 2003 and up.
  6. Yes both parts look like that. is there another number for this. I am working on a 2006 ambulance model econoline.
  7. Well i don't know what's going on but we recieved 3 of these parts and all had the alignment spline on the bottom on the opposite side of the hardshell, don't know what to do next except switch hardshells. I'm totally lost about this part!!! ford connectors
  8. I had a question put to me today from a large oil company, they asked if the 2008 6.4L could get a speed limiter installed to hold the speed at 120 max, I couldn't believe anyone would ask this. I was told there insurance company wanted this as the limit was to high. All i could think of at the time was a 2x4 under the gas pedal-has anyone here done anything to limit the speed???
  9. This connector doesn't work with 07 cmp. anyone have that part number?????
  10. Have any of you flipped the oil rail over and looked at it with the o-ring/blocker still installed-you will see the blocker tube isn't center-it's always off to oneside. this may be an offset drilling problem.just replace the rail when you see this. our shop has been seeing this for about 2 years.
  11. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gifthanks for the info-this was my first post and with this responce i'll try to help out myself when i can,i trulllly do like this sight and am recommending it to other diesel techs -----THIS REALLY ROCKS----
  12. Has anyone out there broke the stupid plastic vgt connector on the updated 04 and up 6.0L. Even taking precausions i still manage to break a few.Do you know of a connector replacement part number,i'm starting to crindge when i have to pull the turbo.
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