Just replaced the valve body gaskets for delayed 2-3 shift befrore leaving on the trip (600km round trip) no abnormal amounts of "fur" on the magnet and the fluid was normal.
4x4 is ControlTrac automatic enguagment.
Haven't been back to work yet to do any real testing, only an real long test drive /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif Transmission shifting normally, no harsh upshift or downshift, fluid level is within the operating range, no abnormal smell to the fluid.
Will have to get the rig back to work before I can really do any testing. Wifes vehicle, and I work an hour away from home.
Just throwing out a question to take advantage of the vast brain pool that is out there. When it comes to transmissions, I'm still putting on the water wings to get into the wadding pool.
Flamaz, How was the fluid in the transfer case before disassembly?
Thanks for the input.