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Everything posted by vloney

  1. I've thought about a craft shop. MAMA can sell candles and macrame, and I can draw pictures.
  2. kind of a moving target, aint it?
  3. Our driver said it will loose power, he'll pull over, shut it off, then restart and its ok. Pinpoint test leads you to connection between the pcm and instrument cluster. Because of the intermittent nature, I have a feeling this will be a bear to find.
  4. Yeah, sorry, its an 09. 100k+ miles.
  5. Our dealership car hauler. Any common areas for failure?
  6. theres a 3" wad of wires going from the cab to the body. All hard wired in! Right through the back of the cab.
  7. Gonna get my chance. They just delivered the complete engine today. Looks like I'm not going to get to lift the cab.I looked at the step by step for body on engine removal in the WSM.......GEEZ!Any advice?
  8. 2 bays. One, 05 kia sorrento HLA job. Bay two, 09 f150, left blend door actuator.
  9. The rest of the picture has her playing a banjo. The pic you see is the rough start. My scanner isn't large enough for the rest.
  10. Yeah, battery charge and everything. The noise is barely audible.
  11. I put an alternator on an 04 f150 5.4. Uneventful, charging ok. Customer comes back next day complaining of a noise that wasn't there before I did my work. I went out with the customer to listen to the noise, it was the "singing" that an alternator makes when charging. I told the customer that it was normal. "Well that aint right, it shouldn't be making that noise". "Sir, thats the noise one makes normally when it charges". "Why didn't the old one make that noise?" "The old one wasnt charging". "Well I want a new one!" I told my SM about it, suggesting he listen to the noise. "I dont need to, just replace the alternator!" So after replacing the alt, SUPRISE! The noise is still there. After several heated exchanges with my SM, HES GETTING A TECH ASSIST! If it wasn't so funny, I'd be offended!
  12. one for me. Good oil, good air flow. Changed the intercooler as well because of metal schards.
  13. after thinking about it, not any other way for the air to get there. Thank you Bruce.
  14. air test has air pressurizing oil filter housing. Thats the high pressure pump, right? I'm having a brain fart. 06 f350 6.0.
  15. He came in right at quitting time. All I had a chance to do is put it on the rack. Havent even looked in there yet. Customer said it was just the end left. He also said that he has plastic in the oil pan (dont know how he arrived at that conclusion).
  16. Any easy way to get the remains out? Customer brought in a rolling chassis. He just wants to see if the motor is good. No cab, bed. Electronics are all there.
  17. VW diesel for a starter (parts got the wrong one), other bay, 06 chrysler 300, shifter wont come out of park.
  18. 2 bays...one, 01 F550 7.3 dirt and gravel all through fuel system, other bay, 08 F350 6.4 ambulance, leaking #2 injector, fuel in oil, p0087.
  19. The post test I had was just to use the IDS to get a particular cylinders injector number.
  20. Be prepared for the most difficult post test ever!
  21. Just had my first chance since training (10 years ago) to use one. Course, we had to borrow one. Picky customer griping about the harmonic hum or buzz at full lock, slow speed, then slight accelleration. 09 F350 dually 6.4.
  22. I've had 'em do it with jeeps, dodges both.
  23. Wifey doesn't believe me when I say For any mechanic in the world, its underwear, socks, and summer sausage.
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