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Everything posted by vloney

  1. Dont know about the test mules. I was told the high pressure pump will be in the front as well.
  2. I just finished my classrooms for a/t. CVT......I feel fulfilled now!
  3. With creative prying, I got......18 headbolts per side, egr valve/cooler/module is all one unit, reverse flow, dual turbo (one shaft), it is VGT, with the introduction of the 6.7, the torqueshift goes away (we get a 6r140), 90% of all operations will be cab on.
  4. Here's you a different look at it: my fse said that if you cut off one of the locator pins on the bottom of the radiator, it wont fail any more. Something about the torque of the engine making the radiator deform, and the locator pins cause it to split. Just repeating what I was told.
  5. They installed a new above ground rack in my dry bay, because when I had a cab off one, I couldn't work if I was waiting on parts. I was so happy! So they moved my son in the bay. I thought when they moved out, you didn't have to watch over them any more!
  6. Our dealership has been lucky so far. We haven't had a bedplate or lower end issue yet. I've been telling the SM our luck can't hold out forever, and he'd better be looking into purchasing one.
  7. "This is your captain speaking. We are experiencing technical difficulties. We are trying to repair a gelling and fat clogging problem. We anticipate being able to fix this issue shortly. If the worst happens, we will be easy to locate, because of the heavy french fry odor!"
  8. We are the servicing dealer for the University of Rolla's e450 shuttle busses. They are v10s with 6 huge hydrogen tanks in the rear. Theres a monstrous framework protecting the tanks (can you say, Hindenberg?)
  9. We have pcs in each bay for oasis access, I got tired of the wait as well, so, I got 15 foot usb extension cables, and loaded the ids software into the pc. No one was using the ngs plus, so I re-configured the vcm for IDS use. Just cant tale it on a test drive (anybody got a 5mile long extension cord?)
  10. Yeah, buttons are a poppin when the "veterans" come to him for advice. HMMMM.......grandsons are 11 and 10.....wonder if I can last that long?
  11. 31 years. Been in it long enough to have my son working in the bay next to me (cant tell you how cool that is). I never have gotten tired of it. Young guys, go into work every day with a smile on your face, and strive to be the best in your field. You'll go to bed knowing you've given it your best. Maybe, if I'm lucky, I'll be able to see that "red wire with a pink tracer" long enough to work side by side with my son and grandsons.
  12. Heres you one that may or not be way out there (just look at potential). Sync customers can download things from their pcs using a memory stick. Sony music corp has been criticized for incorporating a trojan horse (XCP.CDPROXYROOTKIT) in their music cds. This trojan horse allows Sony to have access to your pc to see if you are illegally copying music. Heres the theory part....can sony eventually have access to your vehicle's sound system? Can Ford get into your pc?
  13. Thats pretty much the same thing, but there was no complaint of smoke, just the squeal noise. And the only time it would do it, is when he had 2 trailers on, and on a steep hill. The noise would be for 2 seconds or so. Even after the repair was done, we couldn't verify the repair until he hooked up both trailers.
  14. Update: It turned out to be the thin gasket between the turbo, and downpipe. When I loosened the downpipe, it jumped up 2". The gasket showed soot trails. The expansion joints were all ok. After replacing the gasket, and making sure the exhaust was unloaded. Tried it with both trailers (no noise), would also build much more boost. Customer said this was the first heavy pull since purchasing (4000 miles).
  15. I think I've got one like alex had, High pitched squeal at 30 psi boost (only under moderate load). Can't get it to do it in the bay, have to hook up 2 trailers to hear it (gooseneck, and bumper hitch). Just doing preliminary checks now.
  16. You'll never believe this from a 30 year tech http://WWW.geocities.com/vloney
  17. You might try removing the air filter assy and oil fill tube to get more room to look. You probably need to hang in there while someone else recreates the noise.
  18. I've got one that had smoke on accel, ended up replacing dpf and resetting. Now poor mileage. I'm suspecting regen issues, because its manufacturing oil. I did all the leak tests (thats spooky getting your head that close at 2k rpms looking for leaks). Havent had much chance at diagnostics cause its used so much. F350 very overloaded frequently.
  19. One of the members of the site where you found me suggested I reply at that site. Dont see much good coming out of there.
  20. Did You notice They're made in China? Is there a chinese bovine disease?
  21. I guess I'm guilty of the infamous "blacksnapon" remarks. I couldn't stand it any more. I've never seen that many "short bus" riders on one forum.
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