A guy I went to trade school with had one of those
V8 swapped. Just awful.
I'm doing a 5.4 replacement. It appears a roller went for a dump in a follower, grind itself to shrapnel and the follower body decided to bounce about in the valve train and fuck a bunch of things up.
If it's not blowing air across the core, the refrigerant can't remove heat and the AC system won't work as hard to cool what it thinks is already cool due to lack of hot air flow.
I skimmed the posts in the thread cause my break is mostly over at work - but it's against the law to use a handheld device while driving here. A friend of mine got a ticket for eating a peach while driving because it was not hands free.
However - police and emergency workers are exempt for this law.
Knowing what we know now, about stiction - suction cup theory...
Anyone else think that Rev-X shit is just a pile of abrasive that gets added to your oil? Lol
We have a 1/2 drive one at work. I like it. I also like how it will give you a torque pull after you do an angle pull just to see how hard you were working it.
That being said I probably wouldn't do a second or third 90 degree on a head bolt with it, just merely from a "what if it free wheels" stand point.
I took an aftermarket unit with an external controller on it off, and put a 6.4 200a on. It was on a shuttle bus. Run 13.1 at idle with all the roof air, lights, wipers and blower fans on "let 'er eat" setting.
The knock off ones require specific patched software that is about dependable as the weather.
No reflashing either.
Most of the knockoff ones ship with a modified copy of IDS 75 so it's way out of date.