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Everything posted by Aaron

  1. Well, if they pay .3 to change a cam sensor, can you imagine what they will pay for a 6.0 EGR? I dont even wanna think about it.
  2. Yeah, we usually have to wait an hour and a half TO GET THE PARTS, to get paid the 1.2 for the EGR valve TSB.
  3. I have a spare harness, if you want it, let me know.
  4. Seems that it varies SO much between models, its unreal - like you said Mike - One year Escort? 96,000. Another year? 192,000. Random number generator, for the win.
  5. I have seen that before, but I gotta ask. WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU WAIT 100,000 MILES TO PUT PLUGS IN ANYTHING?!
  6. We have a Matco topside creeper, and although it does make workin on these things easier; however, I did find it rather rough on the ol' pouch, as well as I don't think it's built to hold a 275lb guy up. Looks a little flimsy.
  7. I had one of those pieces of crap when I worked at the Indy shop kickin' my ass. I ended up running a seperate ground cable from the battery to the car, that fixed it.
  8. I just repaired a truck for this exact concern. Everything passed, boost test, VVT test, EGR test, etc, etc. They only caught the check engine light while towing a trailer. Called tech hotline, and engineer advised me that he suspected the variable geometry business binding up under the extra heat produced by working the engine harder with the trailer attached. I took the turbo apart and found the CHRA assembly somewhat rusty inside. I cleaned up the unison ring, and found it pitted, so I replaced the turbocharger. Again, all the testing passed, but the truck seemed to have marginally more power on the road test when I was done. We'll have to see what happens there, but I'd pull the turbo on yours and have a peek inside.
  9. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif 94 Impala SS 94 Caprice Police Package LT1 93 GMC K3500 4x4 6.5 Turbo Diesel 88 Chev. Suburban R2500 6.2 Diesel Is the current stable. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif Oh, and my girlfriend has a Ford.
  10. Makes me feel good knowing I might have to ride in one of those someday.
  11. That's enough to make ya puke. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smhair.gif
  12. Is a Guy gonna publish a copy of that parts/Operations list, Tony?
  13. Jim - I believe I am currently the proud owner of that particular appliance. Your old toaster musta got rebuilt into my new toaster.
  14. Naw, Jim can fix a toaster, I'm sure of it. However, does anyone know how to turn a toaster into a time machine?
  15. Our tower operator looks up our labour codes, but I do my own anyway. I used to look my own up where I used to work, and I like doing it because I know i claim what I did. Not just REPLACE EGR COOLER - .2 which I'm sure would ge claimed if I did not claim the access time. I write good stories, too.
  16. What was the mssage you got, Jim? Congrats on your reinstatement.
  17. Probably 90% of the guys on here would dink around with it, at least a little bit, Jim /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif THEN box it back up and return it /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
  18. LMFAO!! Howie Felterbocks. Awesome, truly awesome.
  19. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/popcorn.gif I also had a long-winded post about this all written up and my computer wouldn't let me post for some reason. Ah well. Continue, Jim!
  20. I just did a bedplate seal on a 2006 F350 6.0/ZF combo. When I pulled the trans out, I knicked the pilot bearing a bit, so I changed it. I noticed that the grease looked REALLY ratty/dried out/ and rusty and this truck only has 18,000KMS on it. The grease that was in the new one was this really thin yellow shit. Wonder if that's the same stuff that's in the bearing from the factory? Could be the cause of the failure.
  21. Isn't there a LEGAL element to this as well Jim? I believe in Ontario, you are LEGALLY REQUIRED to torque certain stuff, like wheels? I'm not 100% on this, just seems to trigger a memory.
  22. I asked, and one of the nuts was missing, not just the cap. I worked across in the next stall from this guy, and I'm not going to say anything, because I can't say anything nice. Jim - you made some very valid points, good read.
  23. I recently moved away from London, and the dealer I was working at there. My mother lives just outside of London, and has her 08 Escape serviced there, because it's a little more convenient than driving 2 and a half hours to get it serviced here. She calls me this afternoon, and asks me an unusual question. She wanted to know if on her last service they would have had the wheels off, because there is LUG NUTS MISSING OFF THE CAR!! The SM tells her that they probably just 'forgot' to put them on. FORGOT! It's BLACK STEEL WHEELS, WITH CHROME LUGNUTS?! HOW DO YOU FORGET! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/banghead.gif YOU CAN'T SEE THERE'S ONE MISSING?! NOT THAT DIFFICULT! FUCK! /rant mode off. Sorry, had to vent. Thanks for listening.
  24. You gotta pull the trans, or lift the cab if you want to yank it with the trans. if it's even possible. Brain trust who designed the truck decided that the engine will hit the cowl with a chain on it before the pan clears the crossmember. Yes, i know there's a special tool to pull the 6.0 /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/banghead.gif it wont fit our 'picker.
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