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Everything posted by Aaron

  1. Heh. Or Rick Empey or Impy or whatever the hell his name is decides to fire off his gate on the FMC message boards.
  2. Hey, here's a stupid question. 2006 F-350 6.0. R&R engine assembly Automatic, 12.0h. R&R engine assembly manual trans, 12.8h. R&R Manual Trans 2.0H Can't claim the two together? Why is it only worth .8 to pull the trans (And i can only assume remove the flywheel, clutch, and pressure plate also, the WSM tells you to) when you're pulling the motor, but 2.0 when you are just pulling the trans. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/mad.gif
  3. You mean they don't want you to take the valves out, clean 'em up, clean up the guides, and slam 'em back together?
  4. We had a 6.4 with no compression on #2, they wanted us to pull the pan, and inspect why. Cyl #2 all scratched to hell. They wanted to know how deep the scratching was, and if we could hone it.
  5. I agree, I would have told him I wasn't putting it back together. Love your avatar, Torqued-Up! HAHAH /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
  6. The one thing I REALLY like about the dealership I work at now is we have i believe whatt are called vehicle porters that park the cars and stuff, as every vehicle comes through our drive through. The porters place floormats, seat, and steering wheel covers in each vehicle. Not that I have a problem doing it myself, just sometimes you forget to bring floormats out with you, or your seat cover is just about ruined with dirt because the cintas man is a week and a half late /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/mad.gif but that's a different story. Still, i think that every vehicle should leave with no fingerprints or greasy bootprints on it. I don't detail the vehicles I work on by any means, but I make an effort to give stuff a quick wipe down for handprints before I ship it.
  7. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/rofl.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/thumbup.gif GOOD stuff man.
  8. Man that guy must pay a buttload of taxes. I don't know about you, but he's worked at EVERY shop that I've ever worked at, and at the one I'm working at now. I'm beginning to think that little bastard is following me... /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/mad.gif
  9. Isn't this used on the REAL H1 Hummvees?
  10. And this is an off-road vehicle, right?
  11. +1 Run 'er till she don't go no more. If it makes you feel any better I was 1 when it was built. Actually, maybe not even born if it went into service in Sep/oct of 84 /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
  12. Didn't happen to me...it was...a guy I know... /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/banghead.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/drinkingdude.gif When I first started in the trade. Boss told me "Oh it'll be fine, you don't need to use anything but shop air!" even though every time I'd done a spring swap on my old malibu, I used rope and TDC as my high school shop teacher as well as my father had shown me, because I didn't have shop air at home. Water under the bridge.
  13. It's always being the bomb squad guy almost when you're doing that cover, trying not to drop those bolts down the damn HPOP reservoir. "Red wire, or blue wire? Which one do i cut" Cut the tension with a knife. Just when you need someone to come along and slap you on the back and tell you you're doing a hell of a good job. Only thing I can compare it to is someone tripping over your air line and yanking the fittings apart while you're doing a set of valve stem seals, with the seal off, and the valves bein' held shut by the air.
  14. Here, in this month's new Diesel Power magazine: "6.0 Powerstroke EGR Cooler Blockoff Kit!" Install article *shaking head* unreal. *rolleyes*
  15. SNW: You should see the Impala SS Forum i'm a member of. There's sometimes almost more locked topics then there is active ones.
  16. Sorry for gettin out of hand on my part, I have a tendency to let someone know exactly what I think of 'em.
  17. Will send him your way. I got his contact written down.
  18. I remember the first time i saw that. "What...the....fu...?" haha /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif But don't forget the Escape abs connector recall 'Electrical Grease'
  19. Yesterday, at the Detroit Autorama, i went by the ford motorsports group, and there was a dude there asking the ford rep about add-ons for his six litre. The ford rep was treating this guy like absolute SHIT while i was standing there. So I talked to the guy with the truck about the effects of power adders, chips, air filters, etc. and he was REALLY happy that someone was taking the time to talk to him about his truck. About midway through our conversation, I looked over at the ford guy and he shot me the dirtiest look ever. Well, bud, you just lost yourself a customer because you wouldn't tell this guy the time of day. I think that the representation by Ford Motorsports at this show was quite poor, and even if Ford doesn't offer products that can do what this guy wants them to do, at least suggest some stuff made by Ford to help the guy out. I'm pretty sure he's interested in the Ford Cat-back for the six-o, but am sure he's not going through the channels at the car show to obtain one.
  20. Instead of having a spare tire in the dually? Spare car in the box?
  21. "Awareness Communication:" from ford says there's no parts available yet. FSA number is 08C01 for those who are interested.
  22. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cheers.gif Well put.
  23. http://www.fleet-trucks.com/ford_f-650_super_crewzer.html ?? This any help?
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