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Everything posted by Aaron

  1. Can you imagine the stress on the tires at 80+ MPH with a full weight load? There's a fucking REASON that the trucks are governed. Not to mention extended operation at high RPM beats the hell out of engine and driveline components. Like someone else said, if you really need to go that fast, buy a sportscar. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/2cents.gif
  2. 99 WORDS FOR BOOBS Parody of Nena's "99 Luftballons" Lyrics by M. Spaff Sumsion PERFORMED BY ROBERT LUND Dr. Demento's #3 song of 2007! Jugs and orbs and darts and gourds Elmer Fudds and bouncing Buddhas Sweater stretchers, lung protectors Beach umbrellas, frost detectors Scooby Snacks and snake-eyes dice Jell-o molds and high-beam lights Every day I probably use 99 words for boobs Humpty Dumplings, Hardy Boys Double lattes, Ode to Joys Hooters, shooters, physics tutors Bobbsey Twins and bald commuters Double-WMD's MRE's and PFD's Snow-white dwarfs, Picasso cubes 99 words for boobs Gerber servers, holy grails Whoopee cushions, humpback whales Flying saucers, traffic stoppers Super Big Gulps, Double Whoppers Pillows, billows, Don DeLillos Soft-serve cones and armadillos Pimped-out hubcaps, inner tubes 99 words for boobs Midget earmuffs, warming globes Strobes and probes and frontal lobes Knockers, honkers, knicker bonkers Smurfs and Screaming Yellow Zonkers Tannin' cannons, Mister Bigs Big bad wolves and Porky Pigs Jogging partners, saline noobs 99 words for boobs Two-point jumpers, Bambi's Thumpers Rubber baby buggy bumpers Rutabagas, Chi Omegas Schwag the showgirls show in Vegas Congo bongos, bowling pins Fast-pitch softballs, siamese twins Your claims I'm breast-obsessed are true We're quite a pair 'cause I'm a boob too
  3. Guy down the hall from me did a cylinder head on one today, leaking oil. Warped. BADLY. He said the area that had the most concentrated leakage had a loose head bolt, as he discovered loosening he heads off.
  4. A hotline recommendation upon installing a new egr valve, and it failing the egr position test: And I quote: 2/27/2008 11:51:00 AM - Hotline recommended: Keep replacing egr valves until one passes the test or stops setting egr codes. If there is a cooling system concern, follow the tsb recommendations for testing and repairs. TSB 08-03-07 FOLLOW PROCEDURE TO DIAGNOSE COOLANT RELATED CONCERNS - 6.0L KEEP REPLACING EGR VALVES UNTIL ONE PASSES THE TEST OR STOPS SETTING EGR CODES. How about "Suspect problem with replacement valve. Install a new valve and retest." Unreal...fuckin' unreal.
  5. Another test is using a spring scale (like for weighing fish) hooked to the piston inside the turbo. Over 15lbs pull, turbo is NG.
  6. Been told at STST a flashlight battery (1.5V D-Cell) is enough to get the IPR closed, with no time limit on excessive heat cooking anything. HTH.
  7. How's the STC fitting and VGT holding up on your six-five? /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif
  8. Like I said, i find it kind of unusual that he ambulances they are switching over to gas also happen to be GM's.
  9. HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
  10. This I can answer. It's a can coolie, for keeping beer cold. I got 4 or 6 of 'em in a box kit of vise-grips.
  11. Where's this? Nationwide? Where I used to live here, in London, Ontario, we had several gasoline powered ambulances. They were GM's though. I've seen several places around here getting sour tastes in their mouth over the sicko fiasco, and are switching to gasoline.
  12. Yep. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif There was a writeup about it somewhere, International is biting some of it, and Ford is biting some of the fine. ONLY for this model year, it was a special exemption. I heard roughly $400/each, per engine, IIRC. Let me see if I can find it for ya.
  13. Every vehicle through my bay gets a QC-550. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif (Van is owned by fleet company who maintains the SHIT outta their stuff, and apparently never locks them /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/rolleyes.gif It even had a fresh oil change on it!
  14. So, start off with a couple easy routine maintenance jobs, cool. Get a cam sensor recall. 98 E-350, 200,000kms, no biggie. Go out to the van (it's frigid cold here today), only to discover that the key has likely not been used to unlock the door in oh....ever. So I says to myself, no big deal. Walk back into the shop, grab lockout kit glass wedge and the 'S' hook. Have the hook in the door, lock knob is moving, so i pull up, it slips out of my hand, and presto-change-o, it fucks off down into the door. Great. FINALLY get the door open with the aid of a co-worker. Drive the van in the shop. Take the door panel off, retrieve the tool. Put the panel back on, look, and the lock knob did not come through the hole in the panel. GRRRR /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/mad.gif . So, back to fucking around i go. Panel back off, line up rod, put panel back on. Everything is good. Go to snap the trim piece back on the door over where the mirror bolts on. BREAK THE TRIM, AND NOW IT WON'T GO BACK ON! IT WAS ALREADY ON THE DOOR BEFORE I NOTICED THE ROD WASNT IN THE RIGHT SPOT!!! Onto the cam sensor. After I get the siezed bolt out of the cover, i begin to pry the sensor out of the cover. The edge breaks off, no longer allowing me a surface to pry on. I finally get the bastard out, only to have the retaining clip fall out, and spooking me, I dropped the small prybar I was using, and caused myself a wicked nice scratch down the length of my face. Now onto the retaining clip. Where could it be? After spending 10 minutes looking, I find it wedged between the radiator and the fan shroud. Slam sensor, bracket, bolt. Start van, put it outside. Go order door panel trim. Should've stayed in bed this morning. Edit: my first hint of 'STAY HOME' should have been when at some point the block heater on my truck failed and it FAILED to start this morning, on it's couple of glow plugs that are still any good.
  15. We would catch shit where I used to work for 'upselling warranty'.
  16. Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't ford frown on upselling on recalls/warranty? I know we're not allowed to suggest warranty repairs, so i was just curious about upselling retail when the customer is in for a ford pay recall.
  17. Does banks pony up if it is shown their product caused the failure?
  18. Wanna buy my ol' Chevy? /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  19. I knew they were in the PCED manuals, I'm compiling a disc with TSB's and shit like that for easy access on my computer at work, so's I didn't have to clog up our already slow internet connection.
  20. Just wondering if anyone had JUST the sheets, so i can print them off to put in a binder to keep with my toolbox for quick access and writing notes on. I suppose I can individually print them out, i was just looking for these for ease of printing/archiving. There was a site some time ago that someone had them on, I jus can't seem to find it.
  21. Does anyone know where I can get the diesel diag sheets in PDF format?
  22. OASIS strikes again. Had a Fusion in with MIL illuminated, P0606. TSB to reprogram PCM/TCM to latest cal. (AND TAKE IT IN THE HOOP, TO FIX IT LOL). Like you said, GREAT resource.
  23. I've been burnt by not checking OASIS once. I make an effort to run EVERY vehicle now. Sometimes I forget, or just flat out don't do it. I didn't run OASIS on an F-150 I was working on, and missed the TSB for the IWE solenoid causing the front IWE's to drag, and make noise. Chased that one for awhile. Pays something like .5 to diag and replace the IWE solenoid. Live and learn. This is in no way a shot at the poster of the other thread, as I haven't even read it yet.
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