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Everything posted by Aaron

  1. Good comedy. And Mr. Browning - your avatar scared the SHIT out of me /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/rofl.gif
  2. I'm with Shlep on this one, saw the R.O. myself.
  3. Unsure of the cost in this area, but Ford has been paying for it. Call the hotline first. Suggest that or changing the intake. Betcha they'll let you clean it /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
  4. Hey guys, i was recently told by a certain unnamed instructor, that the IDS 'code of the day' for manually entering programming and whatnot is a simple mathematical formula. Well, not so simple, I can't figure the damn thing out. I was wondering if anyone on here knew how to figure this code out, so I don't have to call the hotline every time I need to manually program something? Thanks in advance fellows!
  5. Dealer I just left had made a habit of sending out the intake to have it acid bathed or steam cleaned to remove all carbon inside. Worked REALLY well, we started doing this after we had one come back jammed with a chunk of carbon a couple times.
  6. Ah, c'mon it's not that far. As an aside: I AM NEVER MOVING MY TOOLBOX EVER AGAIN.
  7. Keith- The last time I checked, NAPA did have a catalog, but it was not very good. Now (here in Canada, anyways) all of their junk is on computers, much easier to look up, and I have had fairly good luck finding pigtail ends when dealing with a competent parts counter person.
  8. Seems kinda light on the MPH...must really run outta jam up high in the RPM range.
  9. We had one leaking at a bypass tube out of the top of the front cover, almost directly underneath the egr throttle business. The bolt had broken off in the cover. HTH.
  10. I heard Irish Spring soap is supposed to keep them away.
  11. I like how every "stalls while driving" or "hard start" complaint always has someone chime in, "Sounds like a weak HPOP, to me!" /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/rofl.gif
  12. "Here's your birthday and christmas present, i combined them all into one!" Wow, thanks, never heard that one before lol! I think my favorite birthday gift EVER, the one I get EVERY YEAR is the $75.00 for license plate renewal.
  13. (places hands over ears, kicking and screaming) NONONONONONONONONO!!!!! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/banghead.gif Oh well. We'll see what the future brings. Back to work tomorrow, my birthday.
  14. The trainer I had the last time I went for Ford School told us that in the diamond mines up north, they use strictly super duty Ford's for longevity. They tried a Toyota pickup, and it didn't last 3 months. I guess step one, however (so we were told) is to fill the EGR cooler with cement to prevent coking of the intakes on the Ford trucks.
  15. I posted a little too hastily there, I found out that we have the option of working either the 'eve day or boxing day. That's how they are getting around it. So far 0 appointments for monday, 1 appointment for boxing day. (LOF at 1pm)
  16. We are open Christmas eve until 5.30pm, and boxing day until 5.30pm Ho. Ho. Ho. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/rolleyes.gif
  17. And that's what you get for sending the $7.00/hr dude to get fuel. There's a gas station! Which pump? Ahh, fuck it, this one'll work! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif Dont forget filters and allllll the wonderful time you get to spend flushing the tank and lines /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif I better not chirp too much more, or I know what'll end up in my bay tomorrow.
  18. I just posted something about starter speed and used the word "rate" in my post. That a bad word? Does anyone know what all the key words are on the PTS site so i can intentionally misspell them?
  19. Did one last week with a burned up piston. Melted right down to the 1st compression ring. +1 on the bent rod thing, however, done one myself and have seen one other one.
  20. Only if you can play nice /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/thumbup.gif
  21. LOL @ Thomas Odd Saw that and started howling. I was trying to think up a suitable Stephen King character to use for myself (kinda prefer him over D.K.), but kept coming up blank. Uncle Keith, you're not giving us crap for picking on the winkies, are ya?!
  22. With the advent of the new CMP recall on the 7.3, do we see a recall in the near future to have the STC fitting bracket installed on emergency vehicles such as ambulances and whatnot? I know I don't want to be the guy on the way to the hospital when this fails and or the bus gets shut off for whatever reason and will not restart. Irony would be a Ford Powerstroke tech meeting his demise on the way to the hospital, because the 6.0 in the ambulance is a no-start. Just something I got wondering about.
  23. As an aside, is the guy that runs that forum a member here? He says in his profile he's a FoMoCo diesel tech. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/confused.gif
  24. Just wait until those winners hear about the upcoming CMP recall.... And should I tell this guy http://www.powerstroke.org/forum/engine-911/31565-leaky-egr-cooler-hose-orange-one.html#post350626 we only get paid an hour to do that repair?
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