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Everything posted by Aaron

  1. It's not nice to pick on those people though....or is it?
  2. I read the Powerstroke.org message boards. Holy fuck. "Hi, my 06 f350 w/27000 miles is doing this. What do you think it is?" I THINK IT'S TIME FOR A TRIP TO THE DEALER BECAUSE THE TRUCK STILL HAS BASIC WARRANTY! "They want to do this repair this way, do you guys think that's right?" Nope. All the guys that work at the dealership are fucking morons. They have absolutely NO idea what they are doing, and are merely going to throw parts at your truck in the hopes that one of them might resolve your concern. Bozo 1: My power brakes and steering don't work on my 06 F250SD Bozo 2: Must be a problem with your vacuum pump. *shake head and rolleyes*
  3. Make sure this gets onto the Ford forums! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
  4. I got the top simply because i ran out of damn space. LOL. Since I started with this shop in April, my snap on dealer has sold....6 boxes in my shop.
  5. Them two fuckers Jack Daniels and John Labatt came by my place after work today. They said Jim Beam is due by in about an hour or so.
  6. After waiting almost a MONTH after ordering it, my new top snap on chest arrived for my toolbox. Like a kid with a new toy, I am. Sorry for the crappy cell phone picture.
  7. +1 on jacking up the cab, as long as it won't damage anything. (bus body, ambulance, etc.)
  8. *Buuuurrrrp* +1. I also enjoy beer. What was your drinking motivation today?
  9. IIRC, OTC makes a tool for this situation. Hope this helps. http://www.mytoolstore.com/otc/6005.html EDIT: Oh crap, I didnt read your post properly, this probably won't help you, sorry.
  10. We had the same thing in our shop. Found bits of the snap rings in the oil filter. After removing the LP oil pump, we found more pieces inside it and the pump destroyed. Small children through the pickup tube, indeed. Anyone think of the reasoning behind the screen sizing?
  11. I just bought the top companion cabinet for my KRL 1022 Snappy box. I also needed to buy a new cover, to cover both toolboxes and wondered if anyone would be interested in the lower cover? Drop me a line fellows, if I can be of any assistance. I'm not trying to use this for personal gain, I just dont need the cover anymore and no one else at my shop could use it.
  12. You mean the very finely screened pickup managed to suck one of those up? /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/rolleyes.gif Would a finer screen have caused any oil supply issues...really?
  13. Yeah, the IDS automatically wipes ALL programmed data from all modules, and self-deletes the open session so the operating technician can shrug his shoulders and say "I dunno wha happened to yer truck misser!" like an uneducated dingus. If only....
  14. Guy does that to me for more than about 4-5 turns, I get out at the next light, and ask him what the F*CK his problem is. Only if I'm sure someone's following ME, and not just heading in the same direction. When I've gone around the same block 7 times, and you have too? You're not just out for a drive. And i have had the customer tail me like that before at my previous employer. I turned the key off, allowed the car to coast to a stop, and pulled over. The customer pulls up along side me and asks me what the problem is. I tell him I just scattered the motor. Shoulda seen the look on his face... Running 6'5 and around 275lbs generally gets the person's window rolled up and a fast pull away. Almost lost some toes, once.
  15. Tech at my shop was told to send the intake to a machine shop and have the carbon chemically cleaned from inside the intake manifold, after a repeat jamming egr issue.
  16. The 02 F-series on that site has no clamps on the CAC tubes!
  17. Kinda rings a bell for changing a Sick-O alternator, doesn't it?
  18. Just for a hee-haw I priced all the stuff out today. DPF is around $3200, cat is around $1400, muffler and tail is around $900. This is retail pricing from a canadian dealer. Ballpark prices, i don't have the sheet with me. Not a bad waste of money at all...I should email him the part numbers... /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/icon_crazy.gif
  19. Sick-O with a DPF for 08 in the E.
  20. Those guys are fucking retarded. Who smashes the innards out of a DPF or a DOC on an 08 vehicle? As often is asked: "Are you FUCKED on ACID?" "I wish they had an indicator on the dash to tell you when it's in regen" - It's called a tachometer, you moron!. Pardon my language in this post, but people like this PISS ME OFF. /begin drinking heavily. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/banghead.gif And on or about page 23, the guy finds a wrecked 08 on ebay. He then emails the guy to see if he'll sell parts off of it. My response would have been: Are you FUCKED on ACID? Come on. A driveable, fixable truck. "Will you sell me the aftertreatment system?" Will you go lay down in traffic and count mufflers? After three or four hours, let me know how many. Bozo. I should either leave the edit window open on this post, or read the rest of that shit-storm before I edit another reply. Buddy wants to get a bootleg copy of 'our (ford) diagnostic and programming software'. You know what buddy? I'll fuckin' SEND you a copy. Let me know when your VCM shows up, so I can come to your house, and steal it while you sleep.
  21. I see a Miller Ford badge on that plate frame. Where do you work? I'm at Highbury in London
  22. I've found the best way, so far for me anyways, is to go into the parts department armed with a part number. MOST of the time makes things much less painful.
  23. One picture is captioned that a Detroit engineer said you don't have to take the cab off to fix this problem and you can almost read the author's sarcasm in the reply. Fairly certain that I've done a cylinder head and a motor in that exact truck without removing the cab. Also fairly certain that I've watched another tech retrieve the broken off tip using the special tool. Also done with the cab on the truck. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/shrug.gif
  24. I read that too, I think they said like 3 WOT pokes and the truck went into regen. I can believe that, seeing how some of the Sicko's power programmers made unbelievable amounts of smoke.
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