"Hi, I have a driveability concern on my 6.0? Yes, I would also like to wait for it. Tomorrow im going to bring my 5.4 3v in for plugs and exhaust manifolds, and I would also like to wait for that."
The early style pump in my experience if deadheaded at 100 percent IPR, if they're good will make max PSI in a HURRY.
Hook all your rails up and put the pedal on the floor in park. You should see max pressure at around 60 percent IPR if memory serves me right.
I remember that stuff brad!
Keith, there are products that HVAC guys use on cores like that in outside applications that foam and will take the most plugged looking cores and have them flow air again.
Just price him out a HPFP and 8 injectors and say for the difference of x dollars, you could save this much dough by having the proper working filters.
That flap is the bypass if there is a restriction on the outlet I think. I have one at work I will look at tomorrow and see if that's the case.