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Everything posted by Aaron

  1. Like the title says. And documentation of such? Ie: if you load a vehicle over GVWR or GCWR and there is an accident - is there liability because the vehicle is over gross weight rating, or is it merely used as a guideline? I have a guy telling me there's no legal binding to gross weight and I think he is full of shit.
  2. You weren't supposed to tell them you were coming to see ME!
  3. F550 that's been there since Tuesday is in my bay. Still gonna be there on Monday. 5 days off in a row, ladies!!
  4. Well, stay the fuck away from trains, look both ways, and don't go into the shady end of town there in Slave Lake Glad you're doin better. Tried to call today but my shitbox phone wasn't co operating.
  5. Bang on the door when you get here Keith! Lol
  6. Ice storm, roughly 300,000 without power in the GTA.
  7. All you guys got power and shit? Anyone who needs help let me know I'm not that far and I do have power, heat, and liquor if you need any of the above.
  8. Or a really tiny pitman arm puller.
  9. I can see their point. It prevents a dipshit who doesn't understand balance from overloading the hoist one way or the other.
  10. "And seeing as how I was TECHNICIAN OF THE YEAR *snaps suspenders* I think a hoist upgrade would be suitable"
  11. I thought there was a snow packing tsb for the 6.7 too?
  12. Job 3 trucks 6.4 came with the winter front. All others were eligible for a freebie under the snow packing tsb. They were like $140!! I have mine on my 6.4 every winter. Even with new stats that thing is cold blooded.
  13. They'll cut it off and re weld it.
  14. Anyone is ever in the London, Ontario area - Frank and Gus pizza.
  15. Do it yourself, I betcha insurance will try and write it off. Glad you didn't get hurt. Trucks can be fixed.
  16. Aaron


    Likely the same reason there is a core charge on aluminum wheels.
  17. Just did a GM truck at 351k original plugs.
  18. Isn't the breakout harness for the HPFP right near the EGT connector? Maybe bumped and causing open circuit intermittent?
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