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Everything posted by Cetane
I have never seen a 4.5L so I cant speak as to the differences. I assumed based on the comments from others on the pictures it was close but I dont know for sure. As for the fuel cooler, the angle on the picture is what makes it look like a air charge cooled unit. I highly doubt you will ever see that setup in your service bay. I have never seen that kind of cooler arrangement so it was likely a very early prototype. That being said after taking another look it is possible that it isnt a fuel cooler. It doesnt look like the fuel cooler arrangement I am used to seeing. The fuel cooler is in that location but it doesnt really look like that. There is another cooler it could be.... The resolution is too bad to see the area the fuel connections should be. By the way the instrumentation load in the picture is very light compared to the ones we turn out now.
I apologize I should have been a little more clear. I do a different kind of testing so I dont always think of things in a real world situation. The MAF will over estimate the airflow near idle conditions and under estimate it at higher airflow conditions. You are right in most cases. The contaminates will start to act as a insulator at some point depending on the actual substance and how much of it there is. There was a good TSB or SSM at one point that described this condition but I dont remember the number. It was several years ago. Thanks for calling me out on that one.....
It is not cooled by intake air.
An over oiled K&N could definitely bias the MAF. I never run them in my vehicles for this very reason(gas or diesel). As for the turbo flutter I guess its possible but that is not something I have ever experimented with. I would think with the volume of air that these engines process, it probably would dilute the mixture enough not to contaminate it. Electronics cleaner supposedly does a good job but we throw them away whenever they start showing signs of contamination.
Your explanation was right on. If the MAF was contaminated the sensor would likely require more voltage to keep the hot wire at the reference temperature. If the computer thinks there is too much airmass it will open the EGR further trying to decrease it. Depending on a how off the EGR is this could make a substantial difference in actual EGR flow and engine efficiency. That being said I am a little skeptical on 2 mpg. Anything is possible I guess.
Winner!!! You should be able to find something at this site. http://www.3k-warner.de/en/products I guess it depends on what exactly you are looking for.
I am not going to say who's right or wrong other than one of you is close. By the way the engine in the picture is fairly old. Things have changed a little since that level was distributed.
Those arrows look like they are pointing to coolers of some sort /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif Did anyone ever figure out where those engine pictures were taken?
I have no problem with it. I am curious to see if the photo you have of the engine is the same one I saw floating around.
As far as the training goes it would be nice if you guys could get the training you need before the truck comes out but I know the FSE's still dont know when they are getting trained on it. There is still quite a bit of time before you will have to worry about it. I am a little curious why Ford coming up with a cab off procedure is such a big deal. Arent the trucks already repaired that way? Dont the majority of you beat the times because there isnt a Ford procedure this way. Dont take any of the latter comments the wrong way, I really dont know and I thought the current system would be to your advantage.
Just curious from every one on the front lines what they are expecting as far as the new engine goes. What are the rumors, "facts", expectations? In general what do you expect to see, what are you hoping to see?
If only it was that simple. Off the top of my head I can think of six different things we can adjust that are necessary to get that magic A/F ratio. Each one has its benefits and its downfalls. If one is a little off the emissions penalties rise exponentially. Regulations are so tight that it tough to find that "line". While you are right too lean will get you in trouble I think you would be surprised at the numbers. The bad part is the methods used to get lean.
Wow, lots of thoughts on this topic. First 1 bar is near 14.5psi so your calculations are close. I am not sure what pressures the 7.3L/6.0L are running but they are probably fairly near that. Better atomized fuel doesnt reduce power it improves it. The reason the power goes down is a function of the EGR usage and the actual timing of the injections. As EGR percentage goes up the fuel requirement goes up to meet a requested torque also goes up. More fuel means more emissions hence the vicious cycle. Lastly if we burn all the fuel you will minimize the particulates but NOx will also go up as a function of combustion temps/pressure. NOx is the major target in the next set of emission rules. I am not surprised Toyota has control software capable of using 7 injections but the real trick is getting the right mix of timing and quanitity to minimize emissions, maximize power and maintain an acceptable level of driveability. The guys doing the calibrations dont just throw values in and hope it performs correctly. There is years of testing involved. In many cases just one little part will take months to get right on. Time will tell whether or not the people who calibrate it have done their job. Has anyone else seen this months 4wheel and offroad? There is an article about the '06 D-MAX. 360hp and 650tq. Interesting reading for those who care....
This article is really only the tip of the iceberg. We have some pretty amazing things coming in the next 5-7years. Some good, some bad but eventually necessary. Should be fun.....
Interesting article. One can only wonder when some of those things will trickle down
We dont have any of these trucks but I know there havent been very many complaints(including yours). The best solution I saw was to vacuum down the system while turning the wheel back and forth and be sure you are using clean MERCON fluid to refill. I know, real big help.......
That is probably true but I dont work for a ford dealership and this isnt your run of the mill injector replacement. I was purposely a little vague on the description out of necessity. See some of my other posts for a possible explanation....
When I got to work today my counterpart had cleaned up the sleeves using the red scotchbrite. Thanks for the tip. Amazingly enough new parts arrived so the o-ring got replaced, the engine reassembled. I put some time on the engine and everything works great. Thanks for all the help!!
This engine is going to be down for the forseeable future while we try and locate some replacement o-rings and copper washers. I will try the scotch brite suggestion and let everyone know how it works. The injector sleeve is out of the question for now. It turns out there is more problems than just the combustion seal so I really have my hands full.
Thanks for the suggestion. I will have to give that a try. I tried spinning a stiff rifle brush that was the diameter of the bore by hand and it didnt seem to do anything. I dont want to score the sleeve then I am really out of luck. Hopefully it works, I am out of options if it doesn't.
I have an engine that needed an injector replacement due to fuel issues. I replaced injectors 2,4,6,8 but I had to reuse the old copper washers that seal the injector to the combustion chamber because there were no replacements available. Anyway the "owner" ran the engine for a little while and it exhibited signs of leakage past the copper washers. I pulled out cylinder #8 and of course it had been leaking. What do you guys use to clean the sealing surface? It has a coating of carbon/soot marking the area the washer was leaking that I cant seem to get off and I dont want/can't to pull the head. Any suggestions?
I am not sure what production level the truck you saw was but I have yet to see one that is much fun to work on. I feel bad for you guys that are going to have to make it on flat rate. Hopefully oil changes will be the only thing the hood is opened for..........
What did you think of the cooling system bundle? Makes you wish for the 6.0 back /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif . Are they starting training classes yet or did you catch one on the road?
The hydraulic launch assist is interesting but I agree more with the other guy that said it may be exhaust aftertreatment. It seems more likely since we havent heard anymore about that since it appeared in the concept truck. The EGT gauge would be nice but it would probably be too small to be of real use(doesnt look like much room in that cluster housing, unless some other gauge got deleted). It will probably be just like the idiot lights we have now that just look like gauges. I certainly wont be losing any sleep over it. I just hope it is calibrated right.
I will give it a shot.........http://forums.thedieselstop.com/ubbthreads/showflat.php?Cat=&Number=2557943&page=&view=&sb=5&o=&fpart=1&vc=1. Interesting comments lately, I wonder how many are correct /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif