Wow, Grandpa Jim...You sure have made a lot of good points in your posting, as have the rest of you.
I left my dealer 3 yrs ago to finish my Heavy Equipment and Bus/Transport trades. There are advantages and disadvantages to those trades. Presently I can top out at almost 33/hr if I make over 12hrs a day. As an apprentice on the heavy side I was making 30$ straight time and all the OT I could work. And they wonder why they have a hard time convincing young guys to get into the Automotive trade. I can also with my class 1, go to work in the patch and make 100k a yr hauling water or doing hot-shot work. It's easy in Alberta to make 100K a year...but when the average house is 430k you have to make that much to live.
Why do we all keep plugging away? Because we are all "gear heads" as you put it. I am only 28 and yes I think I know everything too, but I have been told I am the exception to the rule. Not many younger guys are true gear heads and want to learn. they all want more money, all the glory and won't put forth the effort to learn and do any training.
In our shop the old saying holds true, the more you know, the less you get paid. We have 5 "diesel techs" incl myself. I am the only one trained. 1 will only work on 7.3 and only retail ones at that. The other 3 are spoon fed,have more comebacks than one can count, and flat rate books do not apply to them on retail repairs. I know it sounds like I am bitching, but it is like that where I am. Are there any other shops like that?
Jim, what is the cost of living in SL? 40$hr, need any techs? lol